Hi, my name is Debbie and I found this site by searching for photography info. I'm not new to using a camera but "learning" to use one, I'd say I'm at stage 1I love this site, it's very helpful to a beginning photographer wannabe! I hope to learn much more by using the forums and getting to know all of you. This seems like a nice place to learn and I have to say the folks here seem to be the ones to learn from. All the photos I've seen are just absolutely beautiful! I'm embarrassed to say that I do not have a "REAL" camera yet. I use my Canon PowerShot only but I'm ready to advance and looking for suggestions and pointers on best choices to start with and things of this nature. I told ya, I'm really just beginning to advance in my photography hobby and would really like to make it more than just a hobby, if I get so lucky. I'm in the U.S., East Tennessee. Very happy to be here and very happy to meet all you talented and friendly folks.
I enjoy trying to capture the beauty in nature in my everyday life.