Here I am in 1959, at 19-years old and attending the U.S. Navy Basic School of Photography aboard Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. I am the one holding the 4x5 inch negative...
Here I am in 2019 at 79-years old (in the print shirt) with my wife and my cousin, Bob Hadley from North Carolina. I have a lot less hair and more facial scars now than I had at 19!!!
This was the first time I met Bob in person. We met online through Family Search DNA testing several years ago and are both active in the genealogy of our families. It appears that our mutual ancestor was James CROW (1770-1845) of South Carolina and Mississippi. However, we are the closest match in the DNA project. I have met numerous cousins through my genealogy studies and have learned loads about my family.
I met a Tennessee cousin, online, whose closest mutual ancestor was my second great grandfather, William Erwin (1797-1863) of Tennessee. I can trace my family through his line back to William the Conqueror... She greeted me online like a long lost family member and said - "You just have to come meet us in Tennessee. After all we are kinfolk." She added that I didn't need to worry about the Stantons (William's wife was a Stanton) because the Erwins and the Stantons, "...are friendly now. Even though they fought on opposite sides in the WAR!" The war she mentioned was. of course, the American Civil War 1861-1865

I felt like I was in a time warp when I talked with her