Hello There!
I live in Austria, about 40 km south of Vienna capital. The name of the place is Baden, in former times the summer seat of the Austrian emperor.
I have an EOS 5 MKII and a Sony NEX 5, some lenses and other equipment.
BR Otmar
Hello There!
I live in Austria, about 40 km south of Vienna capital. The name of the place is Baden, in former times the summer seat of the Austrian emperor.
I have an EOS 5 MKII and a Sony NEX 5, some lenses and other equipment.
BR Otmar
My name is Steve from High Wycombe Buckinghamshire UK . I use both compact digital and digital slr cameras but Im very much an amateur.Love the site.
Otmar and Steve
You are both very welcome to CiC. I hope you continue to find the website useful. We look froward to seeing some of your pictures.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Hi my name is Louise and I am from Ipswich, Suffolk. I use a Nikon D40 with a sigma lens and a point and shoot compact. I have always loved taking photos and is a family joke when I return from hols how long it will take to look at my many photos!! I struggle to understand all the settings on my camera and am hoping that now I have found you guys it will become a lot easier for me to understand!![]()
Welcome Louise. I hope we can help make things easier to understand.
At the top of this page, on the menu bar, there's a tab called Photography Tutorials. That's the starting point.
You don't say what you feel your level of knowledge and ability are, nor whether you're shooting in RAW or JPEG. If I'm assuming less knowledge than you have, I apologise. But .......
There are two things that I think you've just got to study. The first one is about understanding exposure. Getting a good understanding about how exposure works, is one of the fundamentals. Once you get that under your belt, a lot of other things will make sense.
The second thing I'd suggest you look at is about composition and understanding the 'Rule of Thirds'. It's in the 'Techniques' pages that you get to from the Tutorials page.
Once you've got an understanding about exposure and about composition, you are a long way down the road to being a photographer.
So, read them and come back with whatever questions you have. There will always be somebody on here ready and willing to try and help.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as the tutorials and this forum where you can learn through engaging in discussion with others, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Hi Folks, My name is Joe Keleman just joined this forum few minutes ago. I'm a Canon shooter for over 100 years. I hope to contribute with this forum as much as I can as Canon shooter. I was a sports shooter for print media for few years but mostly for fun for the last 15 years.
Hi Louise,
Donald's advice to attack the tutorials is good, but also; please don't hesitate to ask any odd questions here in the forums, especially if they are specific to your Nikon D40 (or P&S), we have plenty of both Nikon and D40 owners amongst us willing to help.
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi Joe,
Either you hold the record for being the oldest CiC member ...
you've owned more than one Canon at a time!
The latter I hope or you may not be with us very long
(boy this is gonna look really bad if you weren't joking and 'pop your clogs' tomorrow and blame me for reminding you how little time you had left)
Welcome to the CiC forums from ....
Hi All,
I'm Donna and have just recently (October) got into photography. I've modelled for a few years and have always been intrigued to get on the other side of the lens!
I'm currently using a Samsung NX10 whilst i'm learning and when i can afford it will hopefully migrate to a full DSLR.
I love playing with the aperture setting and seeing how this effects the depth of field, but its still very much trial and error at present! I was looking at paying for an online photography course to be able to undertstand the basics of photography before i try to do any of the fancy stuff, but this site seems to be such a wealth of information, I think I will work my way through all the available tutorials here first!
I look forward to chatting with you all and apologise in advance for any really stupid questions I may ask!!
Hopefully one of my images is below (if i've attached correctly!!)
Ask away with your 'stupid' questions. As others have said on here in the past, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask.
And, yes, before you lay out money for online courses, have a good read of what's on here. CiC Tutorials are acknowledged as amongst teh best (and easiest to understand) that are around. There will be plenty of opportunity to spend money on course etc as your interest and knowledge develops.
And, of course, you will be able to give others advice and how to set up and and shoot models, based on your own experiences.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
hey Hi,
This is Kunal here. M from India i come from a Advertising background gave it up all for photography n starting from ground zero level.
Learning n practicing Photography since last three months.
n yes i stumbled upon CIC searching for tutorials available on net.. Found out its the only website which is genuine after searching for 6 hours which covers in depth topics from basic to advance technique with a proper examples..
N yes Dave Humphries Hatssss offff to you, for the efforts put in making this website and Forum. sure many people around the globe are befitted as i m. Guess you r really passionate towards Photography as i m.
Glad to b here.![]()
And we are glad you are here. I'm pleased tnat you have, like others, found what CiC has to offer is very helpful for people who wish to improve their knowledge and skills.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
I'm a Canuck from Montreal Canada, home of the Montreal Canadiens. I'm a member in good standing of the Lakeshore Camera Club one of if not the largest camera club in the province of Quebec. I joined about 4 years ago when I decided to get back into photography. Before the advent of digital photography my film camera was collecting dust in the closest. No more film to have processed. No more waiting to see the results. No more disappointment after the wait. I love the immediate feedback on the backside of our cameras. I bought my first digital camera at about the same time I joined the camera club and I haven't looked back since. Joining a camera club is excellent for your photographic blood as you are surrounded by like minded people. You feed each others minds, much like this community. I shoot with a Canon 30d. I like to shoot pretty well anything. Mostly though, I like to shoot images with people or involving people in one way or another. This includes street photography (which I love to do but fear), sports photography and in studio. I'm recently retired and looking forward to spending more time with my camera and exploring the areas I haven't visited yet in this wonderful visual world.
Hi all,
I am new to photography. Also new to Cambridge. I moved here 6 months ago from Spain, for work related reasons. I found this website just looking for some photos of Cambridge. The tutorials and techniques pages here are quite useful. Of course you can take a look at my flickr account. I have some Cambridge photos there. I will really appreciate any feedback...
PS. I have a pentax k-x.
You're very welcome. We tend to use our real names here on CiC. You can edit your profile and put your name in against, surprisingly, 'Real Name'. It will then show up beside all your posts.
If you haven't already done so, please be sure to read post #1 of this thread HERE which will help you get started. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE
CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.
And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.
Last edited by Donald; 2nd January 2011 at 11:36 PM.
Hi Kunal,
We're glad to have you here too, you are most welcome.
I am merely a quarter of the team that runs the CiC forums and not responsible for the great tutorials we have here. Your "Hats off" should be directed more towards Sean (McQ) the site owner and author of the tutorials than me I feel. Not forgetting the other two mods; Colin and Donald, who more than equal my small contributions.
I hate to dis-illusion you, but if anything, I am more passionate about helping others here than my own photography. This is getting too serious, time to moving on ...
So, have you got a camera yet? (now that probably was a silly question)
Look forward to meeting again in the forums, all the best from ...
Hi Donna,
I took the liberty of fixing the image link for you so we could see the picture.
(you had used the Flickr page url, not the image url ending ".jpg", that's all)
There's more help, if you need it, here on posting images; HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
I look forward to meeting again in the forums, but for now I'll just say; Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
Hi everbody, I am Krishnakumar from Mumbai, India , looking to take up photography professionally. Have shot a lot from my Olympus 565UZ, interested in nature and macro photography. Looking for suggestion.s for the equipment I should get within a budget of 1000 american dollars and how to benefit economically from my photos. Have a great new year ahead. THANKS