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Thread: Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  1. #2821
    New Member
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    I am Kerry, (retired), and live in MELBOURNE, Australia.
    Thanks for the helpful and intelligent site.
    I have been shooting for about 3 or 4 years now.
    I have a Pentax K20 with 70mm and 20-70 zoom, and Nikon D500 & D80 with various lenses.
    I like seascapes , but shoot anything that takes my fancy, which seems to be a lot.


    Thanks again;
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd December 2010 at 10:47 AM. Reason: add image inline

  2. #2822

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here


    My name is Julia and I have been taking pictures with a slr camera and I enjoy taking pictures. Recently my children told me that I need to do something with that camera and that I should go back to school, so I did. I'm getting my associate's degree in digital photography. I didn't realize how much there is to know about dslr camera's. I finished my 1st semester and I have to say I was confused and thought that I wouldn't be able to do this. I was looking for tutorial's to help me understand things and found this forum, I hope to gain more information from the forums and the tutorials. I look forward to posting some of my photos for feedback.

  3. #2823

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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by photojunky View Post

    My name is Julia and I have been taking pictures with a slr camera and I enjoy taking pictures. Recently my children told me that I need to do something with that camera and that I should go back to school, so I did. I'm getting my associate's degree in digital photography. I didn't realize how much there is to know about dslr camera's. I finished my 1st semester and I have to say I was confused and thought that I wouldn't be able to do this. I was looking for tutorial's to help me understand things and found this forum, I hope to gain more information from the forums and the tutorials. I look forward to posting some of my photos for feedback.
    And you have come to the right place. If you can't get the info you desire here, there's probably not an answer for it...truly!

  4. #2824

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello, my name is Theodora Eve...
    I still new n still learn how to use this camera n still trying to learn how to take good picture..
    Hope I can learn more at this web site..

  5. #2825
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    My name is Sunil Bhalla. I am from India and currently live/work in the United Arab Emirates. I have been taking pictures using point and shoot cameras for the last 25 years from my high school days. Since the last couple of years, I have got interested in more serious photography using SLR camera and have recently bought my first SLR with a couple of lenses. I've started shooting and am loving the experience and results of an SLR.
    Have read many articles in the tutorial section of CIC and they are simply GREAT to understand the concepts quickly
    I have just started the journey and have a long way to go. Hope to learn a lot from this amazing forum.


  6. #2826

    Join Date
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    Sahil Jain

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Welcome to the Forum, Sunil. Glad to have you on board.
    Well 25 years is a good looong period. How about sharing your shots with us?! If you have any doubts as to how to post pics on the forum go through This Thread.


  7. #2827

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Theodora Eve View Post
    Hello, my name is Theodora Eve...
    I still new n still learn how to use this camera n still trying to learn how to take good picture..
    Hope I can learn more at this web site..
    Hi Theodora, and welcome to CiC!

    What a nice name... Theodora.

    If you haven't already done so, please make sure that you read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. And especially our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE

  8. #2828
    New Member malmac's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi All

    Thank you to the team who administer this site.
    I am getting a Tilt Shift lens for my Canon camera for Christmas - Yeah I bought it for myself - sad hey.
    So was searching for info on using the new lens and found this site. Liked what I saw, so decided to join.

    I live in Toowoomba in Queensland Australia. We are located about 130k west of Brisbane in an area referred to as the Darling Downs.
    Interested in learning more about photography even though I have had my own camera for nearly 50 years and my dad was a keen photographer with his own darkroom.

    Look forward to reading more and very interested in anyone who already has a medium format digital camera -
    My wife who is also a photographer - currently shoot using a range of Canon cameras (50D, 5DMk2, 1D Mk4).

    Hope those of you in the UK and Europe and holding up in the current cold conditions.



  9. #2829
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here


    Welcome to CiC from (yes indeed) a very cold north-western Europe.

    I hope that whilst you learn something from being part of CiC, that your knowledge and experience will be available to other members of here. loom forward to you being part of the fun.

    If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE

  10. #2830
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Joe and I been interested in photography for years. I started with film and have moved to digital, as everyone else has. I still photograph with film when I can, but digital is cheaper and provides immediate feeback. I hope to improve my skills and learn from others. Life itself is a learning process and it always helps to learn from others. That is what I hope I can do, learn from others. Learn from you.

  11. #2831
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Joe and welcome to CiC. If you go to your Profile you can add your first name where it says Real Name and it will show under your details at the left here. That way others will be able to address you correctly as you interact going forward.

