Shadowman, not being a paid photographer, I just pick and choose. I've done a couple of local horse shows(small ones), but I prefer to do just what you mentioned - portraits. LOVE doing them all: race horse, show horse, trusty trail horse... My goal would be do achieve a level or proficiency where people might actually commission me to do animal portraits. For now, I just practice on whatever I can find (thankfully, I have quite a few horse/dog/cat subjects fairly close to home) as I make that long climb up the learning curveI'll get some photos posted asamdm. That means "as soon as my daughter moves" away from the computer where my photos are stored!
That is quite interesting. I know owners and riders like to pose with their steed, but unless there are distinguishing markings one horse could substitute for another in a head to toe, plus the rider photograph. I think an up close, without distorting the features of the horse, shot has more personality.
Thank you Dave,
A200 is my first DSLR, untill now, has been in my box since July last year as a present on my birthday from my wife
I Like to shoot anything, but mostly portraits, Lanscape, and sometimes macro, depends the mood. Some of the picture look owesome (at least for me and my wife), but a lot of them is going into recycle bin in my computer. Need to practice a lot on this stuff, and soon, I will post some picture taking by A200 for critics and comments.
Hello everybody,
Greetings from Cambridge.
My name is Petre and I found about this website two years ago. I am an amateur photographer. I remember that I was doing some research about HDR technique and I was stunned by the comprehensive information provided and, needles to say, I was won over from the very beginning by the impressive photo gallery. However, I've seen the forum section only today! Shame on me! I joined immediately
I shoot with Canon 5D Mk2 and my lenses are: canon 24-70 f2.8L, canon 100mm f2.8 macro, canon 50mm f1.4. I've got a Marumi ringflash for macro and 3 dedolight heads. I don't have a flashgun at all.
I like to photograph almost any type of subjects, nature and landscapes in particular, and I do some macro works from time to time. I did some HDR photos and hopefully one day my hdr works will look as amazing as those in the CiC's gallery.
I want to improve my compositional skills and there is no better way than stepping up to the plate and show your works to others for criticism and comments.
Best wishes for all CiC's members,
Last edited by dgrieux; 10th March 2010 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Moved the attachement to HDR section
Hi Petre,
A big welcome to CiC from me -- looking forward to seeing some of your images when you get a chance to put them up.
Hello every body on the net...
I am happy to join this community, hope to help each other to solve & understant all about DSLR.
So Thansk.
I started in photography about a year ago. I had no idea that there was so much to learn to achieve the photographs that you want.
I am a new member of today and I am still trying to figure out how I post a question or topic to the Community.
Can you help please?
Mike Webster
Hello Everyone,
I live and work in California, USA. My name is Ron and I just stumbled across the comprehensive tutorials offered on this website. I was thoroughly impressed! I'm a strict amateur photographer. Lately, my interest has evolved to include more HDR imaging.
I shoot with a Canon 30D and my lens is a Tamron AF18-200mm F/3.5-6.3 XR Di-II.
Nice to be here.
Hello everyone,
I just joined and wish to thank for the welcome. I am now retired after working in professional Photo Labs. for over 30 years. Dealing
with the science of photography all these years, I am now enjoying my passion for photography full time. I have many film cameras
and have purchased a Nikon D300. Glad to belong here. Greetings and regards to all.
Hello All-
My name is Peter, and I live in, and photograph, Cambridge. I came across the gallery earlier today, and was impressed.
here's a link to some of my pics on Picasa -
Just hope that it works...![]()
My name is Chris. I'm an amateur photographer and just getting my feet wet. I've been a fan of photography for many years now but only now found the time to study it. In addition, I'm a photoshop junkie and love to learn new tricks and techniques as I also have a background in graphics (although mostly used as a hobby). I'm hoping to learn as much as I can, share the knowledge, and network with some of the members here.
Hello everybody that's come in in the last couple of days or so. If there's one place on this inter-web thingy to learn and also feel okay about asking, what you intially feel, are stupid questions, then this is the place. Hope you'll all enjoy a lengthy stay.
Mike - Re yourJust pick yourself a thread and hit 'Reply' or Reply with Quote', or to start off a new thread, click on the forum of your choice from the Forum page and then hit the '+ Post New Thread' button towards the top of the page.I am still trying to figure out how I post a question or topic to the Community
Good to have someone just a few miles up the A90 joining in.
Hi There,
I live in Brisbane, Australia. and love taking photos, right now I just have a point and shoot camera (fuji 100fd) but I would like to get a digi SLR camera, and preferably a Canon. Iam confused about what to start with. Some people suggest Cannon 550D, some suggest 7D, which looks far too advanced for me. But no doupt is an amaizing camera. I would mainly be using it to take portrait shots, I do alot of make up and can't get the pictures I want with the point and shoot. Also animals, lanscapes, and nightshots, but mainly people.
Iam also confused about with lens to buy as they seem to either sell just the body or as kits.
Thank you, any advie would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Anna,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
I have copied this post to the DSLR forum where more people willl see and respond than here.
Which Canon and lens should I buy?
Best regards,