This thread contains old introductions and has now been closed due to it's size.
The new introductions thread is here NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
This thread contains old introductions and has now been closed due to it's size.
The new introductions thread is here NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 11th September 2020 at 06:41 PM.
Hi folks
I was delighted to find Cambridge in Colour featured in the pbase magazine some time back and have recommended Sean's superb tutorials on any forum I was in. Even better now that CinC is developing into a critique and discussion forum as well.
I am a retired architect with a D80 which I take hiking everywhere along with its 18-135 kit lens and near-antique Nikkor 80-400 VR, Nikon's first essay in image stabilisation. I use Nikon's own Capture NX2 editing software (see thread in Image PP & printing) which makes PP a seamless and enjoyable extension of taking the photos.
I have used mac computers for 20 years and am happy to field questions on them too.
My photo galleries are on; do feel free to comment there as well as on the ones I post here and you don't need to be kind. I don't think we can learn unless critique is honest....but friendly and even with a touch of humour
Last edited by McQ; 5th January 2009 at 10:39 PM.
I'm Mark, I live (now) in Manchester. I,m originally from London (hence the screenname) but the Mrs is a Salford girl and she decides where we liveI work in the Manchester Arndale on the recycle team. I currently use a D80. I don't take myself seriously as you can probably see from most of my posts!
I found this site when looking for tutorials on histograms and white balance after converting to pixels finally earlier last year. The damn things were doing my head in! Came here; sorted. Hope this thread floats as we've got some amazing talent on here, from seriously good professionals to complete amateurs like me. You can check out my Photostream on flickr here;
Last edited by The Blue Boy; 11th January 2009 at 10:34 PM. Reason: 'cos I'm an idiot, and even more idiocy!
I'm Dave, I live in Windsor (UK) and have always been a 'west of London' guy; Feltham, Shepperton, Windsor.
Was interested in photography from school leaving: did evening classes, had a darkroom in the attic at home for colour+b/w dev and print, but that was all a long time ago.
I work for a leading TV Outside Broadcast company; in the early days travelling the country as a Vision engineer, then moving to a 'base' job so I could see the family grow up instead of hotel rooms. Effectively stopped photography as a hobby whilst all this occured
Now I'm into web/intranet design at work and have returned to (digital) photography as a hobby
I currently use a 6MP superzoom 'bridge' camera. this gives me great versatility to be creative, but sadly with only mediocre pixel quality. I'd like to upgrade to a decent DSLR - the new Olympus E-30 would do very nicely (if I had the money).
I too found this unique and excellent website via the tutorial pages and I hope I contribute as much to the forums as I learn from them (and the tutorials). My thanks to all my new acqaintences for their support and assistance and especially Sean (McQ). Long may C in C continue.
Hi ! I'm Alois from Ottawa Canada. I have always been searching for new ideas and trying to better myself in photography through reading and studying from other well established photographers and this is how I came across this forum. I live in very fortunate generation and time of life where film just about ended and digital is being well established, using 35 mm to 8x10" view cameras was my most enjoyable time, while digital is little easier on ones aging back. So here we go again, darkroom is long gone and with flick of a switch new lightroom is here after all who wants to waste time on washing chemically smelly dishes and trays. Most of my photos are landscape and nature related this is Canada eh ! Selling my work was never really my intension, but I'm starting to change my mind and just lately sold some images just to brake even on expenses. I hope I find good company to exchange my ideas here and looking forward to stay for long time.
Welcome, Alois from Ottawa Canada,
You've come to the right place!
Remember any questions, have a look and a search first. If you can't find your relevent answer, post your question in the appropriate thread.
Hello all,
Good idea to be introduced so here goes.
Paul semi-pro photographer from western Iowa. Subjects birds, western scenics for the most part.
Own 20D and 40D Canon. Favorite lens 300 IS 2.8 Canon.
Glad to be here.
Well better late than never. I'm a retired builder who, about 25 years ago took a break and went pro tog. Over about 5 years I built up a successful business which I sold and went back to building. Having ruined a good hobby by turning pro I just used a P&S for family snaps until recently, at the urging of a proud Grandmother, the bug has bitten again. My Grandson appears to be showing promise as a good cricketer (12yo playing for 14yo rep team) and my Granddaughter is playing rep netball.
