hi my name ichink piu, Sports with my photography. I come from exactly Manado North Sulawesi Indonesia
hi my name ichink piu, Sports with my photography. I come from exactly Manado North Sulawesi Indonesia
HI all! great to see so many photography enthusiasts just like me. I'm from Northampton, UK. Photography has been my hobby for 8 years now and thanks to my husband i have an oportunity to invest in it and earn (just a little) from it . I always consider myself a beginner as there's still so much to learn... I love portrait photography and would like to explore landscape photography a little morethanks this website for helping us learn
Hello all you good folks who have posted a a message here in the last 24 hours.
Great to have you here as part of CiC.
Glad that you've made your first post, Verdun.
Welcome, Joe, from another B & W enthusiast.
I hope, Ichink Piu, that you find CiC to be a help resource that helps you develop your photographic knowledge and skills.
Well, I hope CiC can help you gain some of that learning. There are lots of people on here who are very willing to share their extensive knowledge and skills.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
My name is Bruce. Having lived in London and the South East for nearly 40 years, I moved to Cornwall a couple of years ago. I have always been a Canon fan and last year I treated myself to an EOS 5Dmk2 and EOS 7D along with some L type lenses. However, I feel that there is a lot of info on digital photograpy and photoshop which I have not yet learned and my aim over the next 12 months is to significantly increase my knowledge base so that I can do justice to the relatively high end equipment I now own. I have to say that I'm very impressed by the huge range of international members on this forum and look forward to interacting with them in the future.
Regards Bruce
PS I should add that I have recently bought a Fuji X10 which is a wonderful little camera.
Well, Bruce, I hope you end up feeling that you've found an online resource that can help you do that. This is a site that is very much about learning and on supporting people reach the levels of knowledge and skill to which they aspire.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Many thanks Donald. I have updated my profile as suggested.
Hi, I'm Don Nadreau and I'm new to this site. I'm interested in feedback on the following photo. Specifically, would you crop the photo to present the sky only or would you leave it as is. Thanks for any input.
Hello Don and welcome to CiC. Great to have you here.
Unfortunately, the image that you referred to didn't show up. For help on how to porst images on CiC, please read - HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
Another thing is - So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Donald, thanks for the welcome. Had a look at your site and was inspired to play with some of my own Scottish scenes in B&W as I realised that this can bring a whole new dimension into the picture and really grab the atmosphere. Your photo of Laggan Dam is sensational, particularly as I am a Lochaber lad - it took me right back home!
Hello, my name is Larry and I'm an enthusiastic hobbiest looking to learn and improve my skills. Spent a lot of money on bad pictures in film in my life so have embraced the digital experience. I use Sony dslr and point and shoot equipment. Have a bad habit of saving everything I shoot and may need group threrapy to help turn loose of the really bad stuff. Looking forward to CiC's offerings for help and improvement. Best regards,![]()
Hi everyone
I am Jannette from Sydney, Australia and look forward to conversing with you. My business is Photography & Graphic Design.
We can all learn something from each other. Thanks, Jannette
Hello, my name is Melinda from Oregon. I have taken pictures with point and shoot cameras my whole life, but never had formal education. I just purchased my first dSLR a Nikon D5100 with a kit lens 18-55mm. I plan on also getting an 18-200mm lens in the near future. I am looking forward to learning about my camera as well as learning photo techniques. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
Hello Melinda and thank you for signing up to CiC. This website is all about learning and is full of people who you'll find are not only very knowledgeable, but who are happy to share that knowledge with others so that we can all learn together. We don't do 'being precious about what I know' on CiC.
So, I hope you enjoy being involved and will post up questions, images for comment and get involved in discussions.
Last edited by Donald; 1st September 2012 at 04:31 PM.
Hi everybody.
I'm Lewis and I live in Lancashire.
I have just recently got into photography so I am a total novice when it comes to manual photography. The reason I have got into photography is that I am also a novice Urbexer.
I currently own a Nikon D60 and I have been given a few hints and tips by the lad I bought it from along with playing about with it myself.
Hi there Lewis,
it's great to have you with us.
"Urbexer.....Urban Explorer, one who explores abandoned places".....I only ask to see if I understand correctly. It sound a great way to get some interesting pictures.
Anyway, welcome to CiC and I look forward to seeing your work and along with the other members helping you to progress with your Photography over the coming weeks / months / years.