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Thread: Seattle Back in Time

  1. #1
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Silverdale, WA; USA
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    Lon Howard

    Seattle Not That Far Back in Time

    No great opps right now to get out for new stuff, so I'll settle for reworking old stuff. Here are three 10 year old images from downtown Seattle. I have no idea if I posted them way back then but it was fun updating them.

    Seattle Back in Time

    Seattle Back in Time

    Seattle Back in Time
    Last edited by Lon Howard; 26th May 2020 at 01:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Seattle Not That Far Back in Time

    Excellent images, especially the first one!!!

  3. #3

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    Re: Seattle Not That Far Back in Time

    I like all three of them very much. The third image holds my interest the most. The words over the subjects head is the start of a story. "Where it all began." I would play around with cropping out some of the wall on the right to focus on the windows. On the second image I would look at cropping out the third partial skylight. Tends to pull your eyes in that direction.

  4. #4
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Seattle Not That Far Back in Time

    Thank you both for your thoughts! On the 2nd one, I do like cropping out the partial skylight. On the 3rd, I must admit that I did a lot of cropping and uncropping and recropping. One was exactly as Daniel said about getting rid of the wall on the right, and eventually settled on keeping it. I'm not real good at reading my own mind, I think. On the one hand you get that there's a city street sidewalk on this side of the windows but my brain wanted some visible demonstration of that, even without the sidewalk being visible. With just the windows, it somehow seemed incomplete. The plaque on the wall is distracting to me so I'll see if I can zap it without making the wall look odd. Thanks again!

  5. #5

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    Re: Seattle Not That Far Back in Time

    "On the 3rd, I must admit that I did a lot of cropping and uncropping and recropping."

    I played with cropping the 3rd photo. Not so easy. I think your crop works. Perhaps suggestions from others will be forth coming.

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