Hi Friends... I have a plan to buy a Nikon D3000. need advices plzzzz
Hi Friends... I have a plan to buy a Nikon D3000. need advices plzzzz
Hi Cherie,
I'm glad you're enjoying the Sony and note you seem to have been well and truly infected by the photography 'bug'but after raising four boys, its should be a doddle
Considering your stated desires, the 'tog course is obviously a good idea for learning, but in terms of technique, you can also learn a lot here too and I'd urge you to post images here for critique and feedback, we have many helpful members to guide you.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi awais400,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
This is a good place to learn and in my opinion, your camera choice is reasonable, I considered that model myself in the past. We also have many members with similar cameras.
It would be useful to know your first name and also where you live - just town/city and country.
Best regards,
Hi Sprocket,
It's great to have you aboard.
I am struggling to think of a Pentax owner by name, although I know we have some. (My memory is going)
I think I will copy the question part of the post to another forum when I have finished typing this intro reply to ensure maximum readership.
So, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Sudeep,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
Could you tell us a little more about yourself and what you like, or want, to photograph please?
We'll need that information to help us advise you.
This thread is the best place for an introduction, but this question would be better asked in the DSLR forum (you'll get more answers there).
Best regards,
Hi Strawb77,
I have been a member for around 8 months or so and the help and information from CIC and members is great. I am also in Melbourne but my passion is landscapes and wildlife - mainly birds (in flight if possible).
Welcome aboard.
Thanks everyone!
Speaking of birds in flight - we were driving home from Mornington on Sunday (on the new freeway that goes from Frankston to Kew) and a duck flew above us! It appeared to glide with the car for a moment... but not quite long enough to get the camera out of the bag!Hi Strawb77,
I have been a member for around 8 months or so and the help and information from CIC and members is great. I am also in Melbourne but my passion is landscapes and wildlife - mainly birds (in flight if possible).
Welcome aboard.
Hi, My name is ED, I just joined, lots of great info on this site. I'm a novice photographer. I started on a kodac 8mp point and shoot. that was about 3yrs ago. I got lucky and was abel to get some pretty good shoots. I up graded to a canon 30D right be for the 40D came out(should have waited another month).That being said,I loved the 30D,but I found that I couldnt blow up my shots like I wanted. When the 50D came out I jumped on it. I sold my 30D and bought the 50D kit W/a EF 28-135mm is usm. later I bought a EF 70-300mm is usm, and a EF-S 18-55 is. I noticed the pictures where coming out fuzy w/the 18-55. I read some of the reviews later I learned how important the quality of the lens is w/this camera. I up graded the 18-55 to a EF-S 17-85mm is usm. I know this a mid grade lens, but thats all I could afford. I'm still having problems w/fuzyness, not as bad,but their still fuzy. So heres the question. Would I be better off up grading my camera to a 5D, a 5-MK ll, down grade to a 40D. Or none of the above,and spend more money on lens. I know the lens in most cases will be more thin the up grades in camera. P.S. I like to shoot Landscapes and Archecture,with the occasional family shot or grand kids sporting event. I'm having a hard time desiding which way to go. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Ed.
Mod note: Ed's questions are being discussed here.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 25th November 2009 at 12:45 AM.
Welcome to CiC,Ed.I suggest you post your gear question in the Digital SLR forum.You will get plenty of help there.I have the 50D and the 5DII.The 50D is a very good camera.For what you want to shoot the 50D will do fine.The 70-300 is a nice lens.I don't know anything about the 17-85.I use the 17-55 on my 50D and it's an ouststanding lens.As I said,post in the Digital SLR forum.You will get some good advice.
I have just found the site and was amazed at content after only a quick browse so joined. I am a Scot living in Harrogate and have dabbled with photograph most of my life but not really got seriously. Now retired I have decided I must take it to a new level and actually be using the equipment to produce photographs I enjoyed taking and had an idea of what I was after before I pressed shutter. I use a Nikon D300 with various lenses 10mm to 500mm and a macro in bag. To be honest however I have hardly taken a photo for a few months so decided to join a correspondence course to ensure I have to get out with camera.
Hi Ed,
Good intro post, not much left to ask you beyond where in the world are you (out of interest)?
Jim has given good advice there regarding getting the best out of the forums.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hello Everyone,
I've also just joined the 21st century and bought a Canon EOS 50D. I found this site by researching filters and came across the tutorial. Nice to find a new community - great site!
Jen Meers
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hi Jen,
Welcome to the CiC forums, great to have you with us.
I'd like to ask what you enjoy shooting, but possibly your avatar gives it awayis that one of your shots?
I like the challenge of birds too, what lens(es) do you use?
Look forward to seeing some pics from you I'd suggest starting an album under community above, or of course, you may already have a website somewhere.
Cheers for now,
Hi Gnista,
Sorry, I missed this post earlier, welcome to the CiC forums from me; a southerner living in the southIn fact never lived anywhere else
I suggest getting out with the camera and taking a 'good' photo of almost anything and entering either a Mini Competition, or the monthly.
Or just post some in a forum for critique; we can (collectively) do a good job on that
Oops, I'm getting late for work, so must dash, hope to catch you later.
Don't know how I've missed this site for so long - it's great! Looking forward to reading up on those tutorials.
I started out with film SLR's (Pentax sfx and sf7) in the late 80's then went to digital compacts (was traveling a bit then) and am now back into SLR's - digital of course.
I used to be Canon but have now moved to Nikon. I currently use a D90 with the 18-200VR and I have a Tokina 11-16 f2.8 inbound as we speak
I like to shoot mainly nature/landscapes but also enjoy mechanical things - aircraft/cars/boats etc
I found this forum while searching for info on tripods (I'm in the market for one) so will pop over to the appropriate thread and ask there.
Hi everybody!
I'm a programmer and owns a firm that makes software for image analysis/processing.
I'm also a amateur photographer that right now is struggeling with profiles,papers and such for printing on a epson pro 3800,pheuw - thats hard work!
I prefer to photograph nature,not so much people or things. I'm also a mega geek when it comes to photagraphy related technical stuff. Please bear with me...
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you guys behind cambridge in color, informative,fun and elegant. Fantastic job!
Hi Pesa,
Welcome to CiC - great to have you with us.
I run an Epson 7800, with full colour management - so sing out if you think I can help with your profile issues. Also - if you haven't done so already - you REALLY need to grab a copy of Real World Color Management by Fraser, Murthy, and Bunting. (2nd edition)
Hi All;
I am just joining this site because I found the information & tutorials available very informative and discussion topics interesting. Not sure how I came across it but that's the nature of the Internet, isn't it!
I am from Canada and not really new to photography but always learning. Main subject interests are birds, wildlife & landscape photography. I have an assortment of Canon bodies & lenses and use Photoshop & Lightroom for post processing.
Look forward to participating in the discussions & posting some images to share.
Hi Allen,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us
Just sing out if there's anything we can do to help.