Hello everyone! Joined today and look forward to being part of this community. This seems to be a great place to learn and keep up to date on photography stuff. I live in Smyrna (20 mins from downtown Atlanta), Georgia, USA. Am originally from Grenada, in the Caribbean. Recently took up photography and purchased a Nikon D90. I am really excited about look forward to learning to take better and better pictures.
Hi Everyone,
I live in Queensland, Australia.....Well I'm afraid I'm just a "newbie" to all this stuff!....I love taking photos...I guess it's been a life long passion, but I hate to say I take all my photos on "auto"....Always felt like the technical side was for the professionals and didn't think I could ever understand it...But I really want to change all that and be able to use my camera with all of it's features...My family bought it for me last year for a birthday pressie as they all know how much I love taking pics!...It's an Olympus E520....Just need to get into that manual to be able to use it properly.......So I guess I'll be on this site quite often using all this great advice....Thanks heaps for making it all available to "people like me"![]()
Hi everyone...I loved the website and am hoping to improve my technique.
Hi All,
I've just joined this group as I was searching all the techniques on Macro photography. I took up proper photography (as opposed to just snapping the children as they were growing up) about seven years ago in order not to be really bored when travelling with my husband who has been a very keen landscape photographer since he took his (early) retirement. I've experimented with many different aspects of photography and have grown to really love it but am now back to where I started with my prosumer camera: macro photography. It was difficult for me then and, now I have a DSLR, it seems to have become even more difficult - particularly the dof issues. I'm almost tempted to put aside the DSLR and use my little Powershot A650 but I'm not sure that the quality will be up to what I want to achieve. My project is to photograph some of my shell collection. The flat ones turn out brilliantly, but the Murexes are hopeless because of the dof! I live in Guildford, am an active member of the Guildford Photographic Society, and am very pleased to join your community which looks to be a really friendly, active and interesting one....
Best wishes
Roni B (Bryonia30)
Welcome on board. As you say, this is indeed a friendly, active and interesting little corner of cyberspace. Hopefully you've already seen that there are some masters (and mistresses) of macro photography on here (I'm not one of them). They, I am sure, will be more than happy to share their knowledge and exprience.
The best thing to do is get straight into one of the sub-categories in the forum (maybe General Photography Discussion in the Tips and Techniques section) and post up a question or two - like 'Why am I having problems with DoF?'
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the welcome...This site has some great information that I'm sure will be helpful to me......Like I said, I'm a "newbie" to all this technical stuff, but so eager to learn more........I see you have a website....I'll be sure to check that out too and your pics on flickr....Jan
Hi Everybody....!
My name is Colin, I use Canon mostly, and have done so for about ten years. I started with film in 1978 but now i only use Digital.
I take pictures of anything that catches my eye. & my preferences are Social doumentary - Wildlife - Street & Candid...& More recently Portrait.
Most of the time i use a Canon 50D + Prime 50mm lens for sharpness and ease of use, i whent off zooms.....!
That`s it by way of Introduction......Kind regards............TTFN
Hello Folks ! I'm from Mumbai , India and am a zealous aviation photographer. I use the excellent Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ-18 ! Looking to upgrade soon!
Hi Sean,
I've just replied to your other post elsewhere, now I see you're into aviation; I have some I shot this weekend at a mini airshow, I'll be posting these in the next few days, so don't stray too far (and remember to make CiC a bookmark/favorite).
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Jan,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.
There's no shame in starting on Auto, and we were all newbies once.
The Oly E520 is a capable little camera, so let's see some shots from you please - the best way to improve is to practice
The manual may not be the best place to learn how to use it, although I say that without experience of how good or bad Oly manuls are.
So ask here, or get something like a Field Guide, again I've never used one, but others like them.
Hi Ronni,
I have a sister-in-law that lives 'down your way', so I know where Guildford is
It sounds to me like you may need to use "Focus stacking" to achieve sufficient DoF on your shells, I think it's Rob, our shiny, new Moderator that has done some of that recently.
Have a look here, here and here for some examples, Rob uses Helicon. I haven't tried it yet myself, but one day.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 17th August 2010 at 06:58 PM.
Hi Colin,
"Prime 50mm lens for sharpness and ease of use, I went off zooms.....!"
That takes me back, when I was shooting film back in the early eighties, after 10 years or so, I came to the same conclusion and took everything with a 50mm on a Nikon EM. Although I had 38-100mm and 90-250mm, zooms were so soft in those days, I could only afford the cheap third party ones. I think they are better now, but you never know, I may yet regress/advance again
Anyways; welcome to the CiC forums from ...
OK, now I'm all 'caught up' with welcomes, time to go PP some planes for Sean (#689)
Welcome Roni,
You can do the same with the DSLR as you can with the P&S and so much more. It's a matter of knowing what the functions do so well with the point and shoot and applying it to the DSLR. For instance, with landscape photography you want to achieve an overall sharp photograph, the foreground equally as sharp as the background and that is achieved with a smaller aperture (or large f/stop number usually f/22). The point and shoot can only take you so far. You need to know, and share with us, the aperture range of your camera and then show us some examples of what you are trying to achieve. This will help with an advice we can give you. For your macro shots, it depends on how in focus you want your background. There is a macro setting on most point and shoots and if you are targeting depth of field, then you want to use a wider aperture or lower f/stop, usually f/1.8. Provide us with more information on what your desires are. And by all means ask your husband how he achieves his landscape and what settings he uses.
Hello everyone,
I am Soumita, currently in NY.
I consider photography as an art and really passionate about it.
I have experimented with an old Minolta SLR in during high school days, and I am now transitioning from manual to digital SLR (Canon Rebel T1i).
My personal interest -Architecture and Nature photography. I stumbled upon this website and found some informative discussions in the forums. I would like to learn from the discussions and share my experience.
Thank you!