One of functions that photographs and photography can have is to prompt debate. The objective of the Contemporary Group of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) is: -
Photography that conveys ideas, stimulates thought and encourages interpretation; photographs "about" rather than "of".
This takes us far from producing 'one off' prints and into the realms of explorations (or projects).
That is the way I have taken my photography of late. Hot on the heels of my exploration of the newly commissioned 'power super highway' running across the country and its impact on the land, I have turned my attention to renewable energy. Scotland prides itself on being a champion of renewable energy - land and sea-based wind farms; tidal; wave; and solar.
However, much as renewable energy is needed as we fight to tackle climate change, wind farms in particular have the ability to generate wildly differing views and hotly debated arguments. For example, in response to an image I published in an online forum dedicated to that part of Scotland that is overrun, some will argue, by wind farms, I got:-
"HORRIBLE. They represent the rape of our beautiful Caithness landscape + the prostitution of members of the community who are unable to voice opposition as they fear ridicule if they were to make use of projects funded by these things."
I think photography should be used as part of debate, either to prompt opinion or to voice opinion. This is not about producing fine art images for the wall. Nor is it, I think, photo-journalism. Perhaps it is best placed in a photo-book. But is a challenge and fun to do.