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Hi everyone, I'm from Vancouver, British Columbia, and my name is Lisa. I have a Canon Rebel XTI right now, I've only had it for a year. I got it from a second hand store but it's done pretty good, so far, in my opinion. I've loved photography and been insanely passionate about it for around 5 years now, even though I'm pretty young. I'd love to get a new camera this year but I'll probably have to wait. I'd love to get a Nikon D3S but my Grandfather (the only person who would really be able to help me buy it) says it's too expensive even though I want to pay for a new one myself. I'm bad at introductions, I tend to ramble on about little things like that. Anyways, I'd love to be a professional photographer one day, or something, it'd be pretty nice. I guess I'd say I'm not too new to photography at all but I'm still improving and trying out different things all the time. I really hope that didn't come off as arrogant, I'm really modest about my photography/photos for the most part. Anyways, I've never joined a forum like this before so it'll be something new/different for me and I'm excited in a way.