Hi Everyone,
What a wonderful site - happy to meet you. Am privileged to be living on the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. Count me in as a digital newbie -but one who has always loved taking photography over a lifetime - started as a child with a Brownie box camera, then a Praktika IVB with Zeiss lens (bought in the early 60's on way by sea from Australia to Europe), then a Leica M4 with great lenses - all for film. Only recently switched to a Panasonic Lumix compact for digital (just great for catching movement).
Am a Mac user after using Windows for too many years - and the Mac has inspired to thoroughly enjoy going digital at last. Tend to lean toward natural shots - without vivid colours or lens filters - but do understand many photographers working with Windows and those viewing images on Windows monitors may feel the need to have more vibrancy and sharper images as otherwise the photos may tend to appear more subdued, especially when viewed over the internet. However, this is not to say that don't welcome experimenting or altering photos toward an art form, though perhaps more in a subtle way. So a new learning curve for me with digital and welcome feedback.
As the world is going through very difficult times - would like to also mention to those currently suffering icy winters, going through historic flood conditions or civil unrest - may your way be made safe and may peace and calm soon return.