Hello everyone! This site is truly wonderful. The only one other site I have visited regularly and read with interest and respect is that of Ken Rockwell. This is the second site I am certain to visit often - I went to Cambridge for postgraduate work, spent among the best years of my life there, and truly love the incredibly good, technical and artistic photographs posted! To me, photography is not an "interest" but a passion! God bless Cambridge Photography Gallery - all you wonderful people who make this site truly great. THANK YOU!
Hi all,
My brother put me onto this site, and I'm glad he did as the tutorials are sensational.
I shoot mostly video, but have been mucking around with my wife's Olympus E-520 and have just bought a Canon 550D (again, mainly for video) which I hope to get some use out of to improve my stills.
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackhuey/
Hi Colin and thanks for the welcome.
I did in fact do some time on the Aussie UH-1H during my short stint in AAAvn. Thirteen years later, I can still smell it if I close my eyes. It will always be my first love![]()
Hello everybody,
my name is Robert. I live in germany. Yesterday I joined this forum. For me photography is hobby that makes me relax from day-to-day life's stress. I prefer shooting landscapes, castles and industrial plants. The camera I use normally is a Canon EOS 40D.
take care
Hi all
I joined the CiC last night. I am an amateur photographer, doing everything I can to learn as much as possible about photography, and having loads of fun taking pictures.
My eventual goal is to turn pro, so I welcome (and lap up!) all comments and crit's on my photo's.
Very happy to be here.
Charming to have you here!
This sounds very good to me
Hi everyone - this is my first ever post on any forum!
I've had a love affair with photography since high school and last year bought my first DSLR and falling in love all over again. Thought I'd join a forum to grab some tips and techniques. My husband is an underwater videographer and raves about the support he gets through these things.
See ya!
Hi there,
Is there any chance we could have a first name to call you - how about "Hughie" or just "Hugh" if your shy and don't want to reveal your real name
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist, as you'll soon discover, we like to keep things fairly light hearted around here, no offence or disrespect is intended.
Love the pics in your photostream, definitely want to expand there, are those shot by yourself or 'the missus'?
Hello all,
Brand new to these forums.
I'm Dan, a 20-something from the south east united states that is returning to photography and cinematography after a long hiatus. I was briefly involved with B&W 35mm film art during my high-school years (shooting on a simple N75 with Ilford HP5 Plus 400 film, rarely color). I have recently (May, 2010) purchased a Canon EOS 5D Mark II and a few lenses to boot.
I'm trained in Computer Science, and have just graduated with a BSCS from Georgia Tech. Having reached a happy point in that field, I've been meaning to expand and explore other areas as I move into the computing industry (and hopefully moving out of it just as quickly!).
I'm looking forward to all the learning I have in front of me, and have found this forum via the online tutorials, which have been beyond amazing in writing and formatting. They're all to clear to understand and just enough technically for me in my position. I'd like to personally thank the authors and hope to contribute one day.
That's about it, if you'd like to discuss anything, let me know.
Hi Dan
Welcome on board. At '20-something' you'll find you are, chronologically, at the younger end of the spectrum hereabouts. But in terms of attitudes and outlook, you're right in there (someone got it wrong and I really wasn't born in 1955).
Sean is the guy responsible for the tutorials. The rest of us pitch in here to try and help the experienced and not-so-experienced. You'll find it very, very informal, but, I think, hugely supportive.