Hello to you all! I'm Christin, from Northwest Indiana, (USA, near Chicago) I registered here quite a while ago and decided I should introduce myself so that nice message about not being shy, would stop pestering me.I have to say at first glimpse, this site is a little intimidating to an amateur such as myself, but I have really enjoyed perusing the site and looking at all of your beautiful photos & helpful tutorials.
I'm not really sure what else there is to say, so I'll just leave it at Hello & thank you for such a useful & enjoyable forum!
Hi Christin,
There is much to learn here and plenty of great friendly advice so don't be shy. We all learn somethiing new each day - that's beauty of it.
Hi Everyone.
I live in Cape Town SA and have just recently re started my hobby in Photography
I have a Nikon D5000 and mainly use 18-105 VR lens
Hi Christin,
Oh please don't leave it at that "Hello & thank you", we can do so much more for you
You mustn't be intimidated; we're not scary, well, not if you can't see us
.. and we pride ourselves on being welcoming and answering any question politely, so if you have one, don't be shy, post it as a new thread and we'll answer, or add your 'slant' to a thread that already exists, if the answer there still leaves something unresolved for you.
The only "silly question" is the one no-one bothers to ask.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Dave
Thanks for the welcome
Being new at this i have tried my hand on anything that looks interesting including sunrises and sunset in Cape Town, currently i have started night shots of areas in Cape Town( I have posted some of them)
Still very green and willing to learn from the experts
The other lenses are 1, 18-55 Nikor VR and 2, 70-300 Sigma zoom
Hi All,
I'm based in London UK.
I recently got myself a D90 with the 18 - 105mm VR kit lens - mainly for for use in general 'out and about' photography, holidays and some more artistic shots from time to time, as I improve.
I'm loving the tutorials on this site and have also learnt a fair bit from just trawling through the forums. I'll try not to ask too many numpty questions, but please be patient with me if I do!
Anyways, just wanted to say hi and thanks for a great site!
Hi, and welcome. You might want to add a first name. Go to FORUM ACTIONS/EDIT PROFILE and at the bottom it will have 'real name' Put your first name in there and it will come out under your avatar, like mine is. Don't worry about asking too many questions. If it's about the meaning of life, then I'm the local expert.
PS. I am originally from Wales too - up in the north.
Really want to take some panoramic shots of the wonderful scenery up there next time I am 'home' (hence the tripod questions!)
I found this site via google, seeking help for my camera and general knowledge and thus I registered here.
It seems to be a nice forum, especially as I didn't notice the uptight behaviour I see in many other professional photographers.
I also like how newbies almost always find help here.
Hi Tommy,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, it is great to have you join us.
Thanks for the vote of confidence in CiC - we certainly have some talented and inspirational member photographers hereabouts.
I'm glad you've already made a start on the questions, it is THE best way to learn more from us all.
Best regards from just down the M4,
Hi All! Sort of new here - been "lurking" a while, but finally started posting yesterday!
Some very talented people here! I look forward to getting to know you all and learning as much as I can from you.
Just started with dSLR photography about 6-7 months ago when I picked up my D90. This is something I've wanted to do for 30 years so I plan on making up for much lost time!
Well, just wanted to say hi and let you know what a great forum you folks have here. Nice work!
Hi everyone
Love this website and looking forward to picking up hints and tips on all things digital photography, I am interested in wildlife, landscape and portrait photography and used to enjoy developing black and white and slide films and prints. Have recently purchased a Canon EOS500d to play with, so far some good photos and now waiting to explore the Lake District, can anyone recommend a good place to start?
Hi Armistice,
Hi there,
So, how did you come to use that username; perhaps a birthday on the 11 November?
Or frequent fights and truces with family/friends/partner? you don't have to answer
A first name would be helpful though.
Do I gather you might class yourself as a newbie too?
So many questions, and you probably came here for answers
So how can we help?
Ooops, another question, I must be incorrigible, or just plain daft - you decide
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Hi Saran,
Is that your name, I wonder?
Great to have you join us, welcome to the CiC forums from me.
As you are asking about visiting the Lake District I guess you're from the Huntingdon that is a little north east of Cambridge (UK).
I'm afraid I can't help with your question, it must be almost 40 years since I went there as a lad with my parents, however. I do recall some recent posts from members that have been there, so hopefully someone will respond. If they don't, re-post the question in the General Photography Discussion forum in a day or so.
Best regards,
Hi Dave
Actually Saran is my middle name.. first name is Mark. I have seen some great shots all over the Lake district such as Ullswater and Wastwater and not forgetting Scafell Pike so I guess I will just explore and see what presents itself. Undoutedly will return several times! Will post some shots as could do with some feedback on technique and composition (I am getting some great joy out of exposure blending with enfuse).