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Thread: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

  1. #41

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Week 20 - Another Building Site. Nearby to the previous scene, is this site, where a house has been demolished and is being rebuilt using different techniques which are basically wood attached to a steel frame and much of the construction work being done by a crane.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/1000 F11 Iso 400. I should have reduced the Iso but I had it like this because I was trying other angles which required a higher setting and there was some movement in those scenes. I preferred this image to those where I did reduce the Iso.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/500 F11 Iso 400

  2. #42
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Good Geoff, perhaps you can shoot some details...
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 9th May 2020 at 08:17 PM.

  3. #43

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    A look at the building site today when work has stopped for the week end.

    You could fall over a pile of bricks while reading all those safety notices.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with 24-70 Tamron lens 1/500 F11 Iso 400

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/320 F11 Iso 4oo

  4. #44

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Week 21 - Welcome to Salcombe. This week I was told that I was illegally taking photographs! I drove to a local mini supermarket near the edge of town and after doing some grocery shopping, about 8.30 am, I decided that because there were few people around I would have a quick stroll along the car/boat park and take my camera with me.

    Part way along my route, when there wasn't another person visible in any direction, a van pulled up and a jobsworth character from the harbour authority told me that while it was acceptable for me to walk there I couldn't take any photographs because that would stop me from walking. So I photographed him to prove that I could still take a photograph if I wanted to do it. Then I wandered off continuing my walk while he was still shouting that I couldn't take photographs.

    Anyway, this was the start of my walk. Welcome to Salcombe.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/160 F11 Iso 400. No thinking time with this shot; I just had to go with whatever the previous settings were and the shutter speed is a bit too slow. Edited to brighten up the scene a little.

    And then, Mr Jobsworth said, the answer is no. What was the question?

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/320 F11 Iso 400 merge of two exposures.

  5. #45
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Does this forum saves replies automatically ?
    If so, where are they ?

    I am mad because I had written a reply and it was gone in an accidental move of the mouse !

  6. #46
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Geoff, a fascinating set of photos and commentary.

    I had to look up the term "jobsworth". Initially thought the fellow in the photo was your villain then realized the latter was in a vehicle. Are you going to post the photo of him?! (perhaps wiser not to?)

    In post #43, it looks like prefab wood construction, with steel girders. Is the use of brick, etc., less frequent than it used to be?

  7. #47

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Does this forum saves replies automatically ?
    creo que no, Antonio (pardon the spanish).

    If so, where are they ?

    I am mad because I had written a reply and it was gone in an accidental move of the mouse !
    If you move accidentally from the editing page, your reply is lost. I do it a lot ... while editing, I think of something I want to copy from another page (not another post on the editing page) ... big mistake ...

  8. #48
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Thank you Ted !
    I am sure you know that Portuguese is a language of it's own... Brazil, Mozambique, Angola are some of the countries where the language is spoken.
    Spanish is similar to Portuguese and we understand each other with a little effort !

    I use Apple and my mouse had a command which was responsible for the mistake.
    Some forums save our drafts !

  9. #49

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    That is the person in question, Bruce, in the bottom left corner. He got out of his van to tell me that I couldn't take that photo.

    Prefabricated housing seems to be getting more popular and is 'greener' they say. But for me, you can't beat the durability of brick/block construction. One of the problems with the previous house on that site is that it was riddled with woodworm. Well they are certainly going to have a feast when they return! But I suppose when you reach a certain age you aren't really concerned about 100+ years of building life and prefabricated is cheaper.

    Losing text is a nasty problem which many of us encounter at some time, Antonio. What I do when I have written a fair bit of text is simply to select and copy it to the clipboard to cover me against all those times when I also lose everything because of a simple slip up.

    There is some form of auto save here because I have managed to use this Auto Restore option when returning after an error. A little sub box pops up somewhere in the text composing box when that feature is possible.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 10th May 2020 at 07:15 PM.

