Hello to all. I'm jiro. Glad to be a part of the Cambridgeincolour forum.![]()
Hello to all. I'm jiro. Glad to be a part of the Cambridgeincolour forum.![]()
Hi all, My name is Russell and I live in Lawrenceville, GA, just east of Atlanta. Found CiC via Veer and really like what I see. I will definitely be back often. Picked up my first camera in 1970 and had an eye for good shots even then. Got my first real camera in 1977 when I bought my Canon AE1. Shot thousands of rolls over the years with it and ways always told how good my pictures were. I let it go about eight years ago, intending to replace it w/a D-SLR. A sour economy prevented that until this Spring when I finally got my current camera, a Fujifilm Finepix S200EXR. It is so nice to be enjoying photography again. Digital is really nice, and cheaper than film.![]()
Hi to all..
im a new guy for this site..
m fine artist(sculptore) now working as a digital.
photography is my passion now,my main interest.
see u guys soon .
regards to all.
Hi folks. My name is Alex and I'm a keen landscape photographer from Scotland. I love visiting the highlands and trying to capture the fabulous light that we get there, especial at this time of year.
I use a Canon 40D at the moment with various lens after buying my first camera a 20D five years ago, still loads to learn so look forward to picking up tips from you guys.
I'm off to have a look around the forum and hopefully I'll get to meet most of you
Hi all, my name is Bill Mahoney, just found this part of the site although I have browsed a few of the tutorials.
Main interest is wildlife photography especially African mammals but locally I'm mainly confined to birds.
A member of Wakefield Camera Club, I would consider myself average although I have won some of the club competions.
Look forward to getting to read all your posts.
Hi Bill
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us.
It would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here? And on the same subject, you may find this useful Posting image for comment and criticism
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Have fun!
Hi Donald, thanks for the welcome.
I see your located in a lovely part of the country, I'll have to have a look at your website.
Couldn't get to work today and going by the blizzard outside just now it might be the same tomorrow![]()
My name is Brian and I have recently acquired an Olympus E620 DSLR camera. After many years of using a Minolta SRT202 this is quite a challenge. All those decisions I now have to make when setting up for a photo! Life just goes on getting more complicated. I am seriously impressed with the quality of the output, particularly the resolution which had worried me before my switch to digital. I guess the technology has advanced rapidly since digital first hit the consumer market. Hope to gain more insights from the forums as I become better acquainted with my new toy
I live in Kingston, Ontario. Attached is a distant view of the city, looking down the Cataraqui river to where it joins the St. Lawrence on its way to the sea.
Hi Brian
Welcome to CiC, we are very glad you decided to join us. Nice shot you posted! You will get much better shots with a DSLR.
It would be helpful if you could put your first name in your profile so that it appears on your posts. See the FAQ if you are not sure how to do this.
Just start a new thread to ask a new question/start a discussion, or reply to existing threads to join a discussion. Or, you could try posting some of your own images to get feedback. We are gentle on new people!
For advice on posting photos, please read this How can I post images here? And on the same subject, you may find this useful Posting image for comment and criticism
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Have fun!
Hi , Dan from Boston , MA is in the house .
I shoot 35mm and 120mm film & Digital . I have been shooting a lot of urban street photography and graffiti . I have shot other subjects also , like motorsports . I am starting to explore night photography as of late . Still "urban street photography " but at night .
I am looking to network with others shooting the same here at Cambridge in Colour Forums and in my aera (MA/NY/ NE- Aera.
Hello everyone!
A few months ago I decided to move up from P&S digital and get serious about photography (in an amateur manner). I found this site while searching for photography tutorials, and have been studiying the CiC tutorials for the past couple of weeks. I currently own a couple of Canons: a T2i and 7D, and a few Canon lenses; EF 35mm f/1.4L, EF 50mm f/1.2L, and EF 85mm f/1.2L... and saving up for some longer L lenses, because I'm not really satisfied with the kit lenses.
I'm interested in portraits, nature photography (birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, and flowers) as well as landscapes (which is proving to be the biggest challenge, as I seem to lack an eye for it). I'm also interested in aviation, so I'll shoot just about anything that flies... or used to fly (airplanes, gliders, helicopters, balloons, dragonflies, thistledown...). I'm sure I'll be learning a lot more than I can contribute, but I look forward to the experience and invite honest criticism and suggestions.
This seems like a great place to learn, with knowledgeable and helpful members, so thanks in advance for your consideration to a newbie.
Hello everyone!
A few months ago I decided to move up from P&S digital and get serious about photography (in an amateur manner). I found this site while searching for photography tutorials, and have been studiying the CiC tutorials for the past couple of weeks. I currently own a couple of Canons: a T2i and 7D, and a few Canon lenses; EF 35mm f/1.4L, EF 50mm f/1.2L, and EF 85mm f/1.2L... and saving up for some longer L lenses, because I'm not really satisfied with the kit lenses.
I'm interested in portraits, nature photography (birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, and flowers) as well as landscapes (which is proving to be the biggest challenge, as I seem to lack an eye for it). I'm also interested in aviation, so I'll shoot just about anything that flies... or used to fly (airplanes, gliders, helicopters, balloons, dragonflies, thistledown...). I'm sure I'll be learning a lot more than I can contribute, but I look forward to the experience and invite honest criticism and suggestions.
This seems like a great place to learn, with knowledgeable and helpful members, so thanks in advance for your consideration to a newbie.
Hello Snarkbyte, and welcome to the forums! I'm pretty new here myself but have thoroughly enjoyed the site thus far. I find the tutorials a lot more in-depth than most and the people here are very helpful and polite.
Whoa, that's quite the arsenal of lenses to start out with! Wanna trade???Seriously, those are some lenses you'll never regret having. I've had my eye on them for a long time just haven't had the proper funding (think I need a new sponsor
Don't lose sleep over not getting stunning landscapes yet. It's the most challenging form since you're dealing with SOOOO much information that you have to try to compose in a catching way. I love landscape work, but that still doesn't mean I'm any good at it either.
Enjoy the forums!
This thread contains old introductions and has now been closed due to it's size.
The new introductions thread is here NEW MEMBER? Please Introduce Yourself Here
Hello all.
My name is Michael Ippolito and I originally moved to the Rhode Island area in 1999. In 2000 I had a friend introduce me to a little hobby called "fire buffing" and I've been hooked ever since. I have shot pictures at fires with everything from disposable cameras to the Canon 40D that I use today. I have always been interested in photography and it's great to be able to tie that interest into my love for the emergency services and all the men and women that risk their lives on a daily basis. By day I am the Operations Manager at a radio shop in West Warwick, RI...by night I'm a fire buff and photographer. I am currently branching out into other areas of photography and I am LOVING it. Hope to get to know you all on the forums
New to the forum but not new to photography. Recently retired and also just retired my trusty Nikon FM2 for a Canon 20D and 60D. Slowly returning to photography and am enjoying the creative freedom of the digital darkroom. Hal from the beautiful Selkirk Mountains of Southeast British Columbia canada
Last edited by mith60d; 1st December 2010 at 07:22 PM.
Hi Mike and welcome to CiC.
Interesting shot, and an interesting subject. Look forward to seeing more from you.
Please make sure you read post #1
Hi Mith (could you put your first name in your profile please?)
Welcome to CiC. What a great shot! (sorry that sound like Flickr) We are not like Flickr at all.
Please make sure you read post #1