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13th December 2010, 12:56 AM
The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
Canon 40D, 100mm@ 1/15 sec, f/7.1, ISO 100
I've chased spiders all over the garden but have never gotten a pic that was even close to acceptable. Today my husband said, hey, you'd better get outside, there's a big spider right on the porch . . .
The first set I took didn't come out because I was using evaluative metering (Donald and Jiro will have a laugh at this) so the camera was exposing for the sky and the spider was very dark. So I thought aha, this is where I need spot metering, and I ran outside again and got some better pictures.
Not perfect, but the best I've done to date:

Suggestions for improvement are welcome --
13th December 2010, 01:11 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
Suggestions for improvement are welcome -- Kill it.
No just joking. Good shot and good use of spot metering.
13th December 2010, 01:19 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
Thanks, Peter -- you know, without a camera in my hand, I would never get that close to such a big spider . . . but anything for "my art."
13th December 2010, 02:00 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
One very important thing to pay attention to is....................... White Ballance
I corrected it for you so you can see the difference. I think this is closer to what it should look like.

If you look at the histogram, the white ballance will be neutral when the right side of each the red, blue and green channels are even.
13th December 2010, 02:34 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
Thanks, Steve -- I get over-excited about these things and forget to look at something as a result --
13th December 2010, 02:56 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
Easily done elise, that's why WB is the very first thing i correct in post. It is too hard to correct the WB when you have already made several edits that can change the colors.
13th December 2010, 05:32 AM
Re: The best spider I've gotten so far . . .
I agree Steve. I always shoot with auto WB but I find that my Nikon shoots a bit on the cool side so, yes, it is the first adjutment. As you say it is too hard to change afterwoods.
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