  10. #50

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    One more image from my quick walk around. Boatyard workers keeping a safe distance while they have a short break from working.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/500 F11 Iso 400

  11. #51
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That is the person in question, Bruce, in the bottom left corner. He got out of his van to tell me that I couldn't take that photo. Prefabricated housing seems to be getting more popular and is 'greener' they say. But for me, you can't beat the durability of brick/block construction. One of the problems with the previous house on that site is that it was riddled with woodworm. Well they are certainly going to have a feast when they return! But I suppose when you reach a certain age you aren't really concerned about 100+ years of building life and prefabricated is cheaper.
    Losing text is a nasty problem which many of us encounter at some time, Antonio. What I do when I have written a fair bit of text is simply to select and copy it to the clipboard to cover me against all those times when I also lose everything because of a simple slip up. There is some form of auto save here because I have managed to use this Auto Restore option when returning after an error. A little sub box pops up somewhere in the text composing box when that feature is possible.
    I found your observation of the houses being made in wood or brick, quite curious. And you are right Geoff ! In Portugal houses made of iron and wood are rare while in brick, concrete and so on are common. Just a curiosity.

    I will try to "find" that Auto Restore somewhere in the future.

    Yeh ! It come up suddenly ! Why ? I don't know...

    Cheers !

  12. #52
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Sunny day, Geoff !

  13. #53

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    And after a sunny day, Antonio, a red sunset.

    Week 22 - Looking towards the next village from my house. Originally, I started shooting some wider scenes with my 24-70 lens then decided to try a few which concentrated more on the distant skyline and that bit of zigzag cloud. And after looking at the results on my computer I prefer the tighter scene.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Canon 70-200 lens 1/60 F8 Iso 400

  14. #54
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Geoff, subject to one possible comment, I think this scene works well. The silhouette of the church spire creates a good point of interest; the sunset colours are good.

    The zigzag clouds are interesting -- as long as they're not perceived as smoke from a fire! Although the forest fire season has not got underway yet in British Columbia, it won't be long. So I may be more likely to think smoke than others who see the photo.

  15. #55
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Geoff, subject to one possible comment, I think this scene works well. The silhouette of the church spire creates a good point of interest; the sunset colours are good.
    The zigzag clouds are interesting -- as long as they're not perceived as smoke from a fire! Although the forest fire season has not got underway yet in British Columbia, it won't be long. So I may be more likely to think smoke than others who see the photo.
    Like Bruce, I think this scene works well, the spire of the church creating a good point of interest in the silhouette of the city occupying the lower portion of the frame. It is a good shotb even I do not appreciate sunsets, but that is not important.

    The photo doesn't remind me of any smoke or fire because here we are - at least where I live - not traumatized by fires, which is something happening from time to time.

    These last days the weather has been dull with rainy. Rain in May ! Not very usual but with climate changes it looks like the seasons kind of moved forward. Summer will come but later than usual as it happens in the last 4 or 5 years...

    Thank you for posting Geoff ! Keep your walks and registering around you ! I hope to do the same next week when Sun will shine, I hope !

    Cheers !

  16. #56

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Thanks for the comments.

    We have had dry and sunny weather for a while now but that has come with a strong cool easterly wind although the wind moderates during the late afternoon and returns early the following day. Cool overnight but no actual frost. We could do with a little light rain now for the gardens and fields.

  17. #57

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Week 23 - Claire Louise at the Fish Quay. Rather dull light so I have tried to boost the colours a little but any more looks unnatural. This may already be a step too far. Complicated scenes but that is how it was and I wanted a true record of what was happening.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/500 F11 Iso 400 merge of two exposures.

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    1/400 F11 Iso 400

  18. #58
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    No, they are not a step too far to me.
    The light looks natural even though a tab too cold but they are all well framed.
    Myself, I have been lazy these days while you take some nice shots !
    Cheers !

  19. #59
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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    I agree with Antonio; the colours are not too much. I did initially wonder about the yellow crop (canola? rapeseed? ordinary mustard?) on the hillside but I have somewhat distant memories of seeing similar scenes with bright colour.

    I was intrigued by whatever repair work was being done on the boat by what appears to be a travelling workshop.

  20. #60

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    Re: 2020 Project 52 by Geoff F - 2nd Quarter

    Thanks for the comments. I did push the colour temperature a little to the yellow side while carefully watching that crop of rapeseed in the distance. That seems to be gettinga more common crop now, although there can be problems with harvesting those small seeds.

    Back in the 'good old days' when I was fishing for a living there were engineers based on or near the quay but they appear to have closed down or just specialise on the holiday home owners with their pleasure craft now. That van probably comes from Brixham where there are still some fishing boat engineers.

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