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Thread: Landscape photography- critique please

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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    Srijan Roy Choudhury

    Landscape photography- critique please

    Hello friends and fellow photographers

    I have posted a few of my recent photos and received excellent feedback.

    here I am posting a few of my landscape photos.

    All photos are taken with Nikon D7200 with 18-55mm VR lens, manual exposure and handheld. Please note, this is the first time that I visited a snow-covered place. Winters in the Himalayas is not exactly tourist-friendly in terms of accessibility.

    These photos were taken at a small hamlet named Zuluk, Sikkim, India and this place falls on the historical Old Silk Route, the land route connecting China and Europe.

    Thanks again.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Some lovely image from a part of the world I've been to on four different occasions, but Sikkim is one place I have not managed to get to yet. I love the way you have captured the roads snaking through those areas on the mountains. Those are definitely scary rides when there is snow on them!

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Srijan nice shots for that part of the world, like image 1164 the best to my eyes. To my thinking it is the road snaking that is the main point of interest, so make my eyes go to it. Use light as the eyes go to light, I might darken the lower left hand corner up to the road, also the sky to force my eyes to the road. Now you have a dark area of sky in the upper right do not darken area as I think is is dark enough and last brighten up that strip that the road run is on to take my eyes there. I myself like drama in the sky.

    Cheers: Allan

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Snow is surprisingly difficult to photograph well and you have produced some good images here. The only slight problem which I can see is with #4 where the cloud is slightly over exposed in the top left corner.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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    Srijan Roy Choudhury

    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Thank you very much Manfred, Alan and Geoff for your feedback.

    @Manfred, Sikkim is a bordering state with China and Bhutan, so I believe you as a foreigner here would need special permission to visit Sikkim. Even we need to special permission to visit these zones from the District Magistrate's office/representative, which thankfully is managed by the homestay owner. Though that may not be so easy for those who do not hold Indian passport. This road is famously (and aptly) known as "zigzag road" and previous night it snowed heavily. Our was the first tourist vehicle of the day to venture on this road that morning. Sikkim is one of the most beautiful Himalayan states of India. There are few more, which I shall post here for your feedback.

    @Allan, you would be surprised to find how fast the weather changes in Eastern Himalayas. I tried my best to capture the drama in the sky.

    @Geoff, for the case you pointed, I believe the DR of camera failed. I tried to recover as much detail as possible, but it remained heavily overexposed.

    Finally, I hope that post-processing is all right?

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Quote Originally Posted by CIC View Post
    @Manfred, Sikkim is a bordering state with China and Bhutan, so I believe you as a foreigner here would need special permission to visit Sikkim. Even we need to special permission to visit these zones from the District Magistrate's office/representative, which thankfully is managed by the homestay owner. Though that may not be so easy for those who do not hold Indian passport. This road is famously (and aptly) known as "zigzag road" and previous night it snowed heavily. Our was the first tourist vehicle of the day to venture on this road that morning. Sikkim is one of the most beautiful Himalayan states of India. There are few more, which I shall post here for your feedback.

    I know all about the issues of traveling to those areas in India and other countries in the region. I spent about 7 months there between late 2014 and early 2017:

    Tibet (China) - Visa to enter China, special police permit to visit Tibet and another special police permit to enter the Mt Everest area.

    India - Visa to enter India. Special permit (also required by Indians) to visit Arunachal Pradesh. Special permit required in Ladakh to visit Pangong Lake as a foreigner.

    Bhutan - had to finalize itinerary and pay for flights before visa was issued. Minimum per diem cost at the time was $USD250 per person per day. As I recall, Indian citizens were the only ones who did not need a visa for Bhutan.

    Nepal - Visa required to enter the country. Special permit required to enter Anapurna Area plus a trekking permit.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I know all about the issues of traveling to those areas in India and other countries in the region. I spent about 7 months there between late 2014 and early 2017:

    Tibet (China) - Visa to enter China, special police permit to visit Tibet and another special police permit to enter the Mt Everest area.

    India - Visa to enter India. Special permit (also required by Indians) to visit Arunachal Pradesh. Special permit required in Ladakh to visit Pangong Lake as a foreigner.

    Bhutan - had to finalize itinerary and pay for flights before visa was issued. Minimum per diem cost at the time was $USD250 per person per day. As I recall, Indian citizens were the only ones who did not need a visa for Bhutan.

    Nepal - Visa required to enter the country. Special permit required to enter Anapurna Area plus a trekking permit.
    Absolutely right! Though Bhutan has tightened the entry requirements even for Indians and imposed steeper permit fees with a minimum stipulated amount which is required to be spent per head for every day of stay in Bhutan. I have been to Bhutan 7 years back, it is a beautiful country, and as you know, with the highest forest cover in the world.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Lovely images but when I open the images by clicking on them, they are not sharp. Definitely not the fault of the photography but, I think the fault is in the method of posting because the logo is not sharp...

  9. #9
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    That's a great set of images!!! how clouds connects sky and Earth is really awesome to watch....

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Srijan Roy Choudhury

    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Thanks so much for your replies.

    @Richard, I have double checked the images fullscreen, but could not find any issue with sharpness. Would you mind heading to my 500px profile where I have uploaded the full resolution image?

  11. #11
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    It's hard to tell even on 500px because the image size is small, but I don't see a lack of sharpness when I view them there.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Quote Originally Posted by CIC View Post
    Thanks so much for your replies.

    @Richard, I have double checked the images fullscreen, but could not find any issue with sharpness. Would you mind heading to my 500px profile where I have uploaded the full resolution image?
    It must be a problem on my side because the 500px images appear sharp on my monitor...

  13. #13
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Quote Originally Posted by CIC View Post
    Thanks so much for your replies.

    @Richard, I have double checked the images fullscreen, but could not find any issue with sharpness. Would you mind heading to my 500px profile where I have uploaded the full resolution image?
    A really good set of photos that I enjoyed looking at via your webpage.

  14. #14

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    Srijan Roy Choudhury

    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Thank you so much @Dan , @Richard and @Bruce.

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    I just went through the images you have on 500px. Some of your images brought back some pleasant memories of my trips to South Asia (India, Bhutan and Nepal). We spent a total of around 2-1/2 months in the north. We also spent around 3-1/2 months in the Southern India (based out of Bangalore) and did some exploring there too, over the past 5 years.

    I would like to get back, but until COVID-19 settles down, that's not going to happen...

  16. #16
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    Gorgeous landscapes beautifully captured. The winding road leads the eye through the picture, but not a the way we are used to !

  17. #17

    Join Date
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    Srijan Roy Choudhury

    Re: Landscape photography- critique please

    My most sincere apologies for this delayed response. Certain unfortunate turn of events has been keeping me too busy even to turn my PC on.

    I thank you all from the deepest point of my heart for taking time to stop by and sharing your insights about my work.

    @Richard, one day, we will be back on the roads again immortalizing time with our cameras, again.

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