hello great crew,
shouting out from the biggest heart of Africa :NIGERIA
photoenthusiast want to share and learn photography wit y'all.aspiring to be a photojournalist/fashion photographer
blinx (Kebbi state in Nigeria)
hello great crew,
shouting out from the biggest heart of Africa :NIGERIA
photoenthusiast want to share and learn photography wit y'all.aspiring to be a photojournalist/fashion photographer
blinx (Kebbi state in Nigeria)
Yep, that's exactly where I was just under 2 years ago. But, rest assured, if you can commit time to learning then it will all begin to make sense and you'll think, 'Hey, why didn't I understand that when I read it before?'
Stick with it. It's a brilliant learning method.right now i am trying to limit myself to only using the camera Nikon D60 in manual mode...
ps - Welcome to CiC. I think you'll enjoy it.
Hi all from sunny uk Berkhamsted, just joined, doing the Open University photographic course, and happy with my new camera
EOS 550d, just upped 5 photos please look.
Regards to everyone
Good morning everyone, I just finished registering and joining your forum. I am retired and living in lovely East Texas, enjoying it's beauty and sharing time with ten grandkids.
It's knnd of hard to do better than that. I am not an accomplished camera person but I have a great love for photographing our caves and nature that surrounds me daily. I look forward to meeting a bunch of you and learning from the best of you.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd October 2010 at 10:04 PM. Reason: add image inline
hi just found your website, ive been into photography for about 15 years my main interests are portaiture and landscape.
I shoot digital on aNikon d2 and use photshop to hide my errors lol
Hi everyone!
I'm Cody Ford, a photographer from Houston, Texas across the pond.
This is a great forum, and I'm glad to become a part of it.
I apologize in advance, of my misuse of zeds! ;-p
Sudden rush of Texans coming on. Have Sean, Colin, Dave, Rob launched a promotional campaign over there? Some sort of 2-for-1 offer?
Great to have you on board, folks. And look forward to seeing images from that wonderful state.
Hi Peter,
I just had a look at your album (now 20), you have some good images there.
We have a Curved bench like that (#13) in Windsor too, I've had one go at shooting it, but am not happy with the result, must try again. I also liked Autumn leaves and the Church Doors.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
My name is Andrew Sharpe. I live in Ely and work in Cambridge.
I'm a graphic designer, mainly working for educational publishers.
I have worked as a photographer, mainly for the University of Cambridge.
I mostly enjoy landscape and architectural photography, and have a website: www.sharpeimages.co.uk and a Flickr page at: www.flickr.com/photos/sharpeimages/
I've been a follower of Sean's for some time, and always find his photos and thoughts interesting and useful.
See you all around
Hi Andrew
Welcome to CiC. I had a look at your website and you have some very impressive shots there. I used to live in Whittlesford, just south of Cambridge. Do you have any shots of it? I had my graduation in Ely cathedral - I still maintain it's the best cathedral in the UK.
Just join in any of the threads, and if you post some of your images, I'm sure you will get plenty of feedback.
Hi Rob,
Sorry, no photos of Whittlesford, don't seem to get all the way round to south Cambridge very often, and when I did it was usually to take my son to one of his football matches in Linton, or even further afield!
I never tire of photographing Ely Cathedral (as you can probably tell), though it is nice to see others occasionally.
Hi All,
I found the forum just by chance when I was looking for some information on HDR, had a quick browse and was immediately hooked....so much to learn.
okay, m from india, to be exact from kolkata... well kolkata is a great place with a lot of hustle and bustle, and a lot of chance to do street photography. The photographs come out awesum indeed but there is a catch, people grow really suspicious if anyone sees ya with a camera in ur hands! :P night photographs are quite kewl indeed, a place with loads of gardens and trees around, pics at early morning create good nature pics.
as for me, i stay at about 180 kms from kolkata now, cuz i am doing my college education over there. I own a very basic kit of 450D and a 18-55 mm kit lens, i would be buying a 50mm f1.8 soon, cuz i really luv night photographs!!
thanks to Admin... U really created a awesum website for budding photographers like us and even the pioneers!
i wud really like to put forward a Q, it is kinda a prob that i recent found with my cam and it was not there b4, in the manual mode, the burst speeds are much slower than the auto sport mode. I really do not know the reason, even after keeping all the parameters same, such as image size and iso and cont. AF it is still slow, can anyone answer what the problem may be?
Hi Sayantan,
Welcome to CiC - it's great to have you with us. I'm sure that many here will fall over backwards to help you ... but just wondering if you'd do just one little thing to help us? As many of us are of an older generation, we don't speak "TXT"; so it would be absolutely wonderful if you could avoid things like "U" (you), "ya" (you), "ur" (your), "cuz" (because), "luv" (love), "wud" (would), "Q" (question), "cam" (camera), "b4" (before) etc
With regards to your question, in sport mode the camera will use a high ISO and wide aperture to keep the shutterspeed high enough to freeze action (say, 1/640th sec) whereas on other modes the camera may well use a much lower ISO and much smaller aperture resulting in a much lower shutterspeed - and with low shutterspeeds the burst speed is reduced (for the Canon 1D3 to shoot 10 FPS, the shutterspeed needed to be above 1/1000th sec, even though - in theory - you'd only need 1/10th second).
Hope this helps.
Hi Colin,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
My main interests are landscape and architecture as well as trying (not always successfully) to produce moody black and white images. The main camera I use is a 50D with a 17-40 f4.0 L or 35mm f2.0, I'm also lucky enough to have the 100mm f2.0 for the occasional portrait.
I used to shoot live music on film but luckily for my ears the venue has now closed so I can take the ear plugs out of my camera bag.
Hello Everyone, I am Alan I am very new to photography my retirement hobby. I have just purchased my first Digital SLR camera a Nikon D3000![]()
Last edited by Colin Southern; 24th October 2010 at 09:08 PM.
Hi all,
Have been taking "snaps" for more years than I care to remember but have decided that now is the time to learn to do it "right". Have just started an online photography course hopefully to learn some of the finer points.
Found this site when searching for some extra information........looks great so far !!
Anyways I was wondering what everyones views are about Bridge cameras ? The reason I ask is that due to my job (working on a ship and severe weight restrictions for helicopter transfers) I have in the past used a fujifilm S8000fd but recently got a HS10 and am loving getting used to it.
I love Landscapes, sunrises and sunsets and can often be found up on deck at these times if not at work.
Originally from Cardiff (Lived in Penarth - Love the Photo of the Pier !!) but now living in North Scotland.
Hello, my name is Toru, I'm brazilian, 43 yo, physician ... photography is my hobby!