Sharon - your mouth and eyes have not changed a bit!
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First time back here in a few years. Probably a good way to introduce myself again. :D
Maybe 5 or 6 years old here?
Junior Prom :cool:
A couple of years ago with my kids. Most recent and decent photo I have of myself. I have a rule about staying behind the camera... My kids look so different now, at least, my daughter does for sure.
Age 2, apparently not yet having mastered the idea of right-side-up:
4 years ago, with my first grandchild:
That's an old cotton sweater. Our rule: always wear absorbent, washable clothes you don't care about when tending to babies.
The gang, Bronxville, NY 1988
Minneapolis, Minnesota 2018. The addition is my son-in-law, second from left.
When I was a child, my mother was always trying to get me to wear a hat. I didn't need to with all that insulation on top. I didn't really have to worry about getting a sunburn either and in fact, the more time I spent outside, the lighter my hair would go.
Now I reach for some form of hat whenever I head out; sun protection in the warmer months and cold protection in the colder ones. My late mother is finally getting her wish...
Here's another one of me with my (then) little ones.