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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #8681
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Stefk View Post
    Hello everyone. Im Steph and I'd like to learn more about photography in general, which is why this site caught my attention! What an fantastic website . I recently bought a canon 600d to learn with. I'm based in the Lake District and am an outdoor instructor and an aspiring potter. I enjoy landscape photography and also close ups, hopefully of my pottery one day

    Thanks for providing such a helpful and interactive website, having browsed it for about an hour now I have learnt loads.

    Hi Steph,
    Welcome to CiC.
    You are certainly based in a lovely part of the world and one where some great pictures could be captured.

    I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further over the coming weeks.

    So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your real name is; as most of us use them on this site, don't forget you can go to Edit Profile and enter your name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location if you desire, so that it does the same, just as I have done.

  2. #8682
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Good afternoon everyone, so far I think this site is GREAT. I've been a photographer for over 30 years but I took a break from this hobby for a long time (20 years) so I'm just getting started again. A few months ago I new nothing about digital photography so I took a course from NYIP and I now have a good understanding of the basics. I've always owned Pentax gear and I saw no reason to change now and I'm glad I didn't. I have a Pentax ME Super film camera on the shelf, I bought a Pentax K-30, K-01, and Q. I use both kit lenses and a Sigma 70-300, and a 50mm F1.4 along with a half dozen old 35mm lenses. I found a used 360 flashgun on EBay that I'm learning to use. I had 3 old light stands that still work and backdrop stand. I learning photoshop elements which is a lot harder than I imagined. We are all very lucky to have the Internet and sites like this one, in the old days you went to school read books and magazines if you could afford it. It was also expensive to process and print all your mistakes now we just hit delete. Thanks for taking time to read this and I look forward to talking to everyone. Kenny

  3. #8683
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by KenMason52 View Post
    Good afternoon everyone, so far I think this site is GREAT. I've been a photographer for over 30 years but I took a break from this hobby for a long time (20 years) so I'm just getting started again. A few months ago I new nothing about digital photography so I took a course from NYIP and I now have a good understanding of the basics. I've always owned Pentax gear and I saw no reason to change now and I'm glad I didn't. I have a Pentax ME Super film camera on the shelf, I bought a Pentax K-30, K-01, and Q. I use both kit lenses and a Sigma 70-300, and a 50mm F1.4 along with a half dozen old 35mm lenses. I found a used 360 flashgun on EBay that I'm learning to use. I had 3 old light stands that still work and backdrop stand. I learning photoshop elements which is a lot harder than I imagined. We are all very lucky to have the Internet and sites like this one, in the old days you went to school read books and magazines if you could afford it. It was also expensive to process and print all your mistakes now we just hit delete. Thanks for taking time to read this and I look forward to talking to everyone. Kenny
    Hi Kenny,
    Welcome to CiC.
    As I'm sure you can already see this site has some great tutorials and experianced members who are more than wiling to help you.
    It looks like you have more than enough kit to keep you busy and allow you to capture some great pictures.
    I hope you start posting your pictures soon; as they say there's no time like the present.

    I look forward to seeing your work and talking to you further.

  4. #8684
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello Kenny and welcome on board. This is a fantastic place for learning and sharing (and don't neglect the great tutorials). I look forward to seeing some images - is there a style of photography that you particularly enjoy?

    Ah, the ME Super, my first SLR. Sadly traded in a long time ago after some challenging environments - still have the transparencies though .

    You might want to update your profile to add Kenny as your real name - most of us use our first name here - and then it will appear under all your posts.

    Take care, and season's greetings,


  5. #8685
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Looks like we have competitive greeting here

  6. #8686
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Thanks for replying John and Dave, most of my interest is in photographing my 8 year old grandson. I also enjoy anything outdoors and around water. Ill start posting pics when I get home, at my sisters for the holidays. I used the ME a couple of weeks ago and I still like it but i have to go about 15 miles from home to get it processed.and of course it has to be sent away so it's two trips ill update my name right now..

