My first digital camera was the Olympus 5050Z which was sort of a P&S/Bridge Camera hybrid that I purchased about 2003. I began shooting with this camera because I needed digital images to post on dog rescue websites but, began using this little camera more and more as I began to enjoy digital photography... It used a 1/1.8" sensor with 5.2 million pixels total and IMO produced quite nice results within its limitations.
I used it as an adjunct to my Canon SLR film camera equipment.
The little Oly 5050Z had some really nice capabilities. Among those capabilities, it allowed me to record a short audio clip to provide data about the images that I shot - which was really handy. AFAIK: the Sony A9 is the only camera on the market today with this capability. Please correct me if I am wrong...
Here are two images from this 5mp camera...
I added a Canon 10D about 2004 and shot at first with the 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens... Right about this time I decided that digital was the way to go and sold all of my film gear... Here are some early images from this 6.3 MP camera and the 28-135mm lens...
NOTE: while almost monochrome - the above is actually a color image. Here is another from this series...
Do you still have your early-on digital images? Let's see them!