Margaret, Edz, and Mick, welcome to CIC. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Everyone here is very helpful and doesn't make fun of what you might feel is a stupid question.
Margaret, Edz, and Mick, welcome to CIC. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Everyone here is very helpful and doesn't make fun of what you might feel is a stupid question.
That's the least of your problems now you have joined here! Pretty soon your going to be in serious debt from camera gear recommendations, dispirited by the dazzling virtuosity of Colin's (Admin bod) portraits of YOUNG WOMEN. Totally perplexed by the stunning arrary of photography on display here, and left confused as to why I have not been committed to a sanitorium.
But don't let that spoil your fun here!![]()
You are most welcome to have a go now. It doesn't matter that you just joined. In fact, it's a good way to intro yourself in more detail.
In conversation with. Why not take part?
Hello to ya'll
I'm retired and living in Tyler, TX with my wife of 57 years. Photography has become my number 1 source of entertainment. I have viewed some of the photos on this site and can see I have a long way to go in my learning process. Look forward to getting involved in some of the forums and also to take advantage of the many tutorials.
Hi Margaret,
That's a pretty versatile camera which should do you well for a couple of years while you're learning the craft. I started with a Fuji equivalent and you can see what I did with that from the Picasa album link in my signature, the PBase one is later and is 99% Nikon D5000 DSLR.
So you have started with a good camera choice for "going manual" - in due course, but for now I wouldn't worry about leaving it on Auto (exposure), I did that, then moved on to Program when I began to get the hang of juggling aperture values and shutter speeds to get desired effects
If there's anything you don't understand in the tutorials, do come back and ask a question in the appropriate forum and we'll soon have you sorted out and when you (inevitably) have some pictures that don't come out the way you had imagined they might, post them for critique with a few words of explanation and we can advise what you need to do to achieve what you wanted.
I think it only remains for me to say welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Margaret,
That's a pretty versatile camera which should do you well for a couple of years while you're learning the craft. I started with a Fuji equivalent and you can see what I did with that from the Picasa album link in my signature, the PBase one is later and is 99% Nikon D5000 DSLR.
So you have started with a good camera choice for "going manual" - in due course, but for now I wouldn't worry about leaving it on Auto (exposure), I did that, then moved on to Program when I began to get the hang of juggling aperture values and shutter speeds to get desired effects
If there's anything you don't understand in the tutorials, do come back and ask a question in the appropriate forum and we'll soon have you sorted out and when you (inevitably) have some pictures that don't come out the way you had imagined they might, post them for critique with a few words of explanation and we can advise what you need to do to achieve what you wanted.
I think it only remains for me to say welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi all
Pentaxian that is still learning. Being a Pentax person is fairly rare in Australia and I figure we are all still learning. I have visited this site several times over the past few years and seen it grow. I feel that it is an excellent site and felt that after all these visits I should join. some of us are a little slow down under... (In Australia)
Anyway Hi to everyone and I will look forward to reviewing and commenting as I visit in the future.
Thanks Dave for your welcome and comments. As I said in my opening post, I am new to SLRs having only ever owned basic/compact cameras. I was hoping to enrol at my own, or another local college, however by the time I got around to getting my camera, all courses were full and those starting in January have a waiting list.......... I have looked through your tutorials and I must say they are excellent, set out in 'English' if you know what I mean haha. I have relied mainly on Ai up to now BUT I would love to be able to get to grips with the basic settings and take some, at least, decent pic's to put up here. Once again, thanks for your advice......
Hello everyone
I'm Keith and I have been popping in and out of here for quite some time now so I thought I had better stop and say hello.
I took my first photo at a street party for the Queen’s Coronation and I’ve dabbling and learning ever since. I think the best intro will be to post some of my stuff - as soon as I’ve worked out how to do it![]()
Nice bag there Rob, I have a tamrac for my stuff, sure comes in handy, I use mine when flying mainly (in a plane of course) ha!.
Know what you mean about cheaper on gas too.
Welcome Keith. No need to work it out, as we have worked it for you. We are that kind of site - helpful, nice people, total nutters, etc.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
Hi - thought I'd introduce myself. I've been taking photographs for a long time but never seriously. Had a Fuji bridge camera for a few years and just recently got a second hand Nikon d200 to try and branch out a bit.
Still an awful lot to learn especially as the more you try to improve and get that 'perfect' shot then the harder it is to get it !! But still, I enjoy it which is what it's all about.
I live just outside Southampton, Hampshire, UK.
Hi Mike
You are very welcome here. I started with a Fuji bridge camera in 2006. You will soon progress if you are keen. The D200 is a good camera.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
You might want to read this for posting images on this site.[/QUOTE]
Please read the FAQ (on menu above) - but here's the link...
Have fun!
I think I joined a few months ago, and then just recently started reading the thread by Colin Southern on Portraiture, so I'm going to be more active here. This site seems to have so much information posted.
I started in photography when about 14-15 years old (a long, long time ago), with an Argus C-3. Built my own darkroom out of a non-used coal bin, and made an enlarger from an old Kodak "Pocket Camera." I've sort of collected old 35 mm and 120 cameras. Took most of my shots with Nikon F3 and F4 and then a 8008. After I retire in 1998, I started into painting--first with watercolor, and now everything except oils. From that time up to about a year or two ago, I used photography (now digital, Olympus D500L, then a C-750, which I rarely use now. Then about a year ago I got a Canon PS, D10 to carry with me all the time and started in taking a picture every day. This led to more interest in photography beyond just documenting my paintings and reference photos. I still have thousands of slides (I never throw anything away) and I'm trying to scan some of the good ones into digital format before they totally are unusable.
Some of my stuff can be seen in a couple places--mostly photography on I have several albums there (used also for keeping updated with my son (Tim) in California and use the blog for updating my experimental painting works. My art website is I've rambled enough--back to reading and catching up.
Hi Y'all !
I'm a newbie, just beginning to get my feet on the ground. I've been visiting the site for several weeks now, poring over Tutorials & Techniques. I must compliment the Staff on the presentations ! Unlike a plethora of other sites, it's a pleasure to find one where a command of English and succinct, logical and comprehensible articles are the order of the day. Kudos to all.
I have a gripped Canon 450D, Canon f 2.8 70-200 IS USM, the kit lens, a 1.4 TC. Primarily interested in Nature Photography and BW. I've a lot to learn, although I'm beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel thanks to Cambridge!
Footnote: I spent a couple of years in your wonderful country at RAF Wethersfield. I miss the local pubs and the friendly people.