  7. #8687
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by KenMason52 View Post
    Thanks for replying John and Dave, most of my interest is in photographing my 8 year old grandson. I also enjoy anything outdoors and around water. Ill start posting pics when I get home, at my sisters for the holidays. I used the ME a couple of weeks ago and I still like it but i have to go about 15 miles from home to get it processed.and of course it has to be sent away so it's two trips ill update my name right now..
    Capturing pictures of your Grandson is a fantastic reason to return to your hobby.
    The reason I got involved in photography in the 1st place was to try and record (capture) people / buildings and places that would be lost forever as things change over the years. The place I was born looks nothing like I remember as a child, roads have completely gone and now have houses built on them; all I have left of this time is memories.

    Keep enjoying your photography.

  8. #8688
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Merry Xmas to you all at Cambridge in Colour.

    My name is burbach, I have been intersted in photography for a number of years, I have had numerous camera's in the past, I now have invested in a Canon 5D with a couple of L lenses, all I need to do now is to figure out how to use it!

    I am mainly interested in landscape and nature photography and I look foward to using this website/forum to help me become a better photographer!

    Happy New Year to you all!


  9. #8689
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Darren, and welcome to CiC. I expect you've had a good look around before signing up, so I'm sure you'll have seen this is a very welcoming and constructive community to be a member of.

    You have got yourself some very nice kit, there - I'm sure you'll soon figure out how to start using it. And if you are anything like the rest of us it will be a very long time before you've mastered the lot

    Look forward to seeing some of your images before too long.

    Happy New Year to you, too.


  10. #8690

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello, all. My name is Anthony and I just started shooting seriously. I have a Canon T4i and a Rebel XS that was converted to infrared only. I mainly use the stock 18-55mm lens but also use the fixed canon 50mm one as well. I'm saving up for a nice wide angle lens. I teach Latin at the secondary level as my profession. I am most interested in Landscape/Architecture and IR photography. I am hoping to get some good photos posted up here and get some input back from people who know what they are doing.

  11. #8691
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonymagister View Post
    Hello, all. My name is Anthony and I just started shooting seriously. I have a Canon T4i and a Rebel XS that was converted to infrared only. I mainly use the stock 18-55mm lens but also use the fixed canon 50mm one as well. I'm saving up for a nice wide angle lens. I teach Latin at the secondary level as my profession. I am most interested in Landscape/Architecture and IR photography. I am hoping to get some good photos posted up here and get some input back from people who know what they are doing.
    Salvē! to CiC.

    That's the best Latin I could come up with and that was googled.

    This site is a good place to learn, don't forget to have a look at the tutorials.
    I look forward to seeing the 1st picture you post, so hopefully you will be able to post one soon.
    Kind regards

  12. #8692
    New Member Iulia's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello there!

    I'm Iulia, i ran into the website about a week ago in a desperate attempt to learn a thing or two about how to use my camera (Fujifilm S4500) and found it very enlightening. I've already added some info to my profile and if you don't mind, i'll be lurking around asking nooby questions. I'm mostly interested in body art. Hopefully soon i'll be confident enough to post some of the pictures i take.

    Have a great New Year, everyone!

  13. #8693
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Iulia View Post
    Hello there!

    I'm Iulia, i ran into the website about a week ago in a desperate attempt to learn a thing or two about how to use my camera (Fujifilm S4500) and found it very enlightening. I've already added some info to my profile and if you don't mind, i'll be lurking around asking nooby questions. I'm mostly interested in body art. Hopefully soon i'll be confident enough to post some of the pictures i take.

    Have a great New Year, everyone!
    Hi Iulia,
    a big welcome to CiC from me.
    My 1st camera was a Fujifilm and it is a great camera.

