I suspect you've also got something to do with that. The camera is only the box in which to capture the light; you're the creator of the image.
Oh, I wouldn't wait for them. We have to shake them to wake them up every now and again. But they're harmless!Or maybe it's waiting for the moderator to approve?
Anyway, welcome to CiC. Hopefully you've already found that apart from being a helpful place and one focused on learning, CiC is also a forum where people enjoy exchanging knowledge and experience ... and banter.
Last edited by Donald; 7th December 2010 at 10:41 AM.
Hi everyone.
I'm Exequiel, a newbie in photography. I just got my first DSLR ( NIKON D3000 w/ an 18-55mm VR lens) a few months ago and I'm still trying to learn the basics of the trade. I like landscape art and night photography a lot. I look forward to all the help, advice and suggestions that everyone can extend to help me improve in this craft.
Delighted that you have chosen to join this photography forum. I think you will find people that here are very willing to offer support and advice. Just start up a new thread, or join the discussion in an already existing thread if it is addressing a matter of interest to you, and ask questions.
Also, I look forward to seeing some of your images.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Last edited by Donald; 7th December 2010 at 05:51 PM.
Hello fellow shutterbugs !
Im Aakash Gawali,from India. Im new to the world of photography so still in the learning phase. I own the Canon 550d and I feel very happy to be a part of such wonderful forum!! Hope to recieve timely guidance from you all...
till then, good bye and take care ! see you around.
Hi Aakash,
Welcome to the CiC forums from me, glad to have you along.
If you're anything like the rest of us, we're all still in the "learnng phase", it is why we're all here(never stop learning)
I look forward to seeing a picture or few, in the appropriate forum.
Do be sure to read post #1 which will help you get started.
Hello, I'm Nigel from East Yorkshire. I like landscape photography in particular and hope to learn from the forum. I looked at the tutorials (which are great) a long while ago but only just joined up.
Hello I am Xavier. I just added my city to the CiC maps. I guess I could be considered an enthusiast after I take my first photo but in the meantime I'm just "some guy who joined a photography site without owning a camera". I don't have any prior knowledge of photography or cameras but I was on the path of art education for a little while before life took me into music. So at the least, I have an artistic edge that I am hoping to turn into something awesome.
I just ordered a camera, a Sony a33, mostly because it's video capabilities would save me from buying a dedicated camcorder in addition to being a decent camera. I've read it's a DSLT not a DSLR with the biggest difference I remember being less light going into the optical view finder because of a translucent mirror. I guess as I mature I'll come to understand how that matters.
This site has been very helpful to me with all of the tutorials and the galleries. The community is very nice, helpful, and respectful. I hope to grow here among you guys so that I can give back in appreciation.
What an amazing co-incidence that the last two people to locate themselves on the CiC map (you and Dave) live so close to each other.
Anyway, welcome to CiC. I hope you will enjoy your camera when it does come. In the meantime, you can read the excellent tutorials and techniques pages that are on here (click on the menu bar at the top of the page) so that you can start preparing for your life as a photographer.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
You're certainly in a good part of the country to develop that particular field of interest.
Welcome to CiC. I hope you enjoy your stay and soon start posting your questions and your images.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Hi All
My name is Chris and i live in Wiltshire UK and it's great to finally find a website that i can understand and put to practice, i have only just got into photography starting with my Canon 300D Rebel with a 18-55 and 300mm Lens which im still trying to understand, i have played around with a few different styles such as light photography, Wildlife, Landscape and would like to try studio at some point! It would be great if i could meet up with someone who has a bit more knoweledge as i would understand it more hereing it and being shown rather than reading it. I'm in the TA and they are looking for a photographer who is willing to take pictures at Excercises and events which i would love to do if i had the confidence. Hopefully i will learn alot from this site!
It great to see everone's piccy's.......They look brill
Now there is a wonderful opportunity, I would have thought, for quite dramatic and interesting picture-making. NB - for others who don't know what we're talking about, the TA (Territorial Army) is the UK's non-regular, military reserve force.
Chris - Welcome.
Your point about learning the lens is well made. I don't think there's any alternative to getting out there and shooting, shooting, shooting until you really start to understand what it can and can't give you.
You also make an interesting point about the processes of learning. A lot of people prefer being in group situations and be able to interact with others 'in-the-flesh'. Maybe there is a club or photo society close by you that you might want to think about joining. Others, on the other hand, tend to prefer the solitude that photography allows and pursue their learning on an individual basis.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy being part of CiC
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Last edited by Donald; 8th December 2010 at 11:34 AM.
Hi, my name is Harold, from Little Rock, AR USA. I am a novice when it comes to digital photography. I want to learn how to make better photos, and possibly get back into photography for a serious hobby.
I used to use a 35mm SLR quite a bit, having several camera bodies and numerous lenses. When I stopped taking photos seriously, and in time, when film photography pretty much went away for non-professional users, I just put my cameras up and started using a little p&s cameral for family and travel photos.
Now, as I see people taking such excellent photos with digital cameras, I think I would like to become more serious in my hobby again. I thought about buying a new DSLR, but found that none of my old lenses will work on the new DSLR bodies for the brand I had been used to taking photos with. I am not sure I want to go into the cost or educational demands of getting fully back into the hobby as I was before. I am looking right now as a GOOD p&s camera, and have done a great deal of research on what is available. The more I look, the more I become uncertain of what to choose, so I am taking my time.
Meanwhile, I am trying to decide on what to do with my old Canon F1 and T90 bodies and the numerous lenses I have. I think I may keep on body and one or two good lenses, and give the remainder to a local college for those taking photography classes there to learn with. I still have my old darkroom projector and may still try to do some b/w photography with them since I have a stash of b/w film that I can use.
Anyway, I look forward to learning as much as I can here.
Hello and welcome. I hope the CiC forums, tutorials etc will help you acquire the knowledge you want about the world of digital.
I made the point just a few welcome posts ago, that there seems to be quite a few of us (myself included) who were into photography in our younger days, left it to pursue other things (like a salary) and are now getting back into it.
Please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
my name is David, I'm from Glasgow and I'm 17. After dabbling in photography for a (wee) while on an Olympus film SLR that my Dad gave me, I decided to save up my pennies and buy myself an EOS 450D. I have been at it for about 7 or 8 months now,and I haven't really found a "niche" or anything, I'm just trying to teach myself various techniques as I go.
Anyway, I found this place when I was looking for information regarding creating HDR images and it seems like a really nice board.
Enough of me talking about myself though,
EDIT: oops, forgot to include the picture. it's from a few months back, and one I like...
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 9th December 2010 at 07:11 PM. Reason: fix tags
Now, I was saying just a couple of days ago that we only needed one or two more Scots and we could launch the takeover. Word must be getting around!
Welcome, David. Great to have you on board CiC. I hope you find that this is a good place to help you with your learning. You'll certainly find plenty of help and support - people more than willing to share knowledge and experience.
At just a few months in, I wouldn't worry about not having found your 'thing' yet. You're taking exactly the right approach - try lots of things and learn what you're doing. Your' niche' will arrive with you one day - you'll know it when it hits you.
In the meantime, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
Last edited by Donald; 9th December 2010 at 02:29 PM.
Hi my name is Andy.
Came across this site while looking for reviews on cameras as i am in the market for a new one. Although not into photography in a big way, due to expense and time, i do appreciate a good quality photograph and hope to develop my interest over the coming years.
Looking forward to reading the toturials on this site.