hello to all,
I like CIC very much.
Thanks & Regards.
hello to all,
I like CIC very much.
Thanks & Regards.
Hi Arjun
Welcome to CiC - we like it too! We are very glad you decided to join us.
Please make sure you read post #1 which will help you get started
Hello everyone. My name is Len & I hail from the beautiful city of Vancouver, Canada. Currently I am a hobby photographer but I have deep roots in photography from my father. He was a professional photographer with the Canadian Armed Forces back in the late 60's through to the early 80's and he taught me a lot about lighting and composition.
When I was in junior high school in the late 70's he bought me a 35mm film camera and I ended up taking photography courses. I fell out of doing pictures in the later years of schooling and along the way, lost that camera. With the advent of digital photography, I took up the hobby again, this time starting off with a small point-and-shoot camera and taking pictures of the lilies I grow on my balcony every year. I have some fantastic shots which I will share from time to time here. I have taken to doing some local traveling for picture-taking excursions, most recently to the Oregon Coast. I have been severely bitten by the photography bug yet again, but this time, it is on my own terms and embrace it fully. It became apparent very quickly that it was very, very limiting for what my mind's eye invisioned and what came out of that little point-and-shoot camera but I still managed to capture some good shots. I recently bought a Canon Rebel XTI. It's a good starter camera but as my dad always said "it isn't the camera, it's the person behind the shutter". And it's very true. I have been told I have a very good eye for this and I am fostering it to the best of my abilities.
I have several photos in print as I volunteered some photos for my Union's quarterly trade magazine, even making the cover of their September 2009 issue and the cover of the 2010 calendar with more photos inside of each. I have only one photo posted in the forums as of typing this but I will post more in the coming days and months. I welcome any constructive comments : )
That's enough about me for now. I am happy to be a part of this community and look forward to posting more pictures and getting to know people here.
Good luck and may you catch that one shot in a million.
PS: Edit: Since I saw a few image postings on here, I figured I would add on myself. This was taken on 12/27/09 from my balcony. It is the Alex Fraser Bridge spanning the South Arm of the Fraser River. I call it "Towers in the Mist"
Last edited by LenG; 2nd December 2010 at 08:31 AM.
Welcome to CiC, Len - We are very glad you decided to join us.
Thank you for such a thoughtful introduction. We look forward to seeing some of your work.
Please make sure you read post #1 which will help you get started
Hi my name is Marilyn and I live in South Africa in a city called East London. Photography is a new hobby of mine and I would really like to learn more. I have a Canon 450D with a few lenses and love experimenting. I photograph mainly landscapes and ,of course, my granddaughter who I'm crazy about. At least she is willing (sometimes ) to be photographed. Unlike the rest of my family. I would somehow like my pictures to be more like art than just photos. This is where I hope you can help.
Hi, my name is Jackie and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. This is a city full of photographic opportunity. I know I have the eye for good pictures, but just need help with the technical aspects of digital photography. Big learning curve but I'm loving it already.
Many thanks!
Howdy all! I am here from Charleston South Carolina! In the good old U S of A!
Hi Marilyn, Jackie, and rmcccraw
Welcome to CiC - very glad to have you aboard ship!
Please make sure you read post #1 which will help you get started
Marilyn, Jackie
Two people in one day from South Africa. Wonderful.
Of course, I'm far too modest to remind you that Scotland beat the 'boks at Murrayfield a couple of weeks ago.
Great to have you along.
Don't forget to visit the CiC Google Map and get yourselves onto it.
My name is Jonathan, I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I don't know almost anything about photography yet. My camera is Canon Sx20is. At the moment I just intend to make my pictures a higher level than the ordinary =).
Good bye.:
Good evening everybody,
My name is Paul and I'm from Liverpool.
I've always wanted to take up photography, so my family bought me a Canon EOS 500D for my 40th birthday. I'm a bit overwhelmed by it, as I am a complete novice. I found this site while looking on the internet for help and was impressed with the tutorials (and the pictures!).
Any advice and pointers on where to start would be most welcome!
