i have a research about surreal photography classification around the world , i hope to discuss it her , how can i do this ,
i have a research about surreal photography classification around the world , i hope to discuss it her , how can i do this ,
Hi, i've just joined the community.
My name is Simon and i am based in Queenstown, New Zealand.
I own my own photography business which i have operated since 2001.
I work mainly in the tourism portraiture market but am happy to tackle any photography work.
We work with many tour coach companies photographing the groups against our spectacular scenery.
We also provide photography for many international companies that host conferences and incentive groups here.
In addition in any spare time i shoot family portraits outdoors, as well as landscape photos to build up my stock library.
There is never a shortage of unique locations every way you turn here. You don't need to travel far to unravel a new landscape opportunity here during the vastly different seasons we experience in the mountains and around the lakes.
Our business is called Queenstown Group Photos.
Our website is group photos.co.nz
I have recently joined the Facebook trend for the business also.
My goal this year is to get out there more between work and capture many more amazing landscapes. It sure gets you fit!
My name is Zelda. I love photography as a hobby but also aim to develop a professional career. For the moment, I use Fuji film fine pix SL 260 and would like to buy all the accessories that go with the camera. One thing is that I do not really know how to use them and don't know if the camera would be of any help for professional work!! I started looking at some photos of professional photographers and tried to have a collection of my own and have people look at them! I got a negative feedback from my tutor so I decided to learn more and improve as much as I can! Thank you all![]()
Hello, my name is Linda and I moved to Toronto, Canada, ten years ago from Scotland, UK. I have enjoyed my hobby over the years, but since becoming unemployed at the end of December, 2012, I decided to take the bull by the horns and, hopefully, learn the technical side of my passion. I have just started an online photography course and there's a whole lot to learn!!
I found this site by accident whilst surfing the net and it looked very interesting. I am hoping that it will help me in my studies and any future tips would be very much appreciated.
That's all for now.
Warm Regards,
Hi, My name is Chris and I recently discovered your site and was very impressed by the professionalism, quality of advice and supportive nature - hence my decision to join! Although I do less photography now than I did a few years ago I was lucky to be invited to work with an adventure travel company recording the experiences of people 'over-landing' This means travelling across the world in a converted truck, camping and generally getting out there. Hence I managed to get to some pretty remote places!
I am a Canon user, work with Aperture, Photoshop & Nik Software.
Please feel free to browse here www.chrisblade.com
Another rush of new folks signing up since I was last here. Fantastic!
Welcome to: Arsian, Andrea, Ahmed, Simon, Zelda, Linda and Chris.
It's great to have you all here and I hope you enjoy being part of CiC for a long time to come.
I'm very happy that you did.
Andrea - I hope that with all you knowledge and experience, you will share your skills with others on here so that they can learn and become better photographers.
Ahmed - I suggets you insert this post into the 'General Photography Discussion' section of the forum.
Simon - I hope that you too will feel able to share your experience so that others can benefit from your knowledge and skills. CiC is that sort of forum. And I look forward to you being part of the discussions on here.
Zelda - I hope that CiC can help you with your learning. There are lots of people on here with huge amounts of knowledge adn experience who are always willing to share that so that others can be as good at photography as they want to be. All you have to do is ask the questions. There is no such thing as a dumb question on this forum.
Linda - Very glad you came across us. Where did you live in Scotland? I hope you'll find that CiC is worth sticking around in.
Ok, Chris, you can stay!
I suspect that you're going to have a number of people all over the world drooling with admiration and envy.
Hello. My name is Eileen. I am retired and live in Kent. I have always loved photography and was given a Pentax K20 as present a few years ago. I completed OU T189 in October 2010 and joined the T189 Flickr groups. Last year I did a 366 which has improved my photography. I found this site when looking for info on diffraction....what a find. I have posted a link on our T189 Flickr group. Looking forward to seeing all your images and comments.
Thank you for your comments about the site. And I hope that being part of the forum adds to the experience. The forum is, simply, its members. The fact that so many people seem to find being part of it both useful and fun is down to the people who make it up.
