Good day to everyone! I'm Aaron from the US and am happy I have found this wonderful forum! I have made a goal to improve my photography abilities and have been searching the internet for some help. The mood of the members here seems very helpful and supportive and I look forward to learning a lot. I have had a Nikon N65 and Coolpix S550 and currently have a Nikon D5100. I am using Aperture 3 on my imac. Thanks for letting me introduce myself and I appreciate any constructive criticism you may offer.
Hi Aaron,
Welcome to CiC, thank you for joining.
The members here are very experienced and willing to help and support each other; so I'm sure you will benefit from being a member.
I look forward to seeing your pictures and talking to you further.
I hope you enjoy posting and being a member.
Kind regards
Hello to everyone, I am a retired LP-Gas service person and a country amateur photographer that likes to take scenery and wildlife photos. I started in my amateur career with a Pratika 35mm film camera and now have a Canon Rebel XT. I shoot in Jpg and Raw, I still like using my old trusty lite meter for exposure. I also do all of my own editing of my photos and print on an Epson 1400 printer. I hope to enjoy reading the forums and suggestions given by other members on photography.
Hello and welcome to CiC.
I hope you enjoy being involved in the forum and that you both gain from being a member in terms of adding to your knowledge and skills, but also in sharing your experience with others in order to help them learn.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello! I'm Laura Cruise from Hanover, PA. I am new to digital photography and I am looking forward to learning more! I have a passion for nature photography and love to worship God through capturing the detail of his creation through the lense. I have a Nikon D5100 and I look forward to sharing work and receiving feedback through this community. Blessings to you and thanks for maintaining such a helpful site!
Hello, I'm Evan and I took my first photograph in 1970 with a pinhole camera, and I was hooked! I've been doing picture taking ever since growing from an old Kodak 620? film camera to my latest acquisition a used Canon 7D. I've very recently gotten interested in astrophotography and hope to be posting some photos from that in the near future. I am getting used to DSLRs in general and have read and experimented for the last 15 years using mostly trial and error with lots and lots of errors. I now know somewhat not to do...I see a lot of great advice here and hope to share some of my own experiences. Thanks and any other questions, just ask...
Rapid is the name given to me by former work colleagues, but my wife calls me Steven, amongst other things.
I own Canon 350D & 600D, 18-55mm & 70-300mm lenses, I was retired in 2010 on ill health, so I took an adult education classes in photography, my main interest are landscape and architecture photography, both of which I'm trying to develop my own style and technique. I will be looking to purchase a "general travel lens" during the year, so the research starts here.
I look forward to taking part in the forum debates and hope to improve my skills.
Hello! My name is Mari and I found your site quite by accident whilst looking at HDR photography. I currently use a Nikon D7000 with mainly an 18-105 lens. I like all types of photography, especially landscapes, street photography and B&W. Wish I could win the lottery so I could have all the time in the world to take photos! LOL
Last edited by mariaud999; 21st January 2013 at 08:13 PM. Reason: Uploading a photo!
Hello you guys and thank you for deciding to sign up to CiC. I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and whatever your current level of knowledge and experience, you find it a useful resource to continue your learning and a place in which you can enjoy the company of other enthusiasts.
Rapid and Mari - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Helio my name is Joanne and I just took my new olympus omd em5 out of its box this afternoon! I retired last summer, got married and moved up to the bush from the city. The winter is getting long and I figured I needed a hobby. Am so looking forward to taking some pictures
Hi Joanne and a warm welcome to CiC. Retiring, getting married, moving up country AND getting a new camera - must be almost too much excitement. If you've had a look around here you'll have seen it is a friendly and supportive place to help you learn your new hobby. I look forward to seeing some pictures from beautiful BC (we spent some vacation time there a few years back) and to hearing more from you.
We've had a few cms of snow here and the country has ground to a halt. I don't think I'd do too well in Canadian winter.
Cheers, Dave
hi , my name is Alan . i am a student from kerala, india and very much interested in photography . i only have a canon powershot A2200 camera . i like to know more about professional photography and want to be a good photographer . i believe that CiC will help me in the same .
thank you all ..
Hello Joanne and welcome. I am sure you will enjoy this place as much as I do. Awaiting your picture of "Beatifull British-Colombia". We have a lot of snow here and minus -21C here. Must be warmer on the west coast.
hello, name iz filmon & me, my camera nikon d3000 just new to the photography world but i'm hopin on getting better with the help of CiC!!
Hi, checking in here on CiC to pick the brains of all you good folks. I have been using CiC for some time to get tutorials and tips, so prepare for some really very silly questions!
Hi Alan, and welcome to CiC. I hope that you enjoy being a member here, and that this community can help you on your journey to being a better name is Alan . i am a student from kerala
No need to apologise for your camera. You can find threads on here that show what stunning pictures can be made with a "point and shoot" camera. Your eye for a picture and for composition is what matters most right now. If you have questions, or you want feedback on one of your photographs, just ask in one of the forums: everyone is very welcoming and helpful.
I visited Kerala a little while ago - it's a beautiful and varied part of the world. I hope we will see some pictures before too long.
Best regards,
Hi there, and welcome to CiC. If you are new to photography (an even if when you become very experienced!) this is an excellent place to learn. Feel free to ask questions in the forums, and don't forget the excellent tutorials, too.hello, name iz filmon
You might want to update your profile with your name and whereabouts in the world you are. That way they will appear in any of your posts, just like mine do under my avatar picture.
I look forward to hearing more from you,
Hi David and welcome to CiC.Hi, checking in here on CiC to pick the brains of all you good folks. I have been using CiC for some time to get tutorials and tips, so prepare for some really very silly questions!
I'm glad that you've found the site useful, and have decided to join. There is one rule here, though:
There are no silly questions
So ask away - you'll always get an answer or two from this community.
What kind of photography are you interested in - it would be good to see some examples of your work.
Look forward to hearing more from you,
Hello everyone. My name is anibal and I am from Portugal. Shoot with a Nikon D300 mostly product photography. Think this is one of the most helpful photography website related. I hope to enrich the content of this forum.![]()