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Thread: Silhouette

  1. #1


    Is it possible to click a proper silhouette(may not be perfect) only through adjusting the settings of camera.
    The images below are the ones of my friend I clicked yesterday evening. All of them are clicked and not yet edited.
    What should be the settings of camera for sunset photography?
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  2. #2
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Silhouette

    Quote Originally Posted by preetham View Post
    Is it possible to click a proper silhouette(may not be perfect) only through adjusting the settings of camera.

    The images below are the ones of my friend I clicked yesterday evening. All of them are clicked and not yet edited.
    What should be the settings of camera for sunset photography?
    Yes it's possible to take a silhouette with your subject back-lit by the sun.

    The settings will depend on two things, the brightness of the sun, and how well your subject is lit. For the image you have posted you would just have needed to reduce the exposure which will have also reduced the clipping of the sun.

    Here's an example with exposure details of an unedited image shooting into the sun where the subjects are almost in total silhouette (1,1,1). As you can see the sun area is still blown and a reduction of exposure by about 1 stop would have rendered the figures full black 0,0,0 with less clipping around the sun.


    One other thing to be aware of is that results will differ with the camera used, this was shot with a D300, a newer model is going to most likely have a higher Dynamic Range.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 20th June 2020 at 10:35 AM. Reason: Example added

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Silhouette

    +1 to Grahame's comments.

    You effectively have one now. Do some local darkening and lightening and it will be even more pronounced.


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