    This is a great site to post your pictures and get some good C&C from the members. Don't forget to keep checking out the tutorials, you will learn a lot from them; however practice makes perfect, so keep taking pictures.
    Do not worry about posting your 1st picture, this is a site where everyone only wants to help you improve.
    Post as soon as you can, once you start you won't be able to stop.

    Kind regards

  14. #8694
    AgfaB2's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all at CiC.

    My name is Wolf and I've been trapping photons on and off for the last 50 years.

    My first camera was a Agfa Box (which is still in working order and with me) and my latest is a Canon 550D which has a few improvements.

    My postprocessing skills have likewise improved, from messing around with chemicals to messing around with bits and bytes.

    I've got some experience in analog days as a working pro in Press ("f8 and be there"), Archaeology, Product and Weddings but nothing to write home about.

    In photography I like available light and available gear.

    Technically I am not a Pixelpeepingtom but if needs be can throw an Airy Disk around with the worst of them.

    I've been following a lot of forums for a long time now but never felt like joining one (think Roger Cicala and the hammer).
    Then I stumbled across CiC and it felt like home.

    I do like the atmosphere here and look forward to exchanging experiences and ideas.


  15. #8695
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello Wolf! I don't think we have many Israel based members here. (I confess a personal interest, my wife is a Sabra). With your experience you surely must have a lot to contribute. I hope the rest of us can offer something in return. I hope you will post some images. Dave

  16. #8696

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by JPS View Post
    Salvē! to CiC.

    That's the best Latin I could come up with and that was googled.

    This site is a good place to learn, don't forget to have a look at the tutorials.
    I look forward to seeing the 1st picture you post, so hopefully you will be able to post one soon.
    Kind regards
    Where abouts is the best place to start posting?

  17. #8697
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by anthonymagister View Post
    Where abouts is the best place to start posting?
    it really depends on what type of picture your intending to post. IMO the most viewed area is the 'Nature & Architecture' area of the forum, this appears to me the most likely place to get a response (feedback) quickly. But our Mods. are very forgiving and don't mind to much if pictures end up in the wrong area.
    I look forward to seeing what you post. Don't forget to say if you want C&C, also anything you like or dislike about your shot. If you had any particular goals let us know if you acheived them or not, then you will get good honest feedback.

  18. #8698
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi everyone my name is Jeff Brown. I've been interested in photography for a long time. This Christmas I bought a Sony camera and now I want to get more involved in photography. I enjoy landscape and animals or whatever, makes a good picture. I like to learn as much as I can about photography. I really enjoyed all the information I have read on this website. It seems overwhelming at times, but it is very helpful.

  19. #8699
    AgfaB2's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Dave

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    I don't think we have many Israel based members here. (I confess a personal interest, my wife is a Sabra).
    I like the international flavour of this forum. Originally I'm from Germany (and yes, you may mention the war):
    Drishat Shalom to your wife.

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    . With your experience you surely must have a lot to contribute. I hope the rest of us can offer something in return.
    I'm quite sure of that. It is the reason I joined this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    . I hope you will post some images.
    In due time.

    I stopped working professionally some 20 years ago and since then have been merrily
    snapshooting with P&S and Bridge cams, mainly documenting the growth of my offspring, family events and the like and of course kept up with the development of photography.

    I'm now slowly getting back into the swing of things.


  20. #8700
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Jasonfrank View Post
    Hello to everyone @ Cambridge in Colour, I'm Fred and I use a Nikon D700 with a 28-70mm f2.8 lens. I've also got one of the first D2x bodies and use a 17-55mm f2.8 DX lens with it. I'm not a pro wizard but more than a point and shoot person.
    I'm happy to take portraits of family and friends in my little moble studio lit by 2 bowens lights. I have a question about DOF that I will post later.
    Hi Fred,
    welcome to CiC, it's great to have you on board.
    I'm sure you will be able to help others with less experiance than yourself, but likewise hope you can pick up a tip or two as well.
    If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.

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