    I do hope you enjoy learning here and part of that is also commenting on images posted by others. That way we can also learn from you. You can build your confidence with this in a special thread HERE. Please read the first post in this thread to understand how it is set up. There is no limit on how often you participate.

    If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ.

  12. #2832
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by malmac View Post
    Hi All

    Thank you to the team who administer this site.
    I am getting a Tilt Shift lens for my Canon camera for Christmas - Yeah I bought it for myself - sad hey.
    So was searching for info on using the new lens and found this site. Liked what I saw, so decided to join.

    I live in Toowoomba in Queensland Australia. We are located about 130k west of Brisbane in an area referred to as the Darling Downs.
    Interested in learning more about photography even though I have had my own camera for nearly 50 years and my dad was a keen photographer with his own darkroom.

    Look forward to reading more and very interested in anyone who already has a medium format digital camera -
    My wife who is also a photographer - currently shoot using a range of Canon cameras (50D, 5DMk2, 1D Mk4).

    Hope those of you in the UK and Europe and holding up in the current cold conditions.


    Hi Mal and welcome to CiC.

    Always good to have a few more Aussies on board. There has been a great influx of Canadians lately and we need to even the score.

  13. #2833
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hey everyone! I am prathi and am from India. It is wonderful to see all those beautiful images as soon as you log in
    Well basically i m a person who loves colour (any colour for that matter) and that is why i fell in love with photography.
    I use photography to express myself. As of now m using a modest Canon Powershot A495.Well its only a bad carpenter who blames his tools! So i try not to crib about not having a DSLR
    Well that is all for now.

  14. #2834
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi Prathi and welcome to CiC.

    The advantage of a Powershot is you can concentrate on understanding light and composition without worrying about apertures and shutters, etc. I am a colour man myself and there is much colour in India. There is still much to learn and practise with a compact and we look forward to seeing some of you images.

    I do hope you enjoy learning here and part of that is also commenting on images posted by others. That way we can also learn from you. You can build your confidence with this in a special thread HERE. Please read the first post in this thread to understand how it is set up. There is no limit on how often you participate.

    If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ.

  15. #2835
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello from Mauritius!
    My name is Farhana, I'm new to this forum and new to the fantastic world of photography
    I work as product photographer for one yr now but I really enjoy fashion and wedding photography!
    I hope you guys will help me out with all those photography techniques so that I can improve myself! ^_^
    Constructive critics are the most welcome on my pics!!
    I use a Nikon D90

  16. #2836
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Quote Originally Posted by Farhana View Post
    Hello from Mauritius! My name is Farhana

    Welcome to CiC. I think (although I might be wrong) that you are the first person on the site from Mauritius.

    You should have a look, sometime, at the thread that tells you about the CiC Google Map. The you can go to the map and place your self on it.

    But, firstly, I hope you enjoy being part of this forum and that you will find it helps your development in photography.

    If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE

    CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.

    And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.

  17. #2837
    New Member
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    John Dutton

    Re: HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

    This is my first posting to the community. I have been retired for about 15 years and in my early seventies. I have just started photography as a hobby last year with the purchase of a Canon G10 point and shoot camera. My main interest is landscape photography and being in a rule area I have a great opportunity to exercise this interest. The attached photo is a sample of my work.
    Introduce Yourself & Welcome Other Members (archive)

  18. #2838
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

    Quote Originally Posted by John Dutton View Post
    This is my first posting to the community.

    Welcome to CiC. Hopefully the other Ontarioians (what do you guys call yourselves) will see that you've joined.

    Hope we see lots more like that one above.

    If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE

    CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.

    And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.

  19. #2839

    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hello, my name is Andrew and am new to digital photography - I have recently bought a Leica X1 primarily because of it compact size, my work takes me abroad and because it has an external viewfinder. B&W used to be my preferred medium since I am red / green colour blind ! I was hoping that the technical options within Adobe Lightroom 3 would enable me to develop photographs that were not to bizarre to normal coloured vision people. Thats my introduction - a red green coloured blind person interested in colour digital photography !! This could get philosophical !!

  20. #2840
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    Re: NEW MEMBER? please introduce yourself here

    Hi CIC site. My name is Marty and a friend suggested I come to this site to post a picture of mine. This is rather new to me, so have some patience with my first attempt. I've seen some great photos thus far and look forward to visiting as often as I can and learning from what I see, as well as any constructive criticism I may receive. Thanks again and enjoy!

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