Hi Nicole,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it's great to have you join us.
Yes, I think I got here via a google link to one of Sean's tutorials, they are good.
What lenses do you have for your brace of Nikon bodies?
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Best regards,
Annette, I look forward to seeing your show jumping photos. I'm trying to get the hang of that myself... the photos; not the actual jumping!
Welcome to all the other new folks, too. Having only been here for a month or so myself, I have not passed beyond the "what a lovely photo" type of comment and have tons of questions. The members are beyond helpful and are much appreciated.
Bannacht (Carol) ,Apparently nor do I know how to upload photos!!! Will keep trying
Hi Annette,
HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? should help with image issues.
Hi everybody
I am a hobby photographer from Switzerland. I mostly take botanic pictures (Flowers/macro etc) and classical concerts.
I use a Canon EOS 1D Mark III, with a few lenses that range from macro-to-portrait-to-wide angle.
In the past, I did landscape and bird photography, which is mainly why I need a quick camera.
I recently started to take portrait pictures.
Hi Eman (is that your first name?),
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us
It sounds like your photographic tastes have changed over the years, that does have the beenefit of keeping you fresh and learning.
We'd love to see some pictures, and pre-empting potential problems, you might like to refer to this thread for advice on; HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
Hope that helps,
am looking forward to joining your forums.
I live in one of nature's paradises - Nimbin, northern NSW, Australia, with part of the Aboriginal sacred sites of Nimbin Rocks actually on our co-operative.
We gaze out to the World Heritage Rainforests of the Night Cap Range.
Have been using a Panasonic FZ35 for some months now, having given my FZ28 to one of my daughters, so I could get the FZ35.
Previously had small Pentax compacts, the first of which, a 3.2 MP Optio produced remarkably good photos.
Largely interested in natural history photographs, insects, flowers etc., on the one hand, and panoramic landscapes (using Panorama Factory) on the other. Do quite a bit of bushwalking, alsdo performance poetry and theatre.
Helps structure my declining years.
Len Martin
Thanks Rob, zoologist originally specualising in entomology, but stochastics led me to a PhD in mammalian female reproduction so spent most of my life studying the effects of hormones on the naughty bits of mice, rats and eventually flying foxes. Currently trying to get images of teeny tiny native bees in flight.
Hi Friends, I am Tirtha from India. IT professional by profession and Photographer/Aquascaper by hobby for past 6 years.
I click with Rebel T1i (Canon 500D) and for couple of months I mostly shooting tombs here and there. Will share some of my clicks with all soon.
Hope to learn lots of things from you guys here.
Hi Len,
Great to have you join us.
We have a few members who have achieved bif (bees in flight) shots, so if you need some hints, I'd suggest posting a question, or better still an example shot in the Nature and Architecture forum. Or maybe you can give us some tips
Here's a link to a shot by one of the people I had in mind. See also this thread Bumble bee
For the flowers and insects you're shooting, that kind of camera is quite a good choice, rather than DSLR - or do you have aspirations that way?
Take care to keep the slope angle shallow
Anyway, welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 24th April 2010 at 08:06 AM. Reason: Add link to a recent post with bif shot
Hi Tirtha,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me.
Is it just the kit lens you have, or have you been spending more? (sooo easily done)
Perhaps an unusual choice of subject in tombs; large or small?
The best way to learn is ask questions, so please don't hesitate, just pop them in what seems the most appropriate forum, we can easily move it to ensure better answers if need be. Don't be shy to start a new thread.
Best regards,
Hello: my name is tom sampliner in cleveland,ohio. I am president of a brand new photography club that is specializing in nature and related topics.
Mod Note: Tom's question regarding white-balancing equipment & techniques moved here.
Last edited by Colin Southern; 23rd April 2010 at 08:20 PM.
Thanks a lot Dave for the kind words. yes, I am still using my 18-55mm f 3.5-5.6 IS lense. But eyeing on a 100mm 2.8 L macro.
I am in Delhi for last couple of years, and this place is full of old Mughal structures as well as Historic tombs. So just started to explore them.
Hi Tom,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it's great to have you join us.
I see one of our other member's, Rob, has asked in the other thread, what cameras you use, so I'll ask what you bit of nature you like to shoot; birds, insects, mammals? or flora perhaps?
Best regards,
Hi everyone,
My name is Victor and I am a new student in Cambridge. Chanced upon this website while googling for photogenic places in Cambridge to take pictures of and I am certainly impressed by some of the photos here.
I am an avid hobbyist so I am still learning as much about photography as I can. Currently interested in street photography, contemporary and victorian buildings as well as flowers. I like to dabble in post-processing too. My usual setup is a gripped Canon 450D with a 24-105mm f4L IS and a 70-200mm f4L IS. I do have the kit lens 18-55mm IS which I use it more as a wide-angle lens.
I would like to ask if there is a place in Cambridge that has a fast flowing river or stream for taking pictures with long exposures and a ND filter.
Anyway, I have a flickr account ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/44723956@N07/ ) so please feel free to check it out and give any comments to help me improve. Thank you!
Nice to be joining this community.
I am an enthusiastic amateur looking to pick up advice and knowledge from a community of like minded people.
Looking forward to browsing the forums and hopefully contributing where I can.
My interests are photographing sports, mainly rugby, and looking to expand my portrait photography skills in the future.
Hi Victor,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
Good intro post which answers all the usual questions, so I'll have to be creative and ask what you're studying?
What software do you use to "dabble with PP"?
In terms of looking at your pictures, it might be better to post a couple for critique in the appropriate forum, or enter a challenge/mini-competition.
I did try having a look at your flickr photo-stream, but I have yet to figure out how to navigate on flickrthe relationship between the page of three image columns and what happens once you've gone to view one picture is bizarre; the panel on right always seems backwards to me, clicking the left hand image advances through the pictures, while the right hand one retreats. Don't worry (or be offended) - it's not just you, it's me and flickr, we're incompatible
Anyway, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them.
Best regards,
Last edited by carregwen; 25th April 2010 at 10:23 PM.