This week I take delivery of a Nikon D90 with a 18-105VR, 70-300VR, and a D600 Speedlight. Some of the netball parents, who know of my past work, have started hinting at a DVD of shots from the coming season, so I'd better learn how to drive the new gear pretty smartly.
Hi all,
My name is David but decided on using DRO on here so as not to confuse people with the other David's that are on the forums. I reside just outside Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire and have done so for most of my life.
I am somewhat new to photography as a media for creativity as most of my life has revolved around making a living in other occupations notably art as I am a artist.
Most of my images upto about a week ago were basically P&S and there was no attempt by me to make them anything more than that.
Current kit is the Canon 350D with the standard kit lense which was given to me by my daughter one Christmas (She worked for a well known high street photographic firm so got a good staff discount).
I have a working knowledge of Adobe PS 7, CS2 and Elements 3 which I use to make web based images of my artwork.
I joined these forums (after browsing them as a guest for several days) because I felt that the people on here knew what they were talking about and the overall community feeling on here was great. I have looked at some other forums and quite frankly was not to impressed by them.
Anyway thats my little intro of myself out the way and I hope that the members on here will be a little tolerant of my questions which may be so basic sometimes as to make them feel like strangling me.
Hi from Ian,
Found CiC in its early days, and have found inspiration from both Sean and the many members on here. A Chartered Surveyor by profession, but now do the photography full time.
I took my first photos on a bellows camera when I was four and still have some of those shots. Had a wide variety of makes and types of camera over the years, ranging from the simplest PnS through to a Bronica. Have been in the Nikon camp for the past eighteen plus years and currently run with a D3 & a D200 as backup.
It took me a long time to leave film photography, and I regard what I learnt in those years as fundamental to my knowledge now, although we never stop learning and there has been a whole lot of new things to learn in the digital era too.
I still enjoy my photography as much as I did as a kid, which I think is the key, once you lose that creative spark and desire to better the composition, then you may as well hang the camera up.
roisenp, Bill44, Dro, and shreds (although we can't consider you a newcomer Ian!)
Welcome, enjoy the site,
No hardly new, but since quite a few of the established members had taken the opportunity to introduce themselves, it seemed a little impolite not to do the same.
Hi, I'm Daniel from Switzerland. My user name is a combination of the first initials of my name and last name (in case you ask your self what dasle means)
I'm relatively new with this hobby, I'm not a Canon nor a Nikon user, I'm a proud Sony Alpha 350, with a Sony 50 mm f1.4 and a Sony 18-250 mm f35.6-6.3 lenses, and Mac user, whom enjoy editing with Aperture and some plugins from Nik Software and once a while with Photoshop Elements 6.0
Until now I've invested more on getting equipment and also on having a colour managed environment (Spyder3Pro and Spyder3Print), however the quality of my shots is still far away from what I could call pro look, therefore after so much looking for a site with a perfect mix between technical and creative advice, I decided to join this community.
Hope I could learn from the most of you and one day I'll post some pictures from Switzerland.![]()
Last edited by Daniel Salazar; 13th January 2009 at 09:55 AM.
Welcome Daniel and make that one day very soon, it is peoples photos that tell one more about them than the equipment they own.
But personally will be very pleased to have another macMan around and tell me what is in Aperture that isn't elsewhere (or when its on free trial in case I don't spot it). Some of the NIK stuff is also embedded in Nikon Capture and of course my camera has a Sony built sensor, so maybe more in common.
I think we probably lack a volume of Sony users, yet a lot of beginners ask, so your experience will be very valuable, Daniel.
Thank you for the warm welcome! that's what I need after having three weeks in a row with minus temperatures.
Daniel, I'd like to echo that welcome from me too.
Hello to everyone.
Real name is Peter and am a born and bred Cambridge man (hence the user name).
Work as a Financial Adviser in the Cambridge area (got a lot of free time at the moment thanks to the dreaded ''credit crunch'')!!
Got the photography bug a couple of years ago when my better half (so she tells me!) brought a Canon 350D for my birthday. Have added a few lenses since then and upgraded the camera to the 30D.
Main enjoyment is wildlife/nature but have been taking more portraits of late, get a decent camera and all the friends and family think your a pro!
Have joined a couple of forums to gain more knowledge but have become a bit dissalusioned with constant bickering and sniping, came across this site just before Christmas and have decided to join and become a bit more active, hopefully learn from the more experienced members here.
Hope to see more of everyone in the future.