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Thread: Are new Sigma Lenses sold with latest firmware?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Are new Sigma Lenses sold with latest firmware?

    Hi, Just wondered anyone no Are new Sigma Lenses sold with latest firmware or do you still need to buy the dock to do it yourself? Talking brand new lenses. Thankyou, Russ

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Are new Sigma Lenses sold with latest firmware?

    Short answer - it depends.

    Most likely, the firmware will be the most recently released firmware AT THE TIME OF MANUFACTURE. If additional firmware has been released in the interim, then the answer will be no.

    Don't forget that the inventory can sit around in the supply chain for quite some time after the equipment was built. A more popular lens may go between manufacturing and shipping quite quickly. Slower moving stock (nicely said, the higher end, more expensive stuff) can sit on the shelf for months if not years.

    What I can guarantee is that no one will open a box and update the firmware before it is sold.

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