Wm David ... sounds like you have a pretty nice set up. From what I've seen with the exception of the welcome forum, you ... like myself are at the right place to grow in our photography experience.
Wm David ... sounds like you have a pretty nice set up. From what I've seen with the exception of the welcome forum, you ... like myself are at the right place to grow in our photography experience.
Hello My name is Bill and i have just had the pleasure of joining here, I am an amateur photographer (just taken up this intrest and am very keen to make progress as i find it a wonderful and interesting challenge) I live in Stalybridge Nr. Manchester , I hope to meet like minded people here as I have found scarceity of such in the area in where I live.
Last edited by imageofbill; 20th January 2010 at 04:37 PM. Reason: error in original
Welcome Bill,
I sort of joined the group for the same reason, I have a few friends who are interested in photography but their lifestyles limit them to what they photograph. I thought about joining a club in my area of WNY, and I still might, but this forum works for me. There are a few photography seminars listed throughout the country and I might also attend a few of these. One good thing about photography is that we all recognize and appreciate the equipment of others. It is so easy to start a conversation with a fellow photographer when you are out and about practicing your skills.
Hi guys !
I'm Duc and i'm studying in Singapore. I've been messing with my d3000 for a month now.
The first time i knew of this "CiC" was when i looked up for info about filter glasses. I find the site's tutorial helpful and interactive.
Well, i hope to learn more from u guys and contribute whenever i can.
Hello, my name's Rich and I'm a staff nurse and an amateur photographer from Norwich in the UK. I shoot using a Canon EOS450D as my main SLR, also use a Canon Ixus 82IS as a backup and for those times when an SLR is impractical.
Will start posting some images soon and look forward to entering some of the challenges you have. I still consider myself a beginner, so will look forward to hearing some of your constuctive criticisms and hopefully make my photography a bit better!
Cheers for now!
Is this where I do the jumping in bit?
I was trained as a photographer on National Service in the RAF, have been a tv cameraman, and many other things. After a spell of digital, I've decided I'd really like to do "real" photography again, but so many techniques seem to have changed.
Have they really?
Hey - another Donald! We're on a roll.
Welcome (and to) everyone else over the past few days.
Hi my name is Joe and I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada. I am impressed about the information and pictures posted on this site. I shoot a Canon Xti and now recently a 5D. I like shooting all variety of pictures. Hope to learn some things and share some pictures from around Western Canada.
Hello Joe.
I remember reading about the adventures of Ace McCool in a Canadian flying magazine many years ago.
This is a great bunch, very helpful.
Welcome aboard.
Hi, I am Sergey Smorovoz from Russia (Moscow).
I love photography: landscape, animals, portrait, etc.
I hope to find here friends to communicate and share experiences.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English.![]()
Welcome Sergey:
This is a great forum with lots of very capable photographers willing to help.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Good to have you with us,
Hi, All;
I've been reading the forum for a few months, and I've been very impressed with the knowledge and the patience of the members, especially in comparison to similar forums I've spent time in, like for computer programming or frequent flyers. People come here with the most elementary questions, and sometimes seem not even to have read their product manual, and professional photographers here walk them through how to make an exposure. It's wonderful.
I've been taking pictures as a pretty serious hobby for 30 years, and did my own darkroom work for a while (almost all B&W). I've never been able to justify to myself the cost of professional gear, but have always had SLRs, then a Canon 400D, now a 500D but with a 17-55 2.8 USM instead of the kit lens.
I'm a software developer by trade, and use Photoshop Elements for post-processing. I'm interested in the math and the optics, but I try not to let that get in the way of looking at results.
Rick Wise
... and many other photography forums that I've had a look at.
Welcome Rick. I think you're right. The amount of knowledge and experience that hangs around in here, coupled with the willingness to share, encourage, support and constructively criticise does, I believe, make this forum different.
Hello everyone just joining... Just joined myself too & really happy to be here!I feel am at home. My name is Inebi & I l love Photography. I have a lot of interest in travel, food, fashion, buildings & interiors. I do some photography, but want to do it really properly. I am thinking of buying a really fancy camera as the one I use is the P50 Samsung with a 10.2 mega pixel, with a 3x 200m zoom and 6.2 -18.6 zooming/focal lens. The lens aperture is 2.8 -5.2. Is this a good camera for taking pictures if I want to take professional looking pictures for the food I create?
What I am saying is that I want to be a professional photographer as I have so many interest and should just document them.![]()
Hi Anuschka,
I'm sure you can contribute, so please don't stop at the first post, jump right in with any questions, or indeed answers, you may have. Or put a photo or two into a challenge.
We have at least two things in common I believe; PBase and Nikon, although I wish I had more than one Nikkor!
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...