Hi there,
Well, I'll admit it has been so long I had to look it up, but I gather you must keep all your chemicals the same temperature then? Or did you just give that up and go Digital
Now there's a word I haven't heard for donkey's years!
No doubt there's a Photoshop plug in to make it though
Any chance of a first name for conversational use? Thanks.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi there,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, its great to have you join us.
Hmmmm, I'm just learning the hard way about writing a Db app with old fashioned hand coded asp web pages at the momentI know there are easier ways, but at least when I move on to them, I'll appreciate them better
Hope to see you joining around here in real soon.
All the best, Da....
ooh, one last thing; any chance of a first name?
New Member as PhotoLocate, although my birth certificate says Mike Peak.
Retired Accountant enjoying Photography. Results can be seen at http://www.photolocate.com. Also on Twitter as Photolocate and a blog at http://photolocate.blogspot.com/.
Using Canon 5d and busy uploading images to website in the hope of supplementing the pension
Interested in General photography with an emphasis on Natural History, Travel and anything unusual and/or attractive. No glamour or way-out subjects!
Hi! I'm Terry Tedor from North Pole, Alaska, which is in the interior near Fairbanks. I've been taking pictures since the late '60s. Shot strictly film until early 2003 when I bought my wife a Canon G3 for her birthday but "borrowed" it a lot. I moved up to my first DSLR last year, an EOS 50D, which I am still learning. For lenses I have: Canon EF-S 18-55, Canon EF 70-300, and 2 Sigma's - 30mm f/1.4 and a 50-150 f/2.8 The Sigmas are relatively new and haven't seen a lot of work. I enjoy landscapes/scenic, nature and night (low light) work. We get lots of night here in the interior of Alaska in the winter.
I enjoy the tutorials here and am always looking for ways to improve my techniques and picture taking skills. Am looking forward to participating in the forums here and enjoy looking at other folks' pictures, both to marvel at their work and the beauty of the world around us and as a source of inspiration.
Welcome Terry,
Looking forward to seeing some of your Alaskan photographs.
Greetings to all.
I happened on this forum by chance and it seems to be a friendly and informative site so I have joined.
I'm a relative newcomer to digital photography though many years ago worked as project photographer for a mining company and also the New Zealand Antarctic base for a year.
Since buying my first Canon SLR in 1966 (Canon FT) I have been an absolute Canon fan. I love the quality of Nikons as well, but everything turns the opposite direction, if you comprehend what that means to an impulsive man! So Canons it is.
Have just moved from 5D to 5D2 and am enjoying the process...though it puts an even greater onus on me to play my part correctly. The potential for superb image quality is only met by astute attention to detail...not blaming the gear when things go wrong.
Which brings me to the thing I love second best about photography...it is a continuous learning process, even for an old spook like me!
I look forward to "meeting" others as we go along.
Great to have you join us!
I, like you, am a Canon man currently shooting with a 5D Mk2 as well and there's getting to be quite a few on this forum. I think you'll find this forum very informative and, with your experience, I'm sure you'll be able to make a major contribution yourself.
Looking forward to seeing some of your shots.
Welcome to all the new members.
Terry, I lived a bit West of you for a year and half. Tanana isn't that far from you, in Alaska miles..
Prior to that, I lived a long ways West of you, looking at a foreign country.
Shadowman, thanks for the welcome. I'll have to see if I can put some up here for you to take a look at.
Pops, No Tanana isn't too far at all. Small world. Imagine meeting someone here who's lived in Tanana! Neat.
West as in out on the Bering Sea?
Hello from Canberra, currently a very hot and dry part of Australia.
I hope this post is in the correct part of the forum as I just want to briefly introduce myself before I start asking questions.
I live 25 Km from the centre of Canberra, the capital city of Australia where currently it's just too hot to venture out to photograph anything. I have been spending time in the cool of the house on the internet researching photography as I have only recently purchased a DSLR and have a LOT of learning ahead.
I am currently sorting through 2,500 images taken on my DSLR during our 2 month trip from the top of the Shetland Islands to Land’s End and Paris.
Camera: Canon 500D EF-S 17-85, EF-S 55-250, & EF 50 F1.8.
My name is Gordon, the user name comes from my long term love of creating things in wood.
I came across this site looking for photography groups in Cambridge, UK
I've long been taking holiday and party snaps with various digital compacts. Occasionally a great photo would come out, but it was more through luck, with the camera settings at the camera's whim. I always wished I had more control and I'm now looking into making it a hobby.
Anyway, I finally took the plunge in the post-Christmas sales and got a DSLR - Nikon D3000. I've been reading up on the basics on various sites and have been out once every weekend on "photo walks" to experiment with different settings. In the summer I'm keen to take the camera to various cricket matches and try it out.
In the meantime, I've read some excellent posts on this site and looks like a friendly place to hang around for advice and sharing ideas.
Hello anyone I have never entered into this sortof thing before so bare with me.
I have a 50d camera and I love it and I will be contributing as much as I can,however I am having a heck of trouble getting my prints to match the colour on the screen.
I have a Canonpixma4000 printer acouple of years old, I would love some advice on how to callibrate the printer if that is the cause. By the way I'm 66 so be gentle with me, as if thats not enough I live in the middle of Northumberland and support Newcastle United,but, I dont watch Eastenders or Corrie . Jim
Hi all,
just join the forum.hope can make a lot friends with the same interest
had a nikon slr and few lens in the bag.
best regards,
Welcome to you Gordon, another Aussie and welcome to all you other newees. I'm fairly new myself and can say 'Cambridge' is great.
I singled you out Gordon 'cause you are a fellow Aussie. I'm from Melbourne but have lived up here in Norway for the past 10 years ... something to do with the lady in my life! Can't say its very hot here just now ... see the thread about Aussie Day and the snow bound flag!
Hi everyone,
I am himangshu I am a Data Upload Engineer.
I love photography.
This is a good place to learn and in my opinion.
I own a Panasonic( FZ18) so you people help me about photography .
Thanks & Regards,
Hello himangshu:
Welcome to the forum.
There is a wealth of information to be had on this site. Lots of experienced photographers always willing to help.
You might also spend some time going through the Tutorials which are extremely informative.
We look forward to your participation.
Hi, my name is Jan, i am from Czech republic. I am working in hospitality and photography is my lovemy first camera was Canon powershot A70 and then 350D.. with Sigma 18-50mm f3,5-5,6 all second hand
been posting my photos on Czech sites but was not happy with non-constructive criticism![]()
Hopefully here I'll get some good advise and maybe the direction in my Photography
Thank You
Jan Matatko
Last edited by Jan Matatko; 28th January 2010 at 02:57 PM. Reason: picture didnot upload