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Thread: Rhaiza II

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Chile South America
    Real Name
    Javier Ramirez

    Rhaiza II

    Rhaiza II

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Ottawa, Canada
    Real Name
    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Rhaiza II

    Another interesting image, Javier, but I find that you have pushed it too hard. Dramatic lighting can result in stunning images, if done well, but if not, they start to look artificial and no longer human. I find that this is what has happened here. The left shoulder and arm do not look right. The pose is a bit strange with the camera left shoulder that has been thrust up into a rather strange pose. That pose works, by the way, if you shoot along the arm to the head.

    I do think there is an image here, but it will take a lot of dodging and burning to "calm down" some of the extreme highlights and extreme shadows. The way parts of the head and hair blend into the background is not working particularly well for me.

    My other comment is that you continue to follow the rule of thirds too tightly. Putting the eyes on the upper third is fine, but in this case, I find it ends up with too much negative space along the top of the image.

    Here is the direction I would look at taking the image.

    Rhaiza II

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