Hello forum members !
i am AHSAN RAZA ,just joined beautiful place with allot of knowledge,
Just bought nikon d5000 with 18-55, wish can get some help from u all guys how to handle the machine ,
Cheerz all,
Hello forum members !
i am AHSAN RAZA ,just joined beautiful place with allot of knowledge,
Just bought nikon d5000 with 18-55, wish can get some help from u all guys how to handle the machine ,
Cheerz all,
Hi All,
Just joined. The tutorials and the Cambridge gallery (I went to St John's College) were the motivation. The tutorials are very clear and informative so ought to improve the quality of my images. The galleries bring back happy days!.
I am mostly interested in travel photography (www.jules7.smugmug.com ). Use Nikon DSLRs (D40 and D300s) and Nikkor lenses. PP in NX2. Looking forward to contributing.
Hi Richard,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
Your intro got me thinking (oh dear!)
I can see what you mean about Canon twists one way and Nikon the other, I wonder if there is a correlation of preference for one or the other with left or right handers? Although as the bodies are inevitably right hand shutter finger, maybe it doesn't. These days of course, you can reverse the direction of the camera controls and indicators, but not lenses for zoom and focus. Anyway, I digress...
Oh, lookie, I have just seen where you are from, there's a rumour around here, that there is another 'tog' down there, give him my regards if you bump into him- "Colin", I think he's called
Hope you pop back and post again, all the best,
Hi Gordon,
This is the perfect part of the forum for this sort of thing
You must combine the two loves (wood and photography) and show us what you get up to in the cool of the house
Oh, and of course, some pictures from your trip to the bit of the planet unlucky enough to have me.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Sam,
Great to have you join us.
If you have any queries on the D3000, there are several other owners here and I have a D5000, so just holler in the DSLR forum if need be.
I don't know what lens(es) you have, but for cricket, I imagine you'll need something that goes to 300mm ideally, or an 18/55-200mm at least.
Hope you come back to hang out here again soon.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Jim,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I am going to copy the question part to a more appropriate forum so it gets noticed there, I am not the expert on this topic, but as the saying goes "I know a man who is"That said, this is generally a problem that can be resolved with money, as with anything photographic
So, what's with all the 'pots and pans' in your username? Did you work for Tefal?
Best regards,
I live in Adelaide South Australia and am an amateur using Canon 40d with a few other toys (not nearly enough though)
Hello all, I've just come back to photography after many years doing that work thing...hoping to have fun and learn A LOT ! site looks really good, lets see how it goes ! Anyone needing a second brain to work something out, please give me a shout, tooooooo much time on my hands
All the best
Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Michele e sono un appassionato di fotografia.La mia macchina fotografica è una Olympus E510 + qualche accessorio. Ho trovato su un CIC Che link parla di RAW e ho scoperto Che CIC chiarisce delle cose veramente interessanti e che si fa capire benissimo. Complimenti. Purtroppo non ho dimestichezza con l'inglese ma approfittando dei traduttori in rete spero di non Avere e di non osare problemi.
Grazie di avermi accettato Nella vostra comunità.
cordialità uno michele44 tutti
Hey, all. I've been shooting for a while now, and I'm constantly learning. My grandfather gave me my first camera when I was 8, a Canon AE-1 Program. I've been in love with photography ever since. I currently shoot a Canon 40D, and an Elan II. I look forward to learning a bit from this forum.
Welcome to all the new members this week.
G'day from Far North Queensland. I have been reading CiC for some time now and finally decided to take the plunge and join the forum. I hope I can learn about good photography and perhaps even contribute. I love getting out of doors and doing some landscape photography, particularly in my two favourite parts of the world - Tropical North Queensland and South Island, New Zealand.
Hi to all. My name is Rich from Somerset in UK and I have been taking photographs "seriously" for about 2 years and feel I am improving slowly. My current camera is a Canon eos 40D and I have joined to discuss tricky matters with like minded people! In my world, there is more than one circle of confusion!!
Hi Everyone
I am Susy and like you all enjoy taking photographs!
My interest started using an SLR at college as part of Graphic Design course in the days of 35mm film. For years I found the whole digital camera thing rather disappointing but I now have a Nikon D40 and am once again hooked. I am not that technically minded, more interested in capturing images so can be very hit and miss. I am a snap loads and delete later kind of girl. I hope this forum will give the chance to learn more tech stuff as well as share my interest with others.
Hi Susy,
Welcome to the group. I too thought of myself as an intuitive photographer mainly with a point and shoot camera. However, as I began to venture into night photography I realized that I needed better technology to achieve my goals. I still use an intuitive approach sometimes but another part of me believes that wasted opportunities (once in a lifetime vacations) will leave me regretting not being able to use my camera to its full capabilities.
My name is Ben and I have been taking photos for about 45 years. I was using a Canon F-1n for 25 years. I was also doing my own B&W processing and dabbling in color. Three years ago I received a Canon A710 IS as a gift with which I have taken more than 10,000 photos. With the PP possibilities I will probably never go back to film. Now I am looking to buy a DSLR to get back most of the capabilities I had with the F-1. I am looking at the Nikon D90 but am open to suggestions.
Hi Ben,
Welcome to the group. What is it about the D90 that has you leaning towards this model? I and a few others have some experience with the Nikon system and think it is a reliable piece of equipment. Looking forward to hearing more about your decision.