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...the ratios between the color channels in the final version I posted above were almost identical to those in the original import! What changed was primarily the absolute values of the colors. ... So, the appearance of a major color shift in the mustard-colored buildings is a bit misleading. There wasn't much change in hue. The change in appearance was almost entirely two things: brightening, and the increase in saturation that arises when one increases contrast either in Lightroom or in Photoshop with a normal blend mode.
There is one possible exception: my use of Nik's tonal contrast. Nik is very opaque about what their filters do.
This has says nothing about which is better, of course. I'm of two minds about the appearance of the yellow areas. My taste differs from yours with respect to the tiles: I think that's a positive aspect, and I actually did quite a bit of local adjustment to bring out the colors and textures of the tiles more.
I think I may try to find the time to do yet one more edit of this. It's proving to be a very educational exercise, so thanks again for your comments.