Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Fifth... and this will remain to be proven, California was one of the early states initiating a lockdown; while New York City waited a bit longer...
If you do the math, even an extra week of social distancing at the early end makes a very large difference incidence rates a month or two out. Anyone with a calculator could have estimated this, but the powers-that-be waited anyway until it was obvious that the situation was becoming dire.
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
On my original theme...
I have been binge-watching a couple of science fiction series from the BBC: Survivors. In 1975-6 Terry Nation wrote 2 series, each of about 13 episodes the scenario of which was a man-made pandemic that claimed 99.9% of the world's population. It then followed the survivors through the following days, months and them years as they attempted to survive as individuals, build communities and avoid human attempts to create puppet empires, steal, hoard etc. It looked at secondary infections and the challenges of living in a society with very few of the specialist skills we take for granted. Finally it looked at how society would rebuild and flourish in the future.
The first series in 1975-6 was followed by a remake in the early 2000's using the same material. Of course a lot had changed in that time: we had cell phones, the WWW and much more technology. Interestingly, none of that really counted after the first episode as systems broke down. What was further interesting was the disorientation of a generation dependent on the web and social media for engagement and information.
I found one other big difference. Compared to later series the the plot of the original series moved at a relatively glacial pace! And my partner, who did not want to look, reminded me of the scene in the film (Airplane or Flying High) where passengers on an airliner in trouble were watching videos of aircraft test crash videos! :rolleyes:
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Trev, are you watching via Netflix, etc. or were you able to convince the BBC website that you're in the UK?
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Our county has mandated wearing of some type of facial covering when going outside... I did not need to be told to do this but, at least people won't be frightened of me while wearing a facial cover... I don't go out often but, have a cardiac ultrasound appointment tomorrow...
My wife has finally decided to no longer have our cleaning lady show up but, will continue to pay her wages.
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
I am currently cleaning the underside of the guttering around the house and yesterday morning I took several images of children's sandpit surrounded by ugly tape.
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Originally Posted by
Trev, are you watching via Netflix, etc. or were you able to convince the BBC website that you're in the UK?
Hi Bruce - I hope you are keeping well!
Actually, I have them on DVD. I purchased them on-line some time ago and kept them for a "rainy" day... As you can see from my first posted image, I have been collecting DVDs for some time - according to my database I have over 1400!
I DO convince the CBC that I am in Canada so I can watch some of their stuff, and also the Knowledge Network (equivalent to PBS for our American cousins).
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Originally Posted by
I am currently cleaning the underside of the guttering around the house and yesterday morning I took several images of children's sandpit surrounded by ugly tape.
Hi Ole! :)
We all have to find inspiration where we can!
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
IHME is considered one of the best groups working on this.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Nowruz celebration this year me and my mother
With coronavirus
The first year we didn't have guests
But we started the ceremony with the joy and prayers of my mother
A new food or pastry every day
Reading a book
New music videos
language teaching
We forget Corona
I hope I don't write wrongنوروز_99_با_کرونا.jpg
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Originally Posted by
Nowruz celebration this year me and my mother
With coronavirus
The first year we didn't have guests
But we started the ceremony with the joy and prayers of my mother
A new food or pastry every day
Reading a book
New music videos
language teaching
We forget Corona
I hope I don't write wrongنوروز_99_با_کرونا.jpg
Keep safe and healthy - I have worried about you!
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Originally Posted by
Keep safe and healthy - I have worried about you!
thank you richard do not worry
we are safeYes, unfortunately the virus went away quickly
I am a teacher and we have been at home for about a month
All teachers teach students online at home
regaed veaz
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Vaez I am sure we all wish the best for you and your loved ones at this time.
Here in NZ we are doing quite well. The government introduced strict isolation early enough to flatten the curve of infections so far. With a partner who has no immunity we have to be super careful, so I am the only one who ventures out for supplies. I wear an N95 mask, eye protection, gloves and I try to buy things pre-wrapped. Everything is cleaned when I get home and supplies that will tolerate it are stored in a warming closet.
As I understand it from the WHO, Covid-19 is surrounded by a moist shell, and drying that off kills the virus, so we leave anything we can in the warm until we need it.
Luckily we have a small garden and our property, while fenced, borders on a park, so we are not bothered much. We have, so far, been SO lucky to have warm, dry autumn weather, so we can spend more time outside instead of feeling cooped up. Not sure how long that will last!
Serious Scrabble!
Re: ISOLATION - Your Experience
Hi Vaez, I was happy to see your post and read that you're doing okay. Your photo looks cheerful!