my name is carole been taking photos for about the last 10 yrs ,but only point and shoot. now got my first dslr sony a330 am very happy with at the moment ,got a lot to learn about what lens to use for what!
Welcome to CiC !
I live in the SF bay area of California, new to photography, and look forward to reading and participating on this forum. One of the best places to learn is among the community that shares a common interest.
I am, on a quest to learn what photography is all about, beyond taking snapshots. I appreciate the world around me and wish to learn how to do it justice to some degree with my camera. I need to learn the mechanical basics as well as the business of making the right shot. Found this location while searching for information about aperture and am excited to learn what things mean when setting up to take those shots.
I have a Panasonic DMC FZ35 and really want to learn how to get the most out of the camera. It is frustrating when one does not know the difference between iso 100 and f2.8. The instruction manual is a waste except to show me where the buttons are and I feel that when I learn the basics of my camera, what I see and read here will have continued value because I will understand better how to apply to my camera.
Hi My name is Jacques van Delft and I am from South Africa. I started with digital photography only recently and want to learn.
Last year I bought a SONY A200 DSLR and started to take pictures. Only now I have learned that taking good photo's is a trade. I explored this website and liked the tutorials. This will keep me busy for a long time to learn, and being part of the Cambridge in Colour community will be a great oppertunity to share and learn. Thanks for the oppertunity!! Regards
Hi there, Jaques. A warm welcome to you. Just post any questions you may have in a new thread, reply to existing threads to join in the discussion, or even post some of your images!
You might want to read this for posting images here. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
Hi, Carole. Welcome to CiC. I'm sure you will enjoy things here. Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion. Or, reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images here. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
Hi Jim. Welcome! You came to the right place if you want to learn. As well as the tutorials and discussions here at CiC, you might want to consider getting a few decent practical photography books, or perhaps there are good photography classes in your area? It's a lot to learn, and it does take time.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion. Or, reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images here. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
My Excuse for Being Here -
I have been a photo enthusiast for quite some time now, I can not think of calling myself anything else, since I have owned many cameras - from the film days but never got the "nitty gritty" of it all. Until now.
You are most welcome to CiC, Aziz. If you want the nitty-gritty have a look at the tutorials here (link above).
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion. Or, reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images here. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
hi there ,I am Jim from Glasgow.I got a Nikon D3000 for my birthday and i'm here to hopefully learn how to use the thing lol
Hi Jim
Welcome to CiC. Where in Glasgow are you? I used to live in Helensburgh many years ago, and workd in Glasgow.
All I get for my birthday is a tea-cloth and told to do the dishes.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion. Or, reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images here. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
hello ,its Me
-53, MARRIED,F/O 4..
nvr -lalaji
cheers Rob......i'm going to do a course on digital photgraphy to learn how what all the jargon is,but i had a good look last night and this is easily the most informative forum i have found regards cameras etc....i also need to try and get my head round photoshop lol
I posted a couple of pictures in the pets section that i took
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the advice to post some pics...I will certainly do that in the near future....I enrolled in an online course with the Photography Institue and am currently in the process of doing my 3rd assignment...Wow, this stuff can get soooo technical...At 49, maybe I'm just too old for this stuff.....lol.....It's just about doing my head in, but I'm determined to get there.....This assignment is all about doing a greyscale test and making a zone ruler and working out the dynamic range of your camera.....I've been very slowly ploughing through it all....I'm thinking (from what I've read) that my camera favours the shadows, as from my 1st pic (which is supposed to be my correct exposure according to my meter) it takes 6 stops to reach pure black, but only 3 to pure white...Would that be a correct assumption?....And when working out the dynamic range, is that only the stops between black and white....Or do you count them as well????..............And as for the olympus manual, some of it makes sense but other sections are as clear as mud!.....In fact, if I wasn't doing the course, I don't think I would have a clue about anything in the manual.....lol....Anyway Dave, if you have time, I would appreciate your feedback on all that....Thanks, Jan
Hello all,
I'm from Brazil, and I'm really new on what I call "advanced photography". Until last couple of months I was just a cybershot AUTO mode shooter. Convinced by my artist mom I decided to buy a DSLR, since she believed I had an "especial eye" for the thing and needed a better equipment. Probably that kind of thing that only our mom sees on us, and probably not so true... Still, I'm really enjoying it and investing a lot of time learning about this fascinating world.
It's very nice to be part of this forum. I can see that people here are very nice and helpful.
best regards,
Hi Lalaji
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
Just a small point - could you please use normal case when typing posts. Is one of the shots you posted you?
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi Fausto
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
Photography can be very addictive, but also very interesting as you point out.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi, just joined your forum.
I've just brought my first DSLR and i'm looking forward renewing my childhood interest in photography. I did o'level photography at school (30 odd years ago) and it was part of my Art and Design college course.
I'm planning to post up images in the future for honest criticism and advise, at the moment i'm just shooting lots of rubbish while i familiarize myself with the camera.