Hello everyone!
I am Sergio and I live in London. I bought my first DSLR yesterday, a Canon EOS 650D, and I am currently learning and improving my photography skills, so bear with me! I thought joining your community would be a great idea to share tricks, techniques and experiences, as well as photos!
See you all soon!
Hello Sergio and congratulations on buying your first DSLR.
I'm not sure that we'll be able to help with 'tricks', but sharing knowledge and experience is what this forum is all about. Of course, the most important thign fro you at the moment is learning how to use the camera. Too many peeple don't take time to study the manual and practice, practice, practice with the camera until it feels like an extension of their fingertips. The good test is when you can adjust all the settings without looking down at any of the controls. The you are starting to master the camera.
I hope you enjoy being part of CiC and I look forward to seeing some of your first pictures.
Hello to you all.
My real name is John,I found this site while browsing the Web. I have been a keen amateur for more years than I care to remember I still class myself as a keen amateur,always keen to learn, and pass on what I have learnt. I use a Canon EOS D400, plus a Canon EF 100-400mm lense. I am very keen to learn more about image processing. And of course meeting you through the forums.![]()
Hello everyone, my name is Ken and I live in London, UK. I took up photography as a hobby about a year ago and have got to grips with aperture, shutter speeds, ISO, white balance etc. I've read lots of books and subscibe to a popular magazine. The main reason I have joined this photography site is because I want to learn more and improve my photography. By joing this site I hope that it will keep me motivated (particularly during this cold winter months), learn new techniques, improve my photography and most of all get feedback on my pictures which I think I want most. I'm also a complete novice when it comes to post production (I have elements 10) so I would like to be able to utilise this tool. Always good to be judged by your peers. My kit comprises of a Canon 60D, EF-s 17-55mm, f2.8, EF 50mm f1.8 and EF-s 55-250mm and Sigma 10-20mm. This covers all my needs. If santa is kind to me then I hope to get a EF 100mm macro in my christmas stocking this yearWell one can always wish. Thanks for reading this somewhat long autobiography and I look forward to contributing to the forums.
Kind Regards
Ken - It's a pleasure to have you here and I hope that CiC proves to be a forum that not only helps keep you motivated, but does indeed help you learn in order to improve your knowledge and skills.
In order to get the most out of posting your images for comment & criticism, this thread gives you some helpful advice and guidance about how to get the best feedback from fellow members.
Hello there!! Im Cristine from CA
Hello Cristine and welcome to CiC. Thank you for joining and I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello to all on this site and as I'm new I thought I would introduce myself.
My name is Frank and I have been 'more' into photography for about three years. I started with a Nikon D60 and now have a D700.. which is excellent ..if I take a bad shot now I know its my fault and not the camera..
But there is plenty to learn whatever camera you have and feedback is very important as those other pair of eyes can always see more, I find and thats why I thought to try this site. I am on a number of 'ning' sites and although the "nice pic" comments are welcome I would very much like the suggestions and critical comments as well.
Have a good Xmas all....
Hello Frank. It's a pleasure to have you here.
Akthough we do get people confining there comments to maybe complimenting someone on an image, we perhaps get more people who do seek to offer constructive comment and criticism when that is asked for. And to that end, this thread gives you some helpful advice and guidance about how to get the best feedback from fellow members.
Look forward to seeing your images and seeing your participation in the forum.
Thank you very much Donald for the welcome, I'm very much finding my way around. I have uploaded a few images but there doesn't seem to be a ' front page ' where photographs can be viewed...or am I just not finding it!!!
From your link it seems to be by posting in "nature and architecture". Is that correct ...?
Yep the two areas for putting images up for C & C are the 'Nature & Architecture' and 'People & Pets'. CiC has not gone down the road of having lots of section fro all sorts of diverse interests. we feel people just get lost in small sub-areas where only a few people ever visit.
In fact, at the moment, we're looking at whether it would be even better to just have the one 'Images for C & C' section.
Introduction: Geoff Sherrington, Melbourne, Australia. Retired Scientist (chemistry, physics). Started my digital processing 1970s from Landsat bitstreams into geological maps, learned handy methods like interpolation now used by digital camera sensors. Earned Associate, Australian Photographic Society, AAPS, from several years of acceptances and prizes in national & international competitions & for some years now a Judge at national level, judging about a few dozen times a year from small to large events.
Have been Nikon sice the 1990s ealy, most work done with Nikon F2-S, Velvia trannies. Have photographed in about 20 countries as an amateur. Mostly used Nikkor standard lenses f 2.8 or tighter - quality is important. Do not take telephone camera images. Bought Nikon 1 V1 soon after release and have opver a year of experience now. It's more powerful than many people think and I have sold all of my other gear and use it solely. In the next few years, firmware developments will be more important to watch than hardware - gone are the days of lusting for acres of special purpose glass.
Recent unexpected arrival of only grandson 2 years ago prompted intensive use of movie facility and has rejuvenated interest in stills. The fast capture rate of mirrorless is one of the important design advances of the decade, combined with big buffers and powerful in-camera software. EXPEED 3 is a winner.
Apart from shooting grandson, emphasis is on landscape, composition and enhancement/manipulation. Have used Corel PhotoPaint since 1993 & feel I have mastered its deepest parts. When I want to do an obvious manipulation to show off I usually take hours to make it seamless; but more often I use enhancement in such subtle ways that it is not apparent to the Have photographed under ultraviolet light and under infra red light using a $million machine owned by others way, way beyond where the human eye goes, just for variety.
Am presently writing an essay "I want to go back to film". Without being rude to digital, I've seen more superior results from devices that do not use regular grids like sensors, monitors and inkjet printers. Grids upon grids give complicated correction softeare, while film is rather irregular layout and does not have some problems.
Anyone have some top quality comparisons of large digital prints with halide equivalents?
Best regards from Down under. Geoff.
Hello, Geoff and welcome to CiC.
I hope you find this a useful and enjoyable resource. Participants on here range from the very experienced to the very inexperienced. All hopefully use the site and this forum to get what they want out of an online resource in terms of knowledge, information and opinion. A key feature is the willingness of the more experienced to share knowledge for the benefit of others and given your own experience, I hope you will be in that group.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Last edited by Donald; 19th December 2012 at 08:32 AM.
Hello MY name is Richard K . i'm new to this forum and am looking forward to posting my pics for comments and discussions
Holla everyone my name is alpha a "documentary" photographer from south africa looking to expand my knowledge.
Hi my name is Beth. I use an Olympus E-510 with an Olympus 14-42mm lens and a 70-300mm lens. I'm just the family photographer, always loved taking pictures of everything, landscapes, grandkids, pets.
Hi Beth, nice to have you on board. (And congrats on filling out your profile so we all know who and where you are.) This is a great forum for sharing and learning - so I hope to see some California images soon.![]()