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Thread: architecture

  1. #1


    I just tried symmetry. Any improvements for that pic?
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  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Ottawa, Canada
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: architecture

    Let me give you three possible solutions here. Just as in the other image that you posted today, the sky is the problem.

    Something photographers need to understand is that the human visual system is built to notice bright areas or ares of high contrast. If these do not lead to your subject, then there is often a problem with the image.

    Solution 1 - This is my preferred solution; crop the image so that the intricate stone carvings become the centre of interest.


    Solution 2 - darken the sky so that it does not take away from the image. A very dark gray sky , on the other hand does not look very real.


    3. Solution 3 - if you are looking for something truly unreal, do a sky substitution, which has a similar impact as darkening the sky, without being quite as obvious.


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