I stumbled across this site as I was trying to find information on capturing images using a digital camera to produce work for the City and Guilds "Introduction to Digital Photography" course at a local college. I joined the course to learn how to use my camera, a Nikon D90, which I bought on my retirement from full time work; this seeemed to be a good place to start.
I have had SLRs in the past, my favourite was the Pentax SP1000 which was stolen from my car in a hospital car park - it was in the boot but someone must have spotted me putting it there. I then had a Canon T70 but it was never the same. I could never really afford to take enough pictures on film, or even remember the settings I had used, to improve my techniques. Sometimes they worked but more often the results were fairly mediocre. Digital photography, and the D90 specifically, offers such scope. As soon as a picture is taken I can review it and take another with an altered set up; images can be edited easily - well I am not there yet but I have seen others who can; and, there is no need to have everything printed yet the images can be stored and retrieved. I am a total convert!
I have learned a great deal about photography - and not just digital imagery - in the few weeks of this course supplemented by articles on the internet and Cambridge In Colour in particular. I am really quite impressed with the tutorials and other helpful information that is so freely given. I realise that there is a great deal to learn before I can feel truly in control of my camera and Photoshop Elements 9 but the opportunity to share information and obtain feedback from a supportive community appeals to me.
If I had been quicker on the uptake and joined earlier I would have sent this picture in for the November competition as it is a place that is close to my home and which I pass through at least once every week. I hope that you like it, but any comments would be appreciated.
Kind regards
Last edited by bebles; 3rd December 2010 at 09:25 AM. Reason: Spelling
Good afternoon
My name is Larry and I am from Texas, USA. I have been a professional for a long time and I like to expand my knowledge and viewpoints when I have the chance. I hope I can contribute a little something from time to time. Thanks
Welcome. I hope you'll enjoy being on here and become one of the regular and frequent participants. Hopefully the sense of this being a place for learning and in which people are happy and committed to sharing knowledge and experience, has been conveyed to you.
As for advice and pointers.
- Learn your camera inside out, so that you can press buttons and turn dials without even thinking about it.
- Look at stuff on here and elsewhere. Tear it apart and ask yourself why, in your opinion, it works or doesn't.
- Study what you can on exposure and composition.
- Ask yourself (and answer) - What is it I'm wanting achieve and do by being a photographer?
- Go out and shoot lots and lots. Analyse the results. Then go out and shoot lots and lots more. Repeat often.
ps - And have a read of Post #1 at the top of this thread. It keeps you right on being part of CiC
I'm Kym from Ausphotography.net.au. I tend photograph landscapes and wildlife.
Here is a recent image of mine.
Superb Fairy Wren - Female by cypheroz, on Flickr
Camera Model: PENTAX K-7
Lens: Sigma Lens 50-500
Focal Length: 500mm (35mm equivalent: 750mm)
Aperture: f/6.7
Exposure Time: 0.0040 s (1/250)
ISO equiv: 800
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)
White Balance: Manual (Cloudy)
Flash Fired: No
Last edited by CypherOz; 3rd December 2010 at 01:43 AM.
Welcome Kym I'm new here myself, but it seems like theres something for everyone on hereWhat Equipment were you using to take that fantastic picture with mate?
Hello Everyone,
I'm in a small photography club and am definitely an amateur though I've taken photographs for many years. I love traveling with my camera and capturing images wherever I am. I really prefer close-up photography and I know it can be called macro, but not until I really learn to use my new macro lens well. That's why I'm here, to learn. What a great site for that! Thanks for creating this.
Added EXIF to first post
Welcome Matt & Kym,
Good to see a few more Aussies on line here Kym. I too shoot mostly landscapes and wildlife. I look forward to your participation in discussions and your images.
Hello to the Membership.
May I introduce myself, I am P J a New York based Photographer. My work covers Architecture, Cityscapes, Landscapes, Special Events, and Sports.
I followed a link to Cambridge In Colour and found a tremendous Website and Photographic Community.
Thank you for the opportunity of Membership.