Hello my name is Mike Bright i have been interested in photography since the age of 14.Now i am 65 and retired hoping to spend more time doing photography.I live in Fishponds Bristol UK.
Hello my name is Mike Bright i have been interested in photography since the age of 14.Now i am 65 and retired hoping to spend more time doing photography.I live in Fishponds Bristol UK.
Thanks a lot.
I'm a little far away.
I'll try to collaborate and, mainly, be helped.
You're going to be popular around here (we have had a few 'discussions' about wedding photography recently.)
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us You are not too far from me (West Wales)
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
Posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
Put yourself on our Google map CiC Google map
FAQ (on menu above) https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hello all,
Decided to join after lurking for a while and reading some of the tutorials, which are very helpful. I am hoping to pick up some tips and help in becoming a better photographer. I was made redundant from my job last December and have been thinking of starting a photography business, but I am lagging behind in the planning and execution. I think I am a little unsure of my abilities.
I used to have 35mm film gear years ago, then moved to compact cams, then packed it in altogether, but when the digital era began I started with a compact digicam and then moved to DSLR. I started with a 10D, but now have a 40D. My various lenses are mostly Sigma, but I recently bought a Canon 50mm f1.8 and then my husband bought me a Canon 70-200mm f4 IS sooper-dooper zoom!
I hope to be a regular contributor and learn a lot.
Hi, My name is Kim, I'm new here. I have a Canon Rebel Xs, 28-135 lens and 70-300 lens and LOVE photography. I know i'm not great but i'm getting better with each click of the camera. I would LOVE comments/feedback on my photos.
I could also use a little help on how to post photo's here lol, I tried but got a red X. HELP!
Hi Kim
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
If you haven't already done so, it would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
Posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
Put yourself on our Google map CiC Google map
FAQ (on menu above) https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi everyone...I am new !!
Trying to post a photo to the November competition .....all help would be appreciated
Cheers, Sarah
Thanks for the welcome Rob. I have added my name to my profile. Looking foward to checking out everyone's work.
Click here and all the answers shall be yours!
Welcome on board. Good to have you joining.
Last edited by McQ; 18th November 2010 at 06:21 PM. Reason: missing "here" link :)
Hi, I'm Sara...just joined the clubI'm 26 and have always loved taking / looking at photo's and have recently treated myself to a new Canon EOS 500D(?) and love it
At the moment I just take pictures for fun but really want to take it more seriously and learn how I can improve and make the most of my camera... I think that's it really, as you can probably tell I really don't know anything so will look forward to reading all the tutorials and treads!!
Welcome. The fact that you've ended up here is an important part of the learning process. As well as the tutorials and techniques pages which are amongst the best you will find online ... anywhere, you'll also find the people on here more than willing to offer all the help they can. All we ask in return is that you share your enthusiasm and hunger for learning.
So, start asking questions. Lots of people starting out are afraid to ask questions because they think others will see think they're too simplistic or stupid. That will not happen here. There's always someone here who will try and answer your questions to the best of our ability.
Last edited by Donald; 18th November 2010 at 08:12 PM.
Hi there and welcome to the CiC forums from me.
Where in the world are you?
and what's your first name?
and ... (I really must stop doing this)
Sorry to hear about the job going, but if you can turn it around to doing what you like, all well and good.
Yes, a wider aperature zoom, or prime, might well be on my Christmas list
Have you got a link to an album website? or post some images for critique here at CiC, we'll be gentle to start with
Best regards,
Hello everybody!..
My name is Aydogan Akyuz.. A retired petroleum engineer..
I am New here, but I suppose the oldest..
I hope to discuss some of my headaches with you for good medicin...
In fact, I am not a photographer, but a photo-painter.
See you on the next occasion!
Hi All,
My name is Kingshuk. I am from a suburb in Melbourne Australia. I take shots with a Sony 350. Shall post few of my shots here.
Oh, I don't know about that. There are a few persons of 'mature' years around this site. In fact, I think we can probably still lay claim to having the oldest average age across the membership than on other photo sites. But just think of what that means in terms of the cumulative number of years of experience.
But, however old you are, you are very, very welcome.
HI folks
I found this web site while looking at zerene software links, i have down loaded a copy of the zerene software as i am a very very keen macro photographer, so far i have put together one image of a fly made from 57 photos, my camera a Nikon D70 used Nikon 105 macro with a + 2 & + 4 diopter on the macro lens together. camera mounted on tripod & used remote control for shutter the camera set on manual control, I have a copy stand brought at a camera fair for £10 complete with 4 x 60 watt photo bulbs & 4 x 100 photo bulbs as spares.
I do other photography as well , so i am not a macro nerd, my work is done on a home made desk PC, but its showing it's age so may build something a lot faster ,
sorry for rambling on
Hi Terry
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us. We could do with some more macro on here, so we look foward to seeing your stuff.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
Posting images on this site. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/forums/thread5745.htm
Put yourself on our Google map CiC Google map
FAQ (on menu above) https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...b3_board_usage
Have fun!
Hi all,
I have been reading the CiC Tutorials and their associated links for some time. The information has been interesting, informative, simple and, above all, inovative for someone who is really only just starting into the business of "Flash,bang, whallop - Stick it in your family album" techniques.
My profile reads that I have an interest in photography and soon to venture into astrophotography. Haven't been doing the former for more than about 5 years and really none to speak of for the latter. So its all a big learning curve full of all sorts of intriguing technical challenges. Having said that though, the one thing I have learned is that what I might see through the lens is not always what someone else might see in the result. So the KISS (Keep It Simple Sam) principle, with a little bit of technical influence, seems to pay off.
My interests are purely hobby in nature with no desire to make money - only pleasure. With this coupled to a carpentry "bent" there is plenty to do day and night for a retiree living down by the sea. I will get around to posting some piccys one day soon.
Thanks for the venue to share.