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Thread: Making Multiple Exposures on Sony A6400

  1. #1

    Making Multiple Exposures on Sony A6400

    I want to install the Multiple Exposures app from Sony PlayMemories for the A6400. However, on the website, the list for suitable camera that can support the app does not include the A6400.

    I would like to know the way around this connundrum. I want to know the procedure to do in-camera. Not on Photoshop or on the computer.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Making Multiple Exposures on Sony A6400

    When I look at the Sony site, the last time that app was updated / maintained was in 2016, so some four years ago. That suggests that they are letting people buy it if they have the appropriate camera, but are not rolling it out to newer models (I believe your A6400 was introduced in 2019).

    My suspicion is that you are stuck and unless you go out and buy an older compatible camera model. The other choice is buying the app and seeing if it loads and works, but there are risks in doing that unless Sony has written the software in a way that prevents it from installing on devices that are not compatible.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Making Multiple Exposures on Sony A6400

    Yes I believe Sony scrapped support for PlayMemories Apps in it’s latest range of cameras (from about 2018 on). I don’t think there is any way you can do it in camera with the a6400. I’ve never used these apps in my Sony cameras but some people like them and many don’t!


  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Making Multiple Exposures on Sony A6400

    Like Dave above, I have never used play memories and have read that may persons are regretting the demise of that program while others disliked the program since the user was required to purchase.

    A place to go for some of the latest information on Sony equipment is

    Another valuable ony oriented site is
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 2nd May 2020 at 08:07 PM.

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