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Thread: Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    In the interest of keeping safe, we are reducing the number of rescue dogs we accept. However little Diva's owner has developed terminal cancer (yes people are still dying from causes other than COVID-19).

    We did all the paperwork online and when Judy drove to pick up the dog, she had a kennel in the back of her SUV. She then called the lady surrendering the dog who came out and put Diva in the kennel. Judy then closed the back hatch remotely - no person to person contact at all. Arriving home, Judy immediately gave Diva a bath while I disinfected the kennel with an anti viral spray...

    Diva is a young female Shih Tsu + Maltese mix and she is a real cutie...
    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down
    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down
    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    I think that these images might make a cute triptych.

    Here she is full body:
    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    Its nice to get back in the swing of dog photography again

  2. #2
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    Richard, you and your wife are good folks. That had to be difficult for the woman to say goodbye to Diva but comforting to know she will be well cared for.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    One of my greatest fear has always been not being able to care for our dogs. We would have people able to give them shelter and care for them but, it would rip my heart out to part with them...

    We already have a family for Diva. This is a couple who has been in contact with our Los Angeles branch of our rescue group who has been pre-approved for adoption and who are excited over the opportunity to adopt Diva.

    As soon as we have Diva spayed (Monday) and she recovers from the surgery (usually just takes a few days for a young healthy female to recover), we will transfer her to our L.A. people who will do the interaction for the actual adoption.

    In the interim, Diva seems very happy in our house playing with a couple of younger dogs.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 16th April 2020 at 05:32 PM.

  4. #4
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

    This story made me very sad. I cannot imagine what she felt like surrendering her beloved dog.
    I'm right there with you Richard. I wonder, who in the world would be able to take on our gang if something happened?
    It's something I guess I should be thinking about and planning for.

    The work you do is amazing. Thank you for caring.

  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    This is just a rough idea of a triptych that I did by simply using the snip-it tool on my home page... I would of course,doa better job if I wanted to actually produce an image. What do you think?

    Our first rescue during the COVID-19 Stand-down

  6. #6
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Triptych

    Richard, I'm trying to visualize one arrangement I'm sure you considered: reversing the two outer photos. Would it pull the three photos closer togther or, in fact, distance them?

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Triptych

    Thanks Bruce! That's what I wanted, some feedback. I really don't know but I will try both ways...

    Diva is a very active young lady - actually she is pretty rambunctious... We have our pool fenced in to protect the dogs. However, today Judy opened the gate and Diva ran right through her legs, jumped into the pool and began swimming around

    Judy used the leaf net to scoop her out of the pool One advantage of having a small dog

  8. #8
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Triptych

    Sharon, you make a good point. We have arrangements for Lois to go back to the breeder if anything were to happen to us as she has a list of people looking for adult Bouviers. Our daughter and her husband would take Nikki. They have a small ranch outside of Bozeman and Nikki knows it very well. She loves to flush birds and mix it up with my daughter's dogs.

    Richard, does Diva maintain any contact with her former owner?

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