Hello All, I heard my sister Katy was talkin about me on here. I figured I'd better join to keep track of her.

Just kidding. We've had a lot of fun talking about her photography and going out into the freezing cold and suffering for our art together. She speaks very highly of you all and since I was given permission (and conformation that I wouldn't be stepping on her toes) I thought I would join. One of things I miss most about working in animation (years ago) is being surrounded by creative people. So, no pressure, but I'm hoping you'll all fill that void.

I mostly use my camera for photographic refrence for my art work with the occasional foray into more technical photography. Katy is quickly surpassing me in that field, but so far I am still able to add my fine art perspective. So, in a nut shell it's so much fun and I can't wait to join the fray.