Stick with it, Ron. It's all seems very easy once you get it. Have a read of this thread - HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
Stick with it, Ron. It's all seems very easy once you get it. Have a read of this thread - HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
What a very wise and discerning photographer!
Hello David and a warm welcome to CiC. Great to have you here.
I know what you mean about the really fast lens. But, you're just at the start of learning and there is nothing wrong with the kit lenses. They are still very capable of helping you produce high quality pictures. The important thing is that you practice, practice and practice some more until you get to know the gear that you have inside-out.
I think what you'll find on here are lots of people who will be very willing to share their knowledge and experience in order to help you build up your skills. So, please do ask whatever questions you have and post up messages if you are not clear what people are saying in a discussion, but you want to find out.
Hello to all at Cambridge in Colour - greetings from 'grey' Cambridgeshire. My interest in photography has stemmed from my athletics coaching and my professional work to value and market certain industrial assets. In both cases I have a found a good picture speaks a thousand words. Unfortunately some of my photos are currently less eloquent... I am still getting used to the Canon 7D and 5D mark III that I have access to.
Welcome on board, Nick. Nice to have someone else who lives close to the spiritual home of CiC!
I hope you enjoy being invovled and that it deos help you improve and get the best out of those camera bodies.
Ron - I'm probably being very stupid, for which I apologise, but I don't know what it is you're looking to do.
You've posted a message in here - the 'New Member' introduction thread. You seem to have got your profile up and running well, including entering your 'real name' and location ... which is great. I can't think what else there is that you want to do.
The only thing it might be is that you feel you didn't complete your profile on signing up. If that is the case, then go to 'Forum Actions' in the menu bar above and choose 'Edit Profile'.
Hello frnds i m new in this forum..
Last edited by Donald; 15th February 2013 at 08:53 AM.
No. In fact your only previous post was in 2008, at which time you again inserted a hyperlink that is now no longer active.
I have removed the advertising link that you put into your message above, on the grounds that that it is suspected that this is just a spam post. If I am mistaken, I apologise.
hello guys,
I am new to this i would like to introduce myself. I am JackLee i am from austrailia. i am intrested in photography at the age of 14. so i want to know using this forum. so its good for me to discuss the topic with you.
Jack - It's great to have you here and I hope you enjoy being part of the CiC forum.
There a lot of people on here who have lots of knowledge and experience about photography. They will be very happy to help you develop your own skills through answering questions and giving advice.
If you have any questions about how to use the forum, please do just ask.
There are people of all ages on here and it's great to have another young person joining up.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
To whomever started and continues to maintain this site, thank you. My name is David and I have been taking pictures (not photographs) for a little while. Mostly sports in the past but with the full frame Xmas present I received this year I intend to try my hand at landscape and nature. I am by nature a self taught individual as I tend to read and study everything I can regarding any new endeavour. I can't take a decent photograph in nature to save my own life yet, but I refuse to stop trying until I get the shots that I admire all over sites like this. I have been told (by the giving wife that gave me the new Canon 5D Mk II) that I must now provide her with stunning images worthy of the walls of our home. No pressure, right? Anyway, to those of you who know what you are doing, thank you for your help in advance. For those of you who may be more like me, let's see if we can't grow at this together. If I can in any way help you, let me know as I am sure that I will be begging for assistance myself from all of you. One more thing, I appreciate honesty in regards to images I may post. Please tell me what you are thinking and if you can, please give advice as to how I may improve.
Hello, my name is Mike. I am a beginner who has always enjoyed taking pictures but recently took the next step and got myself a "nice" camera, a Sony a37, for Christmas. I stumbled across this website while looking for tutorials and decided to join so I can continue to learn and to get feedback on my pictures. I look forward to posting here. Thank you to those who put together this helpful site and keep it running.
That, David, is absolutely the best attitude you could have. I always think of CiC as being something that exists for those of us hungry to learn and improve and with that determination to succeed, I hope you find that being involved in this forum is helpful.
You have a very, very nice wife. Could you get her to send an e-mail to my partner telling her how nice it is to buy your mate a new camera! Mind you, mine is still waiting on me to start taking the nice colour images that she can put up on the wall (I tend to do B & W).
Anyway, great to have you here.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile and enter your proper name under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts.
Very glad that you did, Mike and I hope that being part of CiC does help your learning.
What I like about the site is the willingness of people to share knowledge and experience. There is no such thing as a dumb question on here and you can guarantee that if you've thought of a question and ask it, there will be lots of people looking in who've also thought of the same question but were too nervous to ask it. So, go for it.
Hiii Donald i m sorry to posting like that....
Hello my name is Kevin Zini and from the U.P. of Mich. New here and wanting to learn a little more about photography. I have worked as a photographic lab tech for 25 yrs, photographer of wildlife & nature, sports. weddings, families, and seniors. Its alway nice to see what everyone else is doing in the field of photography. And learn from differant people. But my real passion is kayaking and taking photos of wildlife and nature. Will post some photos soon once i learn this site a little better. What a great place to learn. Thank you.
Hello everyone at CiC. My name is Mike, i'm 63 years old and retired. I started my interest in photography in 1972 when I bought a Pentax SP II with a 50mm f1.2 - f22 lens, whilst serving with the RAF in Hong Kong. I added a x2 teleconverter and had many enjoyable years. My next door neighbour had a dark room and taught me about D&P and enlarging techniques. Sadly My trusty old Pentax died in 1986. After many years of being camera free (apart from some point and shoot film cameras) I have now bought myself a Canon EOS 650D with both the EFS 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 and a EFS 70-300mm f4-5.6 lenses and i'm here to re-learn things forgotten and to learn about the digital photography world.
Thanks Donald. I took your advice and ponied up with my proper name. Seems like the internet has made people a little wary of exposing (not a bad job of injecting big photo words, huh?) themselves too much. I stand guilty as accused.
Hello. My Name is Linda and I am new to the world of Photography. I have always loved taking pictures of everything but Nature is my fave. I joined this site with the hopes to learn and share the joy of photography with others who have the passion also. I just recently bought my first DSLR which is a Nikon D3200 and have the lenses that came with and am having a ball using them![]()
Hello to you three folks (Kevin, Mike, Linda) who have joined up this afternoon (UK time). Thanks to each of you for deciding to 'sign-up' on CiC.I hope you find out that it was a good decision.
Each of you has a different range and level of experience and what I hope you find is that this a forum for everyone. Most importantly, it's s forum where the people with lots of knowledge and experience are always happy to share that in order to help colleagues with their learning.