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Thread: Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

  1. #1
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

    The Sony RX 10 IV seems like a decent all around camera with an equivalent 24-600mm lens. I wonder if this would be a good option for the occasional times that I need a long lens or should I simply crop the files from the a7R IV.

    The RX 10 IV has a 1" sensor with approximately 20 megapixels (5472 x 3648 pixels).
    The a7R IV has a FF sensor with approximately 61megapixels (9504x6336 pixels).
    With a 240mm lens on the a7R IV what would be the equivalent focal length if I cropped the output to 20 megapixels?


  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

    First of all the 1" sensor is nowhere near that size. The inch denomination sensors use the sizing of the old tube-based sensor used in television cameras that were in use decades ago. The actual dimensions of the Sony 1" sensor is 13.2 x 8.8mm, i.e a crop factor of approximately 2.7, which is going to be fine if all you are going to do is view it on screen, but don't bother even considering making large prints from it.

    The second question is going to be the type of photography you are thinking of doing. Super long lenses tend to be used in sports or wildlife photography and if you look at the people that do serious work those genres, they tend to have the most expensive bodies and lenses on the market because that's what they need to get good images. Holding a small, light weight body still at long focal lengths is nearly impossible, in my experience.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

    Quote Originally Posted by Pixl8tor View Post
    The Sony RX 10 IV seems like a decent all around camera with an equivalent 24-600mm lens. I wonder if this would be a good option for the occasional times that I need a long lens or should I simply crop the files from the a7R IV.

    The RX 10 IV has a 1" sensor with approximately 20 megapixels (5472 x 3648 pixels).
    The a7R IV has a FF sensor with approximately 61megapixels (9504x6336 pixels).
    With a 240mm lens on the a7R IV what would be the equivalent focal length if I cropped the output to 20 megapixels?

    Hi Bill

    If you crop the image from your full frame camera from 9504x6336 to 5472x3648, then the crop factor is simply the ratio of pixel dimensions ie either 9504/5472 or 6336/3648 which is about 1.74. With your 240mm lens, the field of view will be equivalent to that of a 417mm lens.


  4. #4

    Re: Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

    Surely, the BIG question is what do you intend to do with the output?

    If you are going to produce large, quality prints then a larger sensor is obviously going to render better results as long as you have decent telephoto attached. If, however, your intent is to show the images on line or even on AV devices, such as a TV screen - where the image is likely to be downsized by the web pages or display devices then the 1" sensor with the long telephoto lens may have advantages for you.

  5. #5
    Pixl8tor's Avatar
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    Re: Sony RX 10 IV vs.Sony a7R IV cropped

    Thanks Dave,
    So to get a 600mm field of view I divide 600 by 240 = 2.5 then I would have to crop the FF photo to (9504/2.5)x(6336/2.5) = 3802x2535.
    I will take some shots and crop to this size and see how they look.

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