Hi everyone! My name is Alison and I am an aspiring photographer. My favorite things to photog are nature, sunrise, sunset, and my gorgeous son. A fellow member said this is a great site and I am sure I will be happy here.
Hi everyone! My name is Alison and I am an aspiring photographer. My favorite things to photog are nature, sunrise, sunset, and my gorgeous son. A fellow member said this is a great site and I am sure I will be happy here.
Post your question into the Digital Cameras & Equipment section of the forum. More people likely to answer will see it in there.
In the meantime, welcome to CiC.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello Carl and welcome to the CiC forum. I certainly do hope that being a part of this forum will help you improve your photographic knowledge and skill.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Okay, that member wins this week's all-inclusive package, courtesy of CiC!!
Thanks for joining Alison. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful being part of the forum.
So that you don't continue to get people asking you what your proper name is, because most us use that on here, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Hello, My name is Muhammad Omer and I am from Lahore Pakistan. I have recently taken up photography
after watching my friend play with his canon 50d for the past couple of years. Nature inspires me and as a
doctor I sometimes travel abroad. I always found landscapes interesting but could never photograph them properly because of a lack of knowledge. I now want to learn and take some great images to showcase the most beautiful places I have seen.
hi everyone,
my name is shang(well, we cannot write chinese here).i am municipal engineer. photography as a hobby. got first and the only dslr (nikon d5100) in 2011. taking picture was a another way of writing diary, more colorful and calm. i found the website on google. well , my flickr name is katushang, follow the link https://www.flickr.com/photos/78627914@N08/. cannot wait more for the communication with camera guys like you.
kind regards
Hi my name is Cathy, I take pictures with a canon rebel T3 and just started with a canon 6D, I love taking pictures of my grand babies, Mill Lake which is a lake close to my home. Have taken many many pictures of my husband, he's really used to it now LOL.I was given the link to ur site from Rita who I met at Mill Lake , we were talking and shooting pictures.
A very warm welcome to you. I hope you find that being part of this forum does help your learning.
How would you wished to be addressed on the forum? Is by the name Omer or Muhammad? If you wish, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to this forum.
If you wished to be addressed as shang, you can go to Edit Profile (under 'Forum Actions' on the Menu Bar), or you can just press on 'Settings' on the menu bar right up at the top right of the window. Once there you can enter the name by which you wish to be addressed under 'Real Name'. Then it will appear underneath your Username in all your posts. You can also enter your location so that it does the same, just as in my details alongside this message. Then we all know where everyone is in the world.
Great to have you here, Cathy. Thank you for joining and I hope you find this a useful as well as enjoyable online resource.
By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.
Hi all,
Name is Jason and I'm from San Antonio, currently deployed to Afghanistan. I have had interest for landscape/nature photography since I saw my first NatGeo magazine. I just recently purchased a Canon EOS 70D, first real DSLR. I found this site from dpreview.com while trying to find some help with post-processing my photos. The people at dpreview.com gave me advice that although my eye for composing interesting pictures is good, I should learn how to do some post processing. I tend to over saturate, and I have no experience with photo editing. So if anyone can help me, I have Adobe Elements 9, I would greatly appreciate it as I have a vacation planned in July to Sri Lanka and the Maldives that I want to try to make the best of with my new camera.
I'm very jealous. If you haven't been to Sri Lanka before, you'll love it. And as for photography, well ............!!
Great to have you here, Jason. Thanks for joining. How long have you still to serve on your current tour?
I hope you enjoy being part of the CiC forum and that you find it useful. Lots of people on here are always very willing to share knowledge and experience. There's no such thing as a dumb question here on CiC.
I haven't been to Sri Lanka, yet. Funny, because a Scotsman I met last year here in Afghanistan recommended me to go as he used to live there. I am very much looking forward to it. This tour just started in February so I still have quite a ways to go. I'm trying to learn the settings and buttons on my new 70D so I can try to get good pics come July.
When in Sri Lanka and if interested i wildlife and nature, do visit Yala National Park in the South East of the country. You will get lots of photo opportunities. Good luck.
Hi! I live in Bangalore, India and main interest is wildlife and Nature. Have been (always - 30 years!) a Nikon user and do long lens work. Fond of birds in particular.As far as humans are concerned, my interest is in doing portraits.
Hello, looking to learn about photographic I love to take photos but just that always in auto, I am trying or starting to do in manual but I have a lot to learn.I will put one of my photos.
Hi everyone,
My name is Jim from Blackmans Bay in Tasmania, Australia. I came across the "Cambridgeincolour" site while searching for info about HDR. I absolutely love the photos in the galleries. I stated photography about 40 years ago and "cut my teeth" on a minolta XE1. My latest camera is a Canon EOS1100D 12mp bottom of the range DSLR with a Tamron 18-270mm zoom.
I love taking panorama's and use photoshop CS3 to create them. I've got to force myself to stop using the "Auto" function and start being creative again as I was with my first minolta. I'm certain I'll pick up many helpful tips and tools from this forum
Hello Ashish and a very warm welcome to this forum. I thought you gave very good advice to Jason to go to Yala. I was last there and stayed in 2002, in the hotel close to the park that was destroyed 2 years later in the Boxing Day tsunami.
It's good to have you here as a member. By the way - If you wish you can go to Edit Profile and put in your location, so that it appears in the sidebar alongside your message, just like mine beside this message. Then everybody knows where everybody else is.