Thanks for that. But are there any arachnephobiacs using this site. A sudden close up of a spider's face can alarm some people. Perhaps it might be better to start with butterflies then try hoverflies and see how it goes.
But this is rushing ahead a little bit; I've got to learn how to post images here first.
ps. I use the same Username on the wild about britain site where I post most of my wildlife work.
Hi Geoff,
I'd like to add my belated welcome to those of the others too.
If you'd like to point your browser at The Rainbow and (if you're in a hurry), start with post #4, I've given some guidelines on how to post inline. As a rule, if you've got it uploaded to a site somewhere then generally we can get it to work here. Personally, I found it a bit confusing at first, but I quickly got the hang of it - and now I could do it in my sleep; So don't be afraid to try it or to sing out if you need some help - unlike you can edit your posts here, or Sean or I can fixup anything that goes wrong for you.
Great to have you with us - looking forward to seeing some of those shots :)
PS: I recently jumped from too - perhaps we can start a trend :)
Hi Setner257,
Welcome to the forums - great to have you with us. IR photography is one area of photography that I haven't yet tried, but it's definately on my "to do" list - so would be interested to see some of your pictures.
We're a helpful bunch here - so if you have any question about anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask, and we'll all try to help.
PS: If you bump in to Fillepe Massa or Rubens Barrichello, say "Hi" to them for me :)
Welcome to you, setnar257.
I think you'd need to tell us a bit more about wether you're shooting in IF, i.e using filters and such or converting in post proccessing. Or are you one of the new digital converted camera users? Or you may even be using film, as I used to! (and still do every now and then!) We'd be interested to know.
Hello everyone,
Just got a Nikon D90 (with kit lens). My first exposure to DSLR (pun intended). I found this site while googling "photographic dynamic range" and found a great tutorial on this topic. I was impressed with the site so I signed up.
Welcome f7sharp9,
I'm still enjoying the D80. I look forward to seeing shots in low light from the D90 at high ISO's, apparently it's on a par with the D300! Enjoy the site mate.
Hi from me too - great to have you with us.
I guess that with your new camera you'll be "Sleepless in Seattle" for a while!
We're a helpful and friendly bunch here - so please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything we can help with. Looking forward to seeing some of your D90 shots![]()
I am kookeers, and I live in beautiful Swan Valley, ID near Jackson Hole and the Grand Teton Mountains. I have a Canon 20D and I am trying to get "the" winning picture. I have read almost all of the tutorials, and just went through Colin's thread on sharpening. I've learned a lot from this site, but a lot of the technical stuff doesn't sink in. I went to Yellowstone in September to take pictures and am hoping to go in the winter to take more.
I love the forums, and they are probably easier to understand that the tutorials.
I'll be back.
Welcome Geoff to the forum. Waiting to see some of your shots.
Hi there, and welcome to the CiC Forums - great to have you with us :)
I have fond memories of my 20D - and still still large canvases shots taken with it. Looking forward to seeing some of your shots - and if there's anything you need help with, just sing out, we're all here to help each other.
I'm a new guy (are we all guys here?)
From Santiago, Chile.
Nikon fan.
Velvia widow. D90 owner.
Welcome Felipe, I'm a D90 owner too, with a bit of luck we will outnumber these Canon owners.![]()