And I'm sure others on here look forward to seeing you images.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Hi all, My name is Tomika, from India. i am not a professional Photographer but recently felt in Love with the art....i'm glad that i joined this group, got to learn much....thank you!
hi everybody, i am rajeev . i am from India. I am quite keen on photography, i used to own a vivitar film camera, then shifted to a canon compact camera and am now planning to upgrade to a entry level dslr. nikon d3200 being the camera i am looking at. i am really new to all the technical aspects of digital photography and hence here i am as part of this forum.
Hi from Greece...My name is Bill..
I am a new fotographer with a Nikon D5100...I use the kit lenses 18-55mm and 55-200mm..
I'm new to the forum after getting a link sent to me this evening. I have always enjoyed taking photos but have become more serious about it over the last year. I use a Nikon D3000 and although I haven't settled on any particular genre, I particularly like landscape and nature photography. Looking forward to chatting to other members and learning more.
Hello everybody.
I have just taken up D SLR photography after many years of taking memory jogger pictures with my Sony compact. I have a Canon 650D SLR and getting familiar with its various functions with a kit lens and a Canon EF-S 18-200mm lens. I am going on a trip to Japan shortly and hope to capture some good images there and kick start my digital photography journey.
Last edited by Malcolmgc; 3rd February 2013 at 06:43 AM. Reason: missed out a word
Hello, I'm Kenny and live in Dundee, Scotland. I've been a keen (very amateurish) point and click photographer. I've now taken the plunge and bought a Canon EOS 600D. Now looking to learn how to use it!!!! and share my pics and learn from like minded souls....you all seem friendly enough...so far!
Hi. Kenny
It was a wonderful experience & I still miss it. I wish I knew then as much as I know now!
Tomika, Rajeev, Bill, Shadow, Malcoln, Kenny. Thanks for deciding to join CiC.
to have you here.
Kenny - I'm just along the A90 from you (and I work in Dundee).
I hope each of you enjoys being part of CiC and you get our of the forum whatever you want/need to help you grow and develop your photographic knowledge and skills.
CiC is very much a resource for learning and that's the way everyone approaches their involvement, whether they are an inexperienced person who just needs to learn, or knowledgeable and experienced photographer who is able to share that knowledge and experience so that others can learn.
For those of you haven't done so and so that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello! I live in Vermont in the USA, thus the screen name, Green Mountain Girl. My home is the the southwest corner, near both Massachusetts and New York. Although I have been taking pictures since I was a kid, I did not take it seriously until the last several years. Bought my first digital camera (point and shoot), took lots of pictures with it - not too bad. But eventually I began to feel frustration with the degree of control I had over the results. Last year at this time I took the plunge and purchased a DSLR, the Nikon D7000 along with two "kit" lenses - the 18-105mm and the 55-300mm. I knew I was undertaking a big project with the steep learning curve just to work the camera, but am very glad I made the move. Now my frustration is with my struggles to improve my photographic techniques. This is how I discovered this website. I have been going to DPR forums, and someone mentioned an article on it. The articles are very good. I am going to jump right in and post a question on the forums. Looking forward to getting to know you!
Last edited by Green Mountain Girl; 3rd February 2013 at 07:56 PM. Reason: mis-spelled word
My name is Thiago, from São Paulo - Brazil and I am starting to learn about photography. I was searching the web for a good source of technical information and I stumbled with CiC. Is a great site with lots of great detailed info. It has become my first reference site for photography.
For now, I have a Canon S100. I am planning to get a Canon 60D in the future, but only if my photos become good enough.
Thats all, cheers
What you've got to hold onto is that this is a perfectly normal phase on the learning curve. It's hard not to get disheartened, but whenever that feeling comes along, get on here and have a rant. Some one will come in to provide support and guidance.
I'm very glad you found CiC and I hope you'll enjoy being involved.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Thiago - I'm very glad to read that you think CiC has been so helpful. That's really good news.
I hope you enjoy being part of the forum and that you find the website even more useful as a result.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.