Hi Jim, welcome to the forum. I'm also interested in taking airshows pictures, maybe I could learn something from you.
Hi Jim, welcome to the forum. I'm also interested in taking airshows pictures, maybe I could learn something from you.
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for the welcome.If you have questions ,don't hesitate to ask.If I can't answer,I can point you to some sites with some good tips.
Hi Everyone,
My name is Ebru and I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I lived and worked in Central London (UK) for 10 years before I moved to Turkey 5 months ago.
I have always enjoyed taking photos and now enrolled on course in Photography which is starting tomorrow. I can't wait !
I came across Cambridge in Colour Photography Forum while I was googling "histogram" and after reading a few comments here, I thought this is a great website and decided to sign up.
Thanks everyone for your contributions and I look forward to using this forum.
Best wishes,
Welcome, mate.
I came here under very similar circumstances. The reason I started this thread was to make beginners feel less insecure about posting stuff, wether it be pictures or just saying hello, as I felt a bit over whelmed at first.
Hi Ebru,
Welcome from me also - great to have you on board.
Looking forward to seeing some of your work online.
Colin - pbase.com/cjsouthern
Out of interest, how do you feel about it being film based? I've seen some great "debates" about this in the past, with one camp feeling that its still the best way to learn the fundamentals, whilst the other group felt that the shortened feedback loop of digital combined with the "obsolescence" of film made it "less than desireable".
I just wanted to say hello as I am a new member. I am looking forward to learning new tecniques as I am a novice.
I'm another Dave. I use phd for a nickname short for photodave as I have been known.
I live in Victoria BC Canada. I have been a professional photographer since 1987.
Spent the last 11 years in the Queen Charlotte Islands photographing marine wildlife
and sports fishing.
Recently started learning how to do pano and HDR.
Surfing the net looking for ideas and help I stumbled upon this fantastic site.
I'm sure I am going to learn from all these amazing talents.
Thank you all in advance for my future questions.And thank you for creating this great resource!
Last edited by phd; 22nd January 2009 at 08:30 PM.
So, you're intending to be better at photography than golf eh?
What sort of photography interests you and what do you 'click' with?
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd January 2009 at 08:40 PM. Reason: replace disappearing autosig
Hi Dave - welcome - it's great to have you with us
Looking forward to your input & hope that you you become a regular contributor to the site.
Please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything we can help with.
Colin - pbase.com/cjsouthern
welcome PhotoDave; sounds as if you should have a really good bag to share & look forward to it
I understand the argument of both sides are here, for example my Dad has what was a top of the line film SLR camera a couple of years ago. This hasn't been used since we got the Digital SLR. I will be using my Dads Film camera for the year, rather than my own which I'm grateful for.
I feel film is still one of the best ways to get to understand some of the basic fundamentals (as you mentioned) and I think it'll do me a lot of good to go through the course because you can definitely learn a lot from developing your own film. You get to know what processes are happening behind your fiddling in Post Processing. I will miss some features of digital photography throughout the year no doubt, but in the long run it'll help me more than it inconveniences me. I'm looking forward to it
Whats your stance on the topic?
And PS: Welcome to the Forums Dave. Hope you have a good time here.
"Whats your stance on the topic?"
To be honest, I tend to favour digital because, ...
- I think that the argument that "film teaches you the fundamentals" DOESN'T mean that you can't learn the basics just as easily in a digital environment.
- Digital (and all of the associated work-flows) are the way of the world - in some ways I feel like learning film is a bit like learning to drive in a horse and cart - nothing wrong with doing it for fun (dare I use the "nostalgia" word?) - but I don't think what's learned is as relevant to what's currently common practice (ie digital / cars).
- The feedback loop with digital is generally instantanious - people can learn from their mistakes a lot quicker.
- Some aspects of film photography (eg exposure) are somewhat counter-productive to a digital environment (eg with film you expose for the shadows & develop for the highlights, whereas with digital you expose for the highlights and post-process for the shadows).
So in my opinion, I think students get more "bang for their buck" with digital, but for the most part I don't think learning film is particularly counter-productive - I just don't think it's optimal in todays environment. Of course other factors (like finance) also play a big part.
Just my opinion - I don't get too passionate about it these days as it doesn't really affect me one way or the other. This might be a good topic to split into a seperate thread; it usually brings out a fair amount of "spirited debate" !
Hi "BadGolfer",
Great to have you with us - looking forward to seeing your postings on the forums.
If you think your golf is bad ... I think my last round was 158, including a couple of bounces off trees, and one off some powerlines!
Please don't hesitate to sing out if we can help with anything - that's what we're here for :)
Last edited by Colin Southern; 23rd January 2009 at 07:03 AM.
Hi Dave, welcome to this forum, on the contrary I think that we could learn a lot from you.
Hi Badgolfer, welcome and no worries. Since I'm here I've noticed that everybody is really helpful and nobody is acting as would be superior and is lecturing everybody. Feel free to ask even you might thing that your question is "silly". Remember there are no silly questions.
Hello. I found this site a little while ago and have found the Tutorials very helpful whenever I came up against a technical snag with editing. For a couple of years, I used the photo net forum but recently I have found that the majority of discussions there are changing from technical camera and editing advice to 'Which printer should I buy', etc. Recently, that site doesn't like my browser (Opera) and I've never really got on with IE.
So I was looking for a change. Also use the wild about britain site which I find excellent for identification of wildlife but there isn't a lot of advanced photography discussion there.
Anyway, for the past 35 years I've been a professional fisherman at Salcombe, S. Devon but have just decided to take early partial retirement at 61. Too old to be working at sea. For many years I took a camera on the boat to photograph boats, wildlife, seascapes, etc. Now I get more time to walk the cliffs and last year I started a project to photograph and record the wildlife in an isolated wood alongside the estuary. Insect macro was relatively new to me; and identifing the thousands of minature monsters has proved to be even more of a challenge.
Originally went digital about 7 years ago with a secondhand Canon G2 point and shoot; then a secondhand Canon 10D. Finally worked up to a 40D with Canon 28-135; 70-300; and Sigma 180 macro lenses. Intend to get a bigger bird lens sometime.
Just beginning to find my way around this site so I will hope to take part in some of the discussions once I get my bearings.
Welcome aboard Geoff F,
I think some of your macro stuff will be interesting if you care to post it. Perhaps we ought to have a macro thread on the board in the future, Sean?
Cheers and enjoy the discussions.
A welcome from me Geoff,
Cic tutorials and forum are very helpfull.
You will find your way easily.
Your post remember me at a few good holiday's i 've got in Devon (and Cornwall).
Beautifull area!! Nice and friendly people also.
Enjoy Cic!
Kind regards,