Hi Steve,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Well you've got to 3 posts to date, but please don't stop there!
I feel I have to mention that Steve is possibly the most common name here these days, it used to be Dave, but I fear; not anymore
We look forward to seeing a picture or two from you, or questions.
Best regards,
Hi Alan,
Thanks for the compliment and ... well, you can help us in the last part by joining in the general melee of discussion, humour and banter just as soon as possible
I did wonder about the username, but it all makes sense now I have read this Intro post.
I'm sure if I tried IR, I'd have to change my username to "inferior red"![]()
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Morning Peeps,
I'm about to make the jump into DSLR photography and this website and forum have been a god send for information, thank you all so much!
I'm studying mechanical engineering in a very grey city, but hail from the Isle of Wight where I grew up on a farm... Which is lovely.
I've always been interested in photography linked with other hobbies I've had, skateboarding and cycling (mtb) mainly. Especially with the cycling, the photography shows much more than just our protagonist on a bike, photos that show off wonderful vistas that inspire.
Hopefully picking up a Nikon D3000 in a week or so, looking forward to it.
thanks again to everyone on here for the plethora of information on here, really helped with buying decisions and techniques I'm itching to use. I'm a real newbie as I've only been playing with compact digis before. Oh tell a lie, I've recently bought a 'Halina Paulette electric', i'm pretty sure the shutter has broke. Developing the film today so we'll see what turns out!
Hi Ben,
Big welcome to CiC from me![]()
This is the place to find encouragement and support as you make your leap.
Welcome on board. We're a reasonably sane bunch. The strength of the site is the willingness of everyone to freely share their knowledge and experience, such that no question is too silly or irrelevant. So, fire away!
hello everyone.
my dad bought me canon 500D and i want to learn more about it so that i could prove to him that i deserve this camera. hahaha! help meeeee please thanks![]()
Hellomy dad bought me canon 500D and i want to learn more about it
Just start asking the questions and we'll try and answer.
Hi Ben,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too
Since I have the D3000's bigger sister/brother, and there are many other D3000/D5000 owners here, just holler if you get stuck with anything, I'm sure we'll be able to help.
It'll be good to see some pictures in due course, don't be shy.
Best regards,
Hi there (again),
I have moved the follow up question How can I make light graffiti? to another forum for more answers and already replied.
It would be useful to know your first name rather than call you "meanie~"
Apart from the light graffiti, what other subjects do you want to tackle?
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi all,
Hello from the North Island of New Zealand
Just joined this morning Sold my business last year. Now have time on my hands, so to keep the grey matter in trim decided before I kick the bucket I will try and improve my indifferent photography I have been doing for about the last 50 years. Decided to join forum to gain knowledge and idea's from others and hopefully contribute some of my idea's
Alright mate?
You've just joined one of the best technical (and friendly) sites on the interweb.
Hi Delboy,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me too, great to have you with us.
Are you still using film, or have you moved (for better or worse) to digits yet?
I assume the business wasn't photography related then?
Anyway, we look forward to seeing some of your images and hearing from you again.
Best regards (from a long way away),
Thanks Mark & Dave for the replies.
Firstly Mark I like your photos but sorry about the soccer clubs you have. Yes Dave we still have a EOS3 and still take the odd roll roll of Velvia, but I must confess the digital is so good the EOS3 does not get used much these days. The problem I really have is getting my mind round colour management but we are getting there.
My business was a small engineering business making special purpose machinery for the food industry.
I will be posting some of my photos taken over the years but after seeing some of the work on this site it is going to be hard to choose something that is up to the high standards I have seen so far.
I have enclosed one photo for starters
Hi Delboy,
Just because the best shots here are mind blowing, please don't let that stop you - it doesn't stop me even though I rarely get 'placed' in any competitions
Unfortunately, I don't see an image in your reply, one of the posts in the following linked thread may help you figure out what went wrong, or if you want to start afresh, I'd suggest going with b) (third post in thread) and start a CiC album.
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
In preference to putting an image in this Intro thread, may I suggest starting a new thread; titled something like "My first CiC picture post", in either Nature and Architecture or People and Pets, thanks.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th April 2010 at 09:30 AM.
Hello all! So I am starting to get into photography on a more serious level and trying to learn as much as I can, which is why I joined this site. I have always loved photography-I have always been the friend who took all the pics at any get together! Portrait photogaphy-especially of kids-is my favorite.
Any tips and advice would be appreciated!
Hi Brenny,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
Glad you could join us, and I'm sure we can help you with some advice.
I think the best way to achieve that is for you to (gulp!) post some pictures in a new thread in the People and Pets forum.
Have a look at HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? to help with that.
Best regards,
New here... I just purchased the NIKON D3000. I want to purchase a new 300mm lens for it. Nikon suggests I purchase a lens equal to or faster than a f5.6 - what would be faster than that?
Thanks and sorry for the abbraisive question!
jumping right in.... =)
i'm a mom. i'm a wife. i'm a photographer.
i love my camera.
i'll take pictures